Did we Ever get a Rock VS HBK match?


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I can't think of a time when The Rock ever had a match with HBK. Did it ever even happen?

Seems a shame if it didn't. My only memory of them being involved in matches together was when HBK was a special guest ref in the Iron Man match with Rock vs HHH. I think he was also a ref in one of their matches before that too.

As Rocky rose to super stardom though, HBK went away for 4 years. And one HBK came back Rocky was gone.

Can any one correct me on this?
The Rock versus Shawn Michaels never happened.

There are several rumored reasons why. The Rock didn't want to work with Shawn due to backstage heat, Shawn didn't want to work with The Rock due to backstage heat, neither wanted to work with the other, or you could take the rational perspective whereby as you pinpointed, as The Rock became a profitable name Shawn was gone, once Shawn returned in 2002 The Rock was taking another hiatus to shoot and was on a part-time schedule. Only reason he returned in 2003 was for the rematch with Hogan, to send Austin off, work WrestleMania and put Goldberg over.

Could have been a great match, probably won't happen now considering Shawn seems to be sticking true to his vow not to wrestle again, although he sometimes responds to whether he will or not with, "never say never," but even if he were to, no point in him facing The Rock considering they're on two entirely different levels.

Also, you could have easily Googled whether they'd face one another or not and found several answers as to why they haven't, instead of making this thread.
I think this thread is catalyst to open the debate on who's better. Obviously the Rock is an overrated nightmare, but people love him. However their mechanics dont really mesh that well.
How is The Rock overrated?

In regards to the thread they didn't wrestle because of timing. Shawn was a main eventer when The Rock first started, by the time The Rock started his rise him and Shawn were both heel or Shawn was gone. Shawn's first match back was on the same event The Rock lost the title to Lesnar, The Rock was used sporadically after that and HBK was in feuds with HHH and Jericho during that time. There was no reason for them to wrestle at the time as it made more sense for The Rock to face guys like Austin, Hogan and Goldberg.

Technically they could have wrestled but there was really no reason for them to wrestle outside of saying they had a match together.
Not sure if they ever did have heat really but then again they might've and just made up years later. Judge for yourself.


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