Did the Wrong Title Change Hands?


Pie Eater AND Jabroni Beater
Well, after a solid but unspectacular pay per view, one thought keeps coming to my head:

Did the Wrong Title Change Hands?

I figured we'd see one title change tonight and I was really really REALLY hoping that Cena would pull the strap from Orton for one major reason: So that the inevitable continuation of HHH-Orton would finally leave the title picture open for some badly needed new blood.

Instead, they removed the belt from a solid heel champion that was just starting to draw MAJOR heat in CM Punk. If Punk had held onto his title, it would have validated the questionable nature of the acquisition AND it would put Punk over as a legitimate top of the line guy. How is he going to justify his 'better than you' act now?

Now, we're stuck with more Orton-HHH crap for the belt for Summerslam. Again. Meanwhile, as much as I love Jeff Hardy, his mic skills suck and he's much better chasing the title than holding it. Punk is also devalued because he couldn't legit retain his title. Great.

I really would much rather seen Cena get the belt and run into a challenge from the Miz for the belt or a returning HBK than see more of the same. I'd much rather had Punk smirking during the Smackdown! opening segment about how great he is and then have John Morrison come out and mention that he beat him TWICE during his reign and challenge him.

More bad booking. Great. Can we at least turn Cena heel soon?
I am seriously angry at the outcome and that doesn't happen alot, I usually enjoy it for what it is but that ending makes no fucking sense at all.

Let's give the unloyal piece of shit who's bailed on the company when told to goto rehab the belt to make him stay as opposed to the man who worked his ass off and *although in a heelish manner* spouts anti drug sentiments.

"hey kids grow up, do drugs, never mature and you can get your way" great message wwe.

I suppose I wouldn't be as pissed if...

1) Punk didn't get a shit reign without any serious legit credible defenses last year.

2) Punk wasn't evolving into one of the more entertaining reasons to watch WWE as opposed to Jeffs odd emphasis on random words making it sound as if even he's confused as to what it is he's saying.

Honestly if Punk doesnt regain it at SS I'm not watching WWE anymore, and this isn't one o those "oh if cena retains im done!" idle threats, I've stopped watching Raw and ECW and only watched SD because of Punk. I like Swagger and Jericho sure, but not enough to make sure I'm in front of my tv when they're on. Keep disrespecting punk for the fucking twat who only stayed due to edge leaving and a contract offer was made with more money a title clause i'm sure.
Well all I can think right now is that Hardy must have resigned or else they wouldnt have put the title on him. If he didnt than that means we are doomed to see yet another VERY short title reign which jus takes away from any prestige that the title should actually hold
I agree 100%, on all accounts (except maybe the the Cena heel turn; it still seems too soon). I hate how this Triple H-Orton feud has been holding the WWE title hostage; it seriously needs to end already. I honestly don't think anyone, not even the little kids, want to see this anymore, yet it seems as though it still hasn't ended. End it already!

This match made Punk look weak. If he can't even beat Jeff clean, then he doesn't seem like a credible champion. They could have had him win cheaply, or at least get himself disqualified. This would have been better, as Punk would still seem like a strong champ, and garner more heat in his heel persona.

So yeah, the wrong title did change hands.
i agree partially. I love jeff, but Punk was just starting to win me over with his new heel persona. I was actually enjoying watching him. Jeff's next title run should have been pushed back, especially if he is staying.

And with the WWE title, ive stopped caring, of all the outcomes and next fueds, i like the miz/cena the most. the only way i would enjoy another cena/hbk fued is if cena does go heel, and he has to be a BAD heel, like when he was doing his ridiculous rapper gimmick (but ill stop watching raw if he actually does it again!)

but thats my opinion lol
I hope they gave Hardy the title to swerve the IWC. He doesn't deserve it, and god willing, he didn't resign his contract.

I completely agree. This makes Punk look like a sham champion, AGAIN, and sends the wrong message. My only hope is that the "hardy Party" includes pot, coke, smack, PCP, acid, and crack, so that Hardy will fail every drug test imaginable.

Just rediculous. I'm so vehemontly upset. And maybe it's because I'm a Punk mark, or maybe it's because Smackdown is (was?) a very watchable show...until Ziggler and Punk lost.
I am seriously angry at the outcome and that doesn't happen alot, I usually enjoy it for what it is but that ending makes no fucking sense at all.

Let's give the unloyal piece of shit who's bailed on the company when told to goto rehab the belt to make him stay as opposed to the man who worked his ass off and *although in a heelish manner* spouts anti drug sentiments.

"hey kids grow up, do drugs, never mature and you can get your way" great message wwe.

I suppose I wouldn't be as pissed if...

1) Punk didn't get a shit reign without any serious legit credible defenses last year.

2) Punk wasn't evolving into one of the more entertaining reasons to watch WWE as opposed to Jeffs odd emphasis on random words making it sound as if even he's confused as to what it is he's saying.

Honestly if Punk doesnt regain it at SS I'm not watching WWE anymore, and this isn't one o those "oh if cena retains im done!" idle threats, I've stopped watching Raw and ECW and only watched SD because of Punk. I like Swagger and Jericho sure, but not enough to make sure I'm in front of my tv when they're on. Keep disrespecting punk for the fucking twat who only stayed due to edge leaving and a contract offer was made with more money a title clause i'm sure.

Another great point I forgot to mention. How many guys have TWO world title reigns but NEITHER is managed to be considered legit because of the short reign and circumstances surrounding the title acquisition?

And Punk is an excellent heel too. Heels with the belts are always better than heels without.
Is it official that Hardy's resigned?

Hopefully, this is WWE's way of making Hardy look bad on his way out. Sure he gets the title win now, but when his contract officially expirers they spin it off like Hardy "failed a 3rd drug test, was stripped of the title and fired" Now Punk gets to spout off that he was right all along about Jeff and gets to claim he should be champ perhaps setting up a Morrison vs Punk match at SS for the vacent World Title.

Or of course its much more likely WWE f'd things up once more like usual.
We have no way of knowing if the the title change from CM Punk to Jeff Hardy was a bad idea until we see what it is they do with this situation on Smackdown. This has the possibility of either turning into a classic feud between these two or it can turn into a big pile of shit if they just quickly shift gears and start new feuds with other superstars.

If the feud continues to develop, then CM Punk will look strong if he recaptures the belt. It would be like Brock vindicating himself at UFC 100 by beating the man who handed him a loss.

Let's just wait and see.
STFU u stupid haters who hate Jeff wow Jeff has been in the company since 1993 hes failed two drug tests u keep using tat as a reason to why Jeff doesnt deserve a world title WOW Randy Orton failed 2 drug tests aswell but i dont see anyone complaining Jeff only Had 2 shitty title reigns for all his work in WWE and also the people that hate on Jeff and call him overrated are the same people who just last year said he was Underrated its like when ever a face in the current era wins a world title they get hated on it happened to Cena HHH Batista and now Jeff so next time come up with better reasons then Jeff failed a drug test cause hes no the only one
I think Jeff will lose the title on Smackdown. Vince loves to do things opposite of what the internet community expects. Knowing Jeff hasn't resigned, they surprise everyone by putting the title on Jeff. It was the same thing with Matt Hardy doing the sneak attacks once everyone found out it was Christian, and this is probably the same thing. The man cares more about not being out done than what's best for the company or the legacy of the title or the prestige of the company. Disgraceful.
STFU u stupid haters who hate Jeff wow Jeff has been in the company since 1993 hes failed two drug tests u keep using tat as a reason to why Jeff doesnt deserve a world title WOW Randy Orton failed 2 drug tests aswell but i dont see anyone complaining Jeff only Had 2 shitty title reigns for all his work in WWE and also the people that hate on Jeff and call him overrated are the same people who just last year said he was Underrated its like when ever a face in the current era wins a world title they get hated on it happened to Cena HHH Batista and now Jeff so next time come up with better reasons then Jeff failed a drug test cause hes no the only one

Wow...WTS punctuation.

Seriously, they might be building to something with this. Maybe a Punk/Hardy feud is in the works leading through Summerslam or even to Wrestlemania.
Just because Punk lost doesn't mean this is over. They can always bring out Punk using the old championship rematch clause.
Though I will admit, I'm disappointed that he dropped the title while Orton retained. Of course Christian winning the title again was pretty cool...except he probably won't be moving to Raw or Smackdown anytime soon.
yes and no. punk should have retained. this match made him look weak and made jeff look way too strong. he's the only guy who has kicked out after a GTS. jeff losing the match would not hurt him at all but cm punk losing hurt him alot. hardy is wayyyyyyyy better as a chaser for the title than he is as champ.

BUT this does prove that hardy has resigned and i hope they give him a good title run. so far i've loved there feud and its probably the best thing going on in the wwe.

i think orton should have retained as he did. but i hate how they make legacy look so weak. anyway orton is gold as champ and he is the best heel right now
I personally didn't watch the ppv..i read the results right here on wrestlezone. I do have to agree that I did NOT want to see Punk lose the title to Jeff. Not that I don't like Jeff. Not that I don't think that he deserves it. I just think that Punk deserved to have a good title run after the shit reign that they gave him last year. I was also hoping to see Punk go over Hardy and then maybe go on to feud with Morrison. Then again, we never know...this could be turned into something great if they did it right. Maybe Jeff has agreed to stay for a few more months since Edge is out with injury. Agreeing to stay until, oh I don't know, the "Hell In A Cell" ppv coming up. This could give hardy a legit 3-4 month reign as champion. He DOES deserve a decent run I think. Then at "HIAC" we could have an Armageddon Hell In A Cell match for the title. Jeff entering as champion defending against Punk, Jericho, Morrison, Taker, and maybe Matt Hardy. It could be a very competitive matchup with Punk coming out on top in the end. Then Hardy could leave never having been pinned to lose his title, and Punk gets credibility for winning such a difficult match cleanly. This would be a good thing for both Hardy and Punk. Of course, there is a lot more to it than that but I think you get the picture.
yeah it was stupid that they took the belt off punk when he turned fully heel at noc but im happy jeff won the belt and i reckon its a no brainer that hes staying in wwe he resigned and cena turning heel ummm they sholdnt do it until they end the llllllllllloooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg hhh and orton fued after that they should and i think they will turn him heel
Lol wow you fucking people complain WAY too much. It wasnt too long ago everyone was saying how crappy an idea it was when Punk cashed in the MITB and won it off Hardy. How bad of an idea it was, Punk's not champion material, blah blah. Now Jeff win's it cleanly and theres more bitching. Get over it, wait till next smackdown to see what happens, and quit your godamn PMS'ing!
Why does everyone think jeff doesnt deserve to be champion. He's made a couple mistakes in the past, hell he even went to TNA. But i can think of another guy who has done the same thing and if he came back and beat Punk you all wouldnt be complaning. Jeff has worked very hard and earned his titles, not like triple h who sleeps with the bosses daughter to get what he wants, and not like rey rey who mooched off of eddie's death. So leave him alone he deseves to have atleast one decent title reign and so doesnt punk but Punk still has a long way a head of him to do so
I think it would of been smarter to keep the title on CM Punk until Summerslam, than have him lose it at a BS PPV. It sucks for Hardy because if the story goes like we all think, He'll hold the title for the next month, until Summerslam, and then drop it back to CM Punk in a rematch. This also lines Hardy up for three of the shittiest title reigns possible, its first run was a month, his second was 10-15 minutes? and his thrid would again be a month.

CM Punk should of logically wont this match, even if Hardy is on his way out and giving him a title run is icing on the cake to keep him. It would of helped add more fuel to the CM Punk heel turn fire.

As far as Orton dropping the belt, no chance in hell. Triple H does not, I repeat does not need another title run, hopefully his 10th shot at the title this year, will be his last because he hasnt beaten Orton since WM25, and he's lost his last 5 title matches agaisnt Orton.

Maybe we can move into a Cena vs Orton feud going into Summerslam with Triple H completely out of the picture. Maybe the Miz will come out tomorrow call Triple H out on losing another WWE Title match to Orton and HHH will pick up a feud and help put someone younger over for once. The Miz has plenty to throw at Triple H's face, and I'm sure his nose could hold the damage.

Overall I'm happy with the outcome of NOC, although I really wish Dolph and Maryse would of won.
Let this fued go on and it's gold! Let it die, and WWE is a failure. Not Jeff, not Punk, Not Orton, not....well maybe HHH is still to blame along with Batista, Kahli and other boring workers. But I still have faith in this fued. It can only get better from here. Morrison wont win the title because of Punk and then we can have Punk v Hardy v Morrison.
I think it would of been smarter to keep the title on CM Punk until Summerslam, than have him lose it at a BS PPV. It sucks for Hardy because if the story goes like we all think, He'll hold the title for the next month, until Summerslam, and then drop it back to CM Punk in a rematch.

I see what your saying but i believe jeff deserves to have atleast a title reign past SS. Dot even get me started on orton and Triple H. Triple H needs to get as far away from orton as possible, and then he needs to get even farther away. How is orton supposed to shine if he is constantly in the shadow of the ego maniac know as Triple H. I personally hope HBK comes back and superkicks the shit out of everyone and wins the WWE title but thats just me
The wrong belts did change hands tonight? In mind, two titles shouldn't have been won tonight. First of, The world heavyweight Championship, I thought Punk was going to kick out of the swanton, but that didn't happen. CM Punk is the most fresh heel in WWE today.

He is good on the mic, and comes off as the douchey straightedge kind. He can be the most loved face, or a heel hated by the children. (Come on, we know he kicks ass) Like someone said, Making jeff hardy the face, and Punk the heel is bad. I mean, Early in the show, Punk said how people will drink, smoke marijuana, and all this stuff, and they cheered for it. But then again, if he can sell t-shirts, getting kids on drugs is what you have to do, in WWE's mind.

Another match I was pissed about, was the ECW title match. I had a bad feeling that Tommy Dreamer would lose the ECW world title in the home of hardcore, and sadly, my feeling became a reality. We all know ECW has been insulted, lost prestige, and been laughed at by the company, but I believe, tonight was the official death of Original ECW. If Tommy Dreamer lost the title at the next PPV, it wouldn't be a big deal to me, even though I'm a dreamer fan. But when you have him lose in Philadelphia, that's just a big Fuck You to Tommy, and ECW.

These two matches got me pissed, even though I'm a jeff fan, I didn't think he should have won the title tonight. Looks like we have many pre-mature drug addict 8 year olds going home happy!
I was rather disappointed in this PPV. Having the Big Show as Jericho's mystery partner was underwhelming, but they could have chosen worse as his partner (Kane comes to mind). I ended up feeling like the match between Michelle and Milena was the best of the night(!), but let's get back to topic.

I don't mind that Orton retained his belt, but the fashion he did it was just plain unacceptable. Having yet ANOTHER Legacy run in at this point is just a lazy move by creative to keep the belt on Orton and still make him look like a cowardly heel that can't win by himself. This will inevitably set up a rematch at Summerslam, where Orton can finally liberate himself from the endless HHH feud and face someone else with a clean win, or he drops the belt and ends another unimpressive title reign for himself.

But the biggest travesty was, like people have said above me, the fact that Punk lost to the perennial fuck-up that is Jeff Hardy. Any heel momentum Punk had is now lost because not only did he look incredibly weak (Hardy kicking out of the G2S, trying to run away, one swanton to put him away) he had yet another mediocre title reign. His promo earlier in the night was great and really got the crowd to hate him, and could have been solidified with a win against all the little kiddies' hero. But no, let's give it to someone who's god awful on the mic and barely able to wrestle. Even Cena is better than him. Punk, who's probably the only top heel on smackdown right now, could have had a great reign leading into Undertaker's return, but no. Can't let that happen.

Jeff Hardy is nothing more than a glorified screwup. Not only does he essentially support a lifestyle filled with alcohol and illegal substances, but there is not a single thing impressive about him in the ring. Any clown could toss himself around the ring and take bumps, but that doesn't make him special one bit. His promos revolve around a teenager's angst-filled whine of, "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ME," while he fumbles around sentences. If Vinnie really wants this kind of guy as his top superstar on Smackdown, then that show has major issues.
CM Punk is amazing and will definatly have more title reigns. But this all could be good for CM Punk in the end. now hear me out. On smackdown we have jeff start the show saying that he did it for the people. Then mid promo you hear Cm Punk's music hit and he rushes the ring and attacks hardy. then Morrison comes and makes the save. after helping hardy up T long comes out and says tonite we will have a rematch for the world heavyweight title between CM punk and jeff hardy.... with Morrison as the special referee.CM punk does some heelish things and morrison doesnt want to count the pin. Punk pushes morrison and they brawl with jeff getting involved because morrison ruined the match. This leads to a triple threat for the world title at SS with Cm punk coming out on top. not only did he get his revenge on hardy, but this would also begin a program with morrison leading to a world title for him later down the road. Thats me trying to think outside the box
I agree that Punk should have kept the title unless they have something big planned. If Vince was smart he could have talked Jeff into an extension until summerslam. Undertaker is rumored to be back then and could replace Jeff as the face of Smackdown.

CM Punk could come out trashing Jeff and the fans on friday setting up his rematch clause for summerslam. Punk could challenge Jeff to a loser gets fired match at Summerslam winning back his title and cementing himself as a top heel gaining even more heat from Jeff's fans for retiring him. As CM Punk is celebrating at the top of the ramp the lights go off and when they come back on Undertaker chokeslams him on the ramp setting up a feud that could really elevate CM Punk

As far as Randy Orton I liked that he kept his title. He is still in that limbo of midcard/mainevent. Another title reign wouldn't do anything for Cena or HHH. It's just stale watching the three of them for the past year. It's time for the three of them to jump into programs to elevate the next generation (HHH vs The Miz, Orton vs MVP ,John Cena vs Jack Swagger)
I agree that the wrong titles did change hands tonight and im kinda bothered by that...I believe that this was the night to further feuds and have the smackdown heels come out on top for this one even though i am a fan of both hardy and of course mysterio being mexican-american myself. tonight we should have seen dolph ziggler maybe even pull a heel move at the end of the match after he lost by beating mysterio senseless or at least get the win so he could actually go into a good feud with any upper mid carder for the ic belt like mysterio or r truth or hell maybe finlay even, any other face up there would have worked in my opinion...now onto punk....i definetly wanted the title to stay with punk as many of you guys had agreed or suggested...and i cant stress it enough again like you other guys in the iwc said, hes jsut a fresh heel and heels with gold get more heat as oppose to fresh heels(that just get lost in the shuffle after a while) and punks retain would have just got him more heat..
and dont get me started with the raw main event....ah i kinda gave up on that brand not only cause of its current dull storylines and guys who cant come to terms with the new generation but ive been watching smackdown since its very beginning since i hardly watch raw due to me not having cable hahaha but when i do its the same ol main event and same ol isnt working for me. so in conclusion the wwe creative and vince did in fact drop the ball on this one......tell me what u think?!

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