Did the Internet kill Professional Wrestling?


[This Space for Rent]
The timeless, ageless question begs to be asked. With literally thousands, if not more, clamouring on at the head over the Internet and their vicious Professional Wrestling rumor sites harming and hurting the business.. it's time once again to answer.. Did the Internet kill Professional Wrestling?

I've seen the tired arguments of how rumors hurt storylines. How spoilers ruin the product. How nothing can remain kayfabe any longer, and all of this leads to the downfall of Professional Wrestling. But the true question is, does it really?

The Internet, in my opinion isn't harming Professional Wrestling as much as the people who buy into every single, little, detail that gets published and displayed on a computer monitor. Even I will admit to reading the silliness and stupidity on rumor sites, just like this one, but that doesn't mean it's ruining the entertainment-sport for me. It means it's filling my head with a new type of knowledge.

When I was younger, first beginning to watch Professional Wrestling I had no clue how deep it went. Now I have what I'd only foolishly consider a decent look on the inside and backbone of the Industry. When the truth is, every "I.W.C." individual out there firmly believes because they've been given the opening to read all of this new found information, that they suddenly know just as much of whats going on and how it's going on, as the people who run this Industry. I think not.

Suddenly because "kayfabe injuries" are no longer kept secret. Because huge returns, or surprises are revealed before they actually happen. Because storylines are leaked.. this makes every I.W.C-ite out there, believe they have the upper hand on what will happen, even before it's set in stone to happen. Is that the Internets fault, or the person reading and believing into it? Think on that for a moment.

While the Internet has ruined a few things, it's no one except your own fault, if it ruins the overall enjoyment for you. Because the Internet can not make you click into a link that reads "Major Breaking News: Superstar *injured, returns, etc.*"

Jump with me, back to 1999. That was the year I first truly got into the "World Wide Web". Before then, I had no acknowledgement of the Internet, or anything Wrestling-rumor related. Take for example, when Shawn Michaels wrestled the Undertaker in 1998, at the Royal Rumble, I had no idea he injured his back. So the entire thing was just one big storyline, that was interesting in the build-up to Austin/H.B.K, and it was very good because I didn't have anything or anyone, ruining the storyline the Company wanted you to see.. from the behind-the-scenes stuff, that someone, somewhere firmly believed you needed to know.

Jump even further back, to 1996 and the debut of Scott Hall, then Kevin Nash to W.C.W. It was exciting, and shocking. That was the first real big glimpse of anything "behind-the-scenes", to me. I could only imagine how much more deflating and ruining it must have been with someone constantly trying to ruin the fun in the storyline, but breaking the news on what was really going to happen.. before it ever happened.

So the question repeats itself. Has, did, the Internet.. destroy, kill, Professional Wrestling?

I say No. I say everyone who bought into the rumors, regardless of them being real or just theory.. everyone who bought into them, then followed through by whispering these theories and rumors into someone else's ear.. followed by that person carrying on, and so forth, and so on.. it wasn't the Internet that destroyed the Industry.. it was the I.W.C, the people who felt the need to ruin the mysterious parts of the Industry, for all of the rest of us.

I was perfectly happy living in 1996, in 1998, not having the slightest clue as to who was really injured. Who was making a big return, or debut. Or what the finish to a storyline would be.. two months before it ever even began.

So what do all of you believe? Internet.. or Person? Who killed the enjoyment of Professional Wrestling? Who took away the mystic of the Industry? And why do you think this way?
I always found this to be such a ridiculous question. And this isn’t directed towards you Will, but nothing gets to me more then wrestling fans saying that the internet killed wrestling. I mean, first of all.... how did the internet "kill" professional wrestling, when professional wrestling is alive and kickin’? Someone please explain to me how professional wrestling is dead? We have more shows on a weekly basis more then ever before, and people want to say this business is dead? That makes zero sense.

Why people bitch about wrestling, I'll never understand. If you're a fan of the sport, then there has to be SOMETHING out there that you find enjoyable. That's why it's great to be a fan today, more so then ever... because there's something out there for EVERYONE. WWE... for kids and people who just like what they’re all about. TNA... well, I don't like them at all, but there are plenty of people who adore it so it must be doing something right. ROH... great for fans who like the athletic aspect of the sport and looking for an old school feel, yet with still an edge to it. Shit like CZW and IWA Mid-South... great for morons who dig the ultra-violent crap. CHIKIRA.... great for people who like comedy/high flying wrestling. And there are mores way now to get your hands on Puroresu and Lucha Libre then ever before. There’s something for everyone who is a fan of the business today. EVERYONE. You just have to find it, and you can… thanks to the internet, ironically enough.

These 'alternate' companies to WWE would not be around if it wasn't for the internet. These shoot interviews and access to nearly every match that has ever taken place would not be accessible if it weren't for the internet. Thank god for the internet, because it would be much harder to find all these rare segments/matches if it weren't for it, and it would be impossible to follow companies outside of WWE and TNA (IF TNA would be around without the internet, that is). We also wouldn't be able to interact with other wrestling fans if it weren't for the internet. How many of you talk wrestling to any of your "Real Life" friends? I don't. None of my friends in my life like pro wrestling. But, thanks to the internet, I now have places like WZ to talk to people about it.

The internet has helped wrestling, if anything, as far as I'm concerned. If there are people out there who stopped being a fan, then that's their problem because they have no idea what they're missing out on by just simply turning on a computer and logging on to the internet and being accessed to more pro wrestling then one could ever imagine..
The Internet Killing wrestling is the biggest cop out bullshit excuse from any one in any business. If anything, the Internet helps keep the business going, and helps keep interest in the business alive. What's killed the business is the staleness of a monopoly, and the lackluster in ring performance of most of the guys. What's killed the business is the younger talent never having to pay their dues like the past generation, and expected to be handed things on a silver platter, I'm looking at you Carlito. No, the IWC did not kill the business, the guys in the office that got soft and got uncreative killed the business.

The rumor mill has been around for a long, long time. If it wasn't the internet, then it would be the old ECW/WCW/or WWF Hotlines in the 90's, or before that, it would have been the dawn of the PWI's and the like. Simply put, there is a market for people that want to know more about wrestling then what is presented to them in the terms of Kayfabe, and no, that does not hurt the business. If there is an interest in your business, you welcome it. The WWE has done everything in its power to try to either ignore or bury the internet fan, when they should embrace that fan. The WWE simply reminds me of the senior citizen that doesn't get that Computer thing.

Like I said, it's a cop out and people like that blame the IWC are no different then people that blame everything else but themselves for the problem. It's like Video Games getting blamed for School Shootings, Music being blamed before that for derogatory comments towards women or Satan Worship, it's like Television before that, it's like Comic Books Before that. Someone somewhere is always looking to blame something for problems that the answers lie right in front of them.
So what do all of you believe? Internet.. or Person? Who killed the enjoyment of Professional Wrestling? Who took away the mystic of the Industry? And why do you think this way?[

They killed themselves. The big 2 for example I shall elaborate on. WWE and TNA kill themselves. There is no one to blame, not the internet, not steroids, not any wrestlers either. It's the choices they choose to make that bring them down.

Having 40 year old hasbeens as champ is something no one wants to see. Im sorry if you like watching shawn micheals vs HHH for the 9 millionth time, but most people dont. People want something new, something to tell their friends about, like "did you see that guy on WWE last night, he was huge! or "did you see that guy on TNA last night, he could actually wrestle. The titles seem to be worthless, making main events, useless, making the end of the show not even worth watching.

If the big 2 knew how to capitalize on the internet, then they would have no problem. Sites like wrestlezone, and prowrestling.com, keep the industy going. We are the die hard fans, that come on here and talk about wrestling day to day. I dont know the last time i havnt checked wrestlezone every day.

WWE could easily make a counterpart site, and not tell anybody. Make a site like wrestlezone, and create rumors and spoilers of their own, confusing everyone, and taking away the fact that the sites can, and do, do that!

Internet is the wave of the future, whether they choose to capitalize or not.

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