Did The Corre ended?


Championship Contender
Last Friday we have seen The Intercontinental Championship match between Wade Barrett and Ezekiel Jackson ending in count-out in favor of Jackson...

Heath Slater and Gabriel assisted Barrett in his retain of the Intercontinental Champion, however after the match, we saw Wade calling orders of a three-on-one assault on Zeke...

They start to run into the ring, however Barrett stopped and turn his back on his fellow Corre members that got beat up by Jackson...

- So what does it mean for the Future of The Corre??
- What do you think about their members?
- Do you think that a Fatal Four Away match between all of them for the Intercontinental Championship is a good match and a good way to definitely end The Corre? If yes, who should win?
Slater and Gabriel might take this for a bit then cost Barrett the tittle at Capitol Punishment, finally turning face.
- So what does it mean for the Future of The Corre??

I'd say they're pretty much done, all that's left now is the messy fallout

- What do you think about their members?

I really like Barrett and want to see what he can do out on his own, it's just a shame that so far they've built him around always having lackeys, it hasn't really done anything to establish him as a credible threat on his own.
I can take or leave Zeke, he doesn't really interest me all that much.
I'm a huge fan of Justin Gabriel, and really hope that one day they pull the trigger on a singles push for the lad, but right now I really like his team with Slater, they're one of the few tag teams in WWE right now that actually feels like a team and I hope to see them hold those hideous Spartan belts a few more times before Slater goes through a window.

- Do you think that a Fatal Four Away match between all of them for the Intercontinental Championship is a good match and a good way to definitely end The Corre? If yes, who should win?

I'm not sure about this one, if it can be worked in such a way that Slater and Gabriel can come out of it still strong as a team it could be quite an entertaining match, but I'm never really all that fond of pitting team mates against each other like that. If such a match were to go down It'd have to be incredibly closely fought with Zeke and Barrett, but then I can't really see a good way to book it so the other two don't end up looking weak. No, I'd probably just stick with the one on one match between Wade and Jackson, and have Slater and Gabriel ruining the winner's celebration with a brutal sneak attack, taking both Zeke and Barrett out.
-" Do you think that a Fatal Four Away match between all of them for the Intercontinental Championship is a good match and a good way to definitely end The Corre? If yes, who should win?"

"I'm not sure about this one, if it can be worked in such a way that Slater and Gabriel can come out of it still strong as a team it could be quite an entertaining match, but I'm never really all that fond of pitting team mates against each other like that. If such a match were to go down It'd have to be incredibly closely fought with Zeke and Barrett, but then I can't really see a good way to book it so the other two don't end up looking weak. No, I'd probably just stick with the one on one match between Wade and Jackson, and have Slater and Gabriel ruining the winner's celebration with a brutal sneak attack, taking both Zeke and Barrett out."

A good way for this to work would be all three assuming ex corre members to gang up on Wade and have zeke win the match leaving gabriel and slater with the tag titles and no bad blood.
- So what does it mean for the Future of The Corre??
When they were in the Nexus the were new and exciting, the Corre hasn't had the impact that the original Nexus had.
- What do you think about their members?
Barrett is boring. He lost all of his steam losing to Cena week after week. Moving him to Smackdown and downgrading him to the mid card only proves this. Future WHC/WWE? Not likely.
Slater is terrible. There is nothing about him that I find appealing.
Gabriel - if he didn't have the 450 splash off of the top rope, no one would care about him, period.
Zeke is a monster of a guy, good on the mic, but horrible in the ring. Mark Henry 2.0?

- Do you think that a Fatal Four Away match between all of them for the Intercontinental Championship is a good match and a good way to definitely end The Corre? If yes, who should win?
They've been trying to push Zeke for some time now. He won the ECW title from Christian on the final episode of ECW, and he was suppose to use that momentum once he got to Smackdown as part of a push... then he got injured, and no one gave a shit but since they still want to push him he could come out on top in the fatal four way.

Honest opinion I don't see any of them being in the WWE longer than 3 more years.
The seeds for the inevitable breakup of the Corre have been planted for weeks now and it can't come soon enough imo. This group had some promise but just never accomplished much of anything and were never very relevant, so it's time to break them up and let them sink or swim on their own.

As for the members, I'll start with the guys that will do well. Barrett and Gabriel are the best mic, ring, and have the best characters in the group. Barrett will no doubt be a main eventer for years to come and a future world champ once he gets away from an angle that has dragged him down since he left Nexus. Gabriel I see as a very entertaining face that will make for a solid midcard of guys that can all put on good matches including Bryan, Rhodes, and Cara. The possibilities are there for a number of great IC title feuds that could actually make the title relevant again. Zeke just isn't all that good in the ring, but he strikes me as a Mark Henry type of guy that will never be one of the true main eventers but will fill a role for a while just because he's a big guy. Finally Slater, who I could care less about. He can go back to FCW, get future endeavored, I don't care...he's never been interesting.

And I do think that yes, the most logical end would be to have a fatal four way for the IC title. Barrett will be moving on to the main event scene, so I would like to see him drop the title to Gabriel who will hopefully get a little push in the coming weeks.
...A good way for this to work would be all three assuming ex corre members to gang up on Wade and have zeke win the match leaving gabriel and slater with the tag titles and no bad blood.

Yeah, that could indeed work. Might be a little tricky to feasibly set-up though, what with the way Zeke's been fighting with them. Still, I suppose they could always have Wendy and Justin try and make amends with him having finally realised how much of a slippery shit Barrett is.

Gabriel - if he didn't have the 450 splash off of the top rope, no one would care about him, period.
Zeke is a monster of a guy, good on the mic, but horrible in the ring. Mark Henry 2.0?

Gotta disagree on this one, Gabriel is an excellent in-ring performer, he's got a very interesting style with lots of kicks and strikes. There're always going to be fans who'll pop for that. Sure the 450 is what gets him over most, but he's a talented guy who could probably pull off some other completely different yet awesomely cool finisher.

Zeke. Yeah, no arguments there. I actually prefer Titus O'Neil.
- So what does it mean for the Future of The Corre??

Gabriel and Slater will probably turn face on Barrett and cost him the Intercontinental Championship to Ezekiel Jackson at Capitol Punishment. Hopefully, they'll all become singles competitors, especially Justin Gabriel.

- What do you think about their members?

Wade Barrett - Looks awesome with the IC Title. Have him feud with it a bit, until hes ready to chase the World Heavyweight Championship.
Ezekiel Jackson - Really like this guy. I could see him with the IC Title for a few months. He could possibly be a successful version of Bobby Lashley.
Justin Gabriel - Love him. Really wanna see this guy grow in the WWE. He is entertaining the in the ring. His accent might bring that foreign feel to him, as it did with William Regal, and currently Wade Barrett.
Heath Slater - Ive actually gotten into this guy. The only thing that bothers me is his new long tights. His old attire was great, and i loved the color transitions. Hes still the One Man Rock Band.

- Do you think that a Fatal Four Away match between all of them for the Intercontinental Championship is a good match and a good way to definitely end The Corre? If yes, who should win?[/QUOTE]

Yes and no. The Fatal-4-Way would solidify that the Corre is dead. But the IC Title might give away the winner (most likely Barrett or Zeke) They might surprise us though.

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