Did Kelly Kelly make the divas belt better?


I know Kelly Kelly is what people like to say BAD, but did she make the Divas belt interesting? She was on pay per views and out on magazines and TV shows [kind of like The Miz] now we don’t even see the divas belt [not really a bad thing] but I think you catch my drift, before Kelly won the only other people to make the belt Valuable was Lay-cool, I don’t have the exact number of diva champions since then but it was hardly on TV and pretty boring, Beth’s reign has been horrible [I know it’s not her fault but it still has]

So my question is [now that we have had the time to wait] do you think Kelly Kelly was actually a good champion and make the belt better?
She is good for P.R. and Vince loves her, no doubt about it.

She did nothing for that belt though. Every match had very little to no dynamic to it. I still can't fathom how she held the belt when I watch her run the ropes, as she blatantly stops before she's about to hit it.

Beth Phoenix is what the belt needed, but there is no priority to book her properly at the moment, nor has there been for most of the divas.

Kind of think of it, what needs to happen is there needs to be a Women's Champion. Not a Divas title.
Kelly Kelly doesn't do anything good, as far as I'm conerned. She's the worst of the worst in terms of Divas wrestling, and her endless cheap rollup victories made a weak, undeserving champion (and she was a FACE), especially after the talented, experienced Beth Phoenix.

Not giving the title to Beth in her hometown at Night of Champions (I think, might have been Summerslam) where the crowd where going crazy for her was a terrible idea. It was even supposed to happen, but they changed their mind at the last minute.
Did Kelly Kelly make the divas belt better?

Are you Nucking Futs? Have you been smoking some of that Evan Bourne?

Kelly Kelly, who by the way, is so dumb Vince had to give her the same name twice just so she would remember it, is one of the worst female wrestlers to ever hold that belt.....second to Alicia Fox....
Kelly Kelly absolutely did NOTHING for the title.

The only reason we don't see Beth as much defending the title right now, I think is because they are waiting for Kharma to be ready to come back. I think they want to get Beth on TV and dominating more when it's close to their encounter. Once this happens, I think the Women's Division will get more interesting than it is now.
Judging by the backlash Kelly was getting during her reign, I'd say no. Fans like to look at Kelly - they don't want to watch her wrestle and they don't want to listen to her shouting during matches. Find her someone to manage and keep her out of the ring!
No I don't think she added anything whatsoever to the belt. As a girl, I hate to watch any of the divas wrestle apart from a select few, just because I find it embarrassing. I don't mean to sound nasty, but the division really isn't in a good place when there are only two good wrestlers in Beth and Natalya. Also enjoying Eve lately just because of her current storyline.

I guess it isn't entirely Kelly's fault that she didn't add anything to the belt, the divas are rarely given time to get over or quality storylines. I remember liking Torrie Wilson when I was younger and she wasn't the best of women wrestlers, so I think a huge problem is with the divas like Kelly not being given enough time or good material to work with.
Unfortunately she did add to the belt, but only because the other holders have been booked poorly.

Nothing against Beth's abilities, as she CAN wrestle, but her reign has been insignificant so far. It seems like they're just waiting to put the belt on Kharma or Eve...
I think the only thing WWE could have done to make Beth's reign better was to break-up Pin up strong or whatever they call themselves and have her feud with Natalya seeing they both have the wrestling ability to put on a good match. They could have even threw Tamina in the mix until Kharma got back. I also think they need to get rid of the Divas title it makes any diva wearing it look like a joke, imagine Kharma wearing that hideous belt. The Women's title is definitely in need of a return, and maybe the talent will come back with it.
No. The belt hasn't improved one bit when Kelly Kelly was champion, and it probably has worsened when she was champ.
She did give the belt a lot more exposure whether it was good or bad. However, like another poster said, people want to look at her not watch her wrestle.
She did give the belt a lot more exposure whether it was good or bad. However, like another poster said, people want to look at her not watch her wrestle.

True, but it has to be remembered that women's wrestling is judged differently than guys'. Looks are vitally important for the girls. Yes, being a trim, muscular guy makes you a better candidate as a male pro wrestler, but we still see our share of flab hanging over the trunks. Girls can't get away with that; the day of Fabulous Moolah and Mae West are over. True, we'll soon see Kharma again, but she's more of a novelty in the wrestling ring.....the exception rather than the rule.

Women, on the other hand, can get away with showing some of the most God-awful in-ring skills you've ever seen and manage to stay employed. Look at Rosa Mendes. She's absolutely horrible as a wrestler, yet her ability to shake her ass keeps her employed. Go figure.

So, that Kelly is easy on the eyes is what got her a lengthy championship reign and keeps her merchandise selling. In that sense, she made the divas belt better. It depends on your definition of what constitutes "better."

So far, a woman's ability to wrestle doesn't matter. It should, but it doesn't.
Kelly Kelly is good looking but she isn't super hot. She isn't special. Beth is strong, can wrestle and is good looking. We need more girls like Beth. We don't need the skinny barbie doll wannabe-wrestlers like Kelly and Alicia. Kelly having the ugly Diva's belt made it worse.

Bring back real women's wrestling.
Kelly did nothing to improve the prestige of the Divas Championship (as if that thing had any at that point) or to increase the quality of the divas division. She represents everything that is wrong with the division. The Divas Championship was at its absolute lowest point when it was defended in matches between Kelly and the Bellas. It cannot get worse than that. She is attractive, sure. However, so are Beth and Natalya. They can also WRESTLE! So can Kharma and, to a lesser extent, Layla.

Not only can she not wrestle, she is also bad at promos. I give her all the credit in the world for improving since 2007, but there is more to being Divas Champion than standing around looking pretty. You need to be able to work a match and cut promos. Kelly's reign was a thank you for the work she has put in for the past 5+ years into the division. If they want to improve the belt then the matches where it is up for grabs need to be between girls who actually have the skills needed to deserve the push.
Kelly Kelly sucks....cute of course but that doesn't make a good or entertaining wrestler. I can't stand when they have some pretty girl who over-smiles be in championship status. I liked Beth as champ, she's not atrocious looking like Kharma, but she also didn't fake smiles all day and try to act cutesy every second.

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