Did I Urinate On My Reviewer?

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
As a lawyer with a huge academic interest in economics (a field I would have definitely gone into were I not such a fuckup in my years at university), I recently submitted a paper to a lower-level law and economics journal where one of my firm's consulting economists works as a referee. My paper was nastily rejected by this journal. The reviewer of my paper outed himself as the aforementioned economist by excessively citing his work in the rejection letter that was sent to me. This was his first mistake.

Last night at a New Year's Eve event hosted by my firm at a hotel, this economist outed himself to me as my paper's reviewer after one too many drinks. This was his second mistake.

About 30 minutes before the clock struck midnight, I found myself four stories above the hotel's atrium, staring down at a table where my reviewer sat. This was his third, final, and most grave mistake.

Looking down upon my reviewer's shiny, bald pate, the light's reflection swinging to and fro on his chrome dome as he laughed hysterically at an undoubtedly corny joke only enjoyed by privileged, middle-aged assholes, I couldn't help but notice my perfect setup. I could urinate on both his head and his plate of hors d'oeuvres while creating only minimal splashback on the other people seated at his table. Furthermore, I had drunk quite a bit, so my inhibition was lowered and I had a bladder full of 7-and-7s waiting for release.

With nary a soul around me, I realized that there was a 99.9% chance that I could actually get away with this. Like Hamlet, I knew what I had to do but I couldn't help feelings of the utmost hesitation. Did I urinate on my reviewer? That is the question, WZbros.
I will name all my children after you if you say yes
99.9% chance? Immanuel Kant says you were tempted, but thought about the potential consequences and walked away.
I am unfortunately not at liberty to directly discuss this story anymore. However, I recently came across this posting on a law forum that may give a hint as to what exactly happened:

A Strange Occurrence At An Otherwise Bland, Bourgie Affair

First of all, Happy New Year! Second of all, I am not a lawyer (just the daughter of two) but I have lurked this forum for quite some time and wanted to discuss a pair of strange occurrences that I personally witnessed last night. For New Year's Eve, my father's firm rented out the atrium of The ******* National Resort on the National Harbor. I always thought of lawyers as the most calm, cool, and collected of people in social gatherings, but last night changed my mind about everything.

Before I recount the event, let me explain the hotel's setup. The ******* is completely inefficient in terms of space, but I mean that in the best way possible. All the rooms are placed in a rectangular pattern and form the outside walls of the hotel. In the middle of all this, there is the atrium, a glass-enclosed, giant hole from the top to the very bottom where there is a huge dining area. From the bottom you look up and see the skies, from the corridors of each floor you look down and see the dining tables. There are also steel rails with flower pots on every floor.

I was eating at a table with my boyfriend, my family, and some of my father's closest friends/co-workers and their families when I noticed a boisterous table next to us. Some of my father's co-workers as well a consultant to his firm sat at this table; all of them had obviously had too much to drink. They were a bit loud and were laughing amongst themselves. I didn't exactly pay attention at what they were talking but I remember one of them saying something about a referee. I think they were speaking about sports or something. Then another guy asked him "did you reject it?" and the first guy started to laugh uncontrollably saying something about destroying some guy's dream. The next thing I notice is these guys jumping up from their table like crazy yelling things that I am too modest to repeat here. Everyone in the atrium turned to look at these men and they were all soaking wet in their Armani suits and cursing like crazy. What followed was a 90 minute dispute with the hotel manager (with a 10 minute respite for the countdown to the New Year and the celebration that followed) where these guys were claiming that a maintenance guy spilled water on them from the upper floors. They claimed that it must've been the guy who waters the flowers. The hotel manager assured them that the flowers are watered by an automated system. Especially the guy who was laughing hard was all soaked and extremely ticked off as you can imagine. He was demanding to speak to the hotel manager's corporate manager, to look at the security tapes and find out who was responsible. My boyfriend and I soon left to the room we'd reserved for the night since we didn't want to ruin what was otherwise a surprisingly nice evening. In the elevator we ran into this guy in his late 20s/early 30s who was drunk out of his mind but who looked super happy at the same time. He was speaking with someone on the phone laughing and repeating the words "I did it bro, I did it!"

I'm not sure what to make of all this or if these two events are at all connected, but maybe some of you can explain what exactly happened here. Is this some sort of law firm tradition that I am completely oblivious to?
The Doctor: Ace News Hound.

It is my field. I crush dreams and Google a lot. I also commit technical plagiarism and make Elementary school Halloween costume parties sound like the raddest shit ever.

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