

Getting Noticed By Management
SO after UFC 137 and the destruction B.J. Penn, Nick Diaz had some selective words for the man some consider to be the best P4P MMArtist in the world George St. Pierre. With the allegations being thrown at him that he is ducking Diaz, I think it's probably nothing more than a matter of time before we see this super-fight put together. I am not a fan of Nick Diaz, I just don't like guys who talk a lot of shit whether they can back it up or not, it's just unsportsmanlike. GSP is the consummate professional, class act. This is just a great fight waiting to happen, a perfect collision of personalities and abilities.

So, is this a fight you would like to see come about?

Who would you like to see win/or who do you think will win?


How do you think your pick will win the fight?
Well first off this fight is already set, and will most likely take place at UFC 143, is it a fight that I am excited for? You bet your ass it is. Although all the juggling of opponents from Diaz to Condit then back to Diaz has been a roller coaster of emotions for the fans and especially the fighters, I am very much excited for this fight and I can't wait for it to happen. GSP-Diaz is a very intriguing fight because you have a dominant champion in GSP who's takedowns and incredible top game have been unstoppable in his current reign, and Nick Diaz who's been on a roll since losing to Sean Sherk in 2006 and is a very legitimate threat to the title.

This fight is hard to predict because GSP has definitely been dominant and faced some of the best in the world in his defenses, but Nick has been extremely dominant over the last few years and it'll be hard to really predict this until we see them tie up. The easy thing to say here is GSP takes him down and controls him for 5 rounds, and that very well may happen but Nick is an extremely talented BJJ practitioner and unlike his team mate Jake Sheilds who faced St. Pierre last, if Georges wants to avoid the ground against Nick he will have a very difficult time because Nick's stand up is ten times what Jake's is. I want to see Nick win, not only as a team mate but as a fan and I honestly believe he will overcome the odds that are stacked against him and beat GSP. The way I see this happening, Georges will avoid the ground as he did with Sheilds and will stand with Nick but keep his distance. I think Georges is going to fight angry but unlike in the past it's not going to help him, he's gonna get get mad striking out there and lose his mentality which is his greatest asset. When that happens it will only be a matter of time before Nick clips him, if GSP comes in level headed Nick wins a decision, if he doesn't then Nick knocks out Georges St. Pierre.
I disagree with the OP on this. A good shit talker really helps a fights fan appeal. Sonnen/Silva, Cruz/Faber, Askren/Jauron, Lesnar/Anybody, Barnett/Anybody, Frye/Shamrock, and now Diaz/GAP all have/had so much appeal to fans because people would much rather watch two guys fight that have legit heat. With the rare exception (Rampage/Evans) it will always produce a much more entertaining fight, which will equate more profit. Let's not forget that MMA is a huge revenue-generating industry right now and promoters absolutely love fights that sell themselves. The less promotion needed (I.e. money spent) to get a fan interested in a fight is an extremely desirable situation for a promoter to find himself in. Personally, I love GSP but I would like to see Diaz take the belt. I think the welterweight division has fallen flat as of late. Sportsmanlike or not, GSP bores me with his interviews and his 5 round decisions. I think its time we crowned an exiting champ that will likely piss off the rest of the division and set the stage for many future heat-ridden title fights.
With the allegations being thrown at him that he is ducking Diaz

I'm sorry, but anyone who is saying this is a complete dumbass. GSP doesn't control who the UFC hires, and the UFC didn't contract Nick Diaz until they bought out Strikeforce. Then, GSP and Diaz had a fight date set, which Diaz fucked up because he's not a man of his word and didn't show up to the press conferences. Anyone who says GSP is ducking Diaz is a complete dumbass. If anything, evidence suggests Diaz is ducking GSP.

As far as this fight goes, I'm sure it will be a good one, but I'd put my money on GSP.
I disagree with the OP on this. A good shit talker really helps a fights fan appeal. Sonnen/Silva, Cruz/Faber, Askren/Jauron, Lesnar/Anybody, Barnett/Anybody, Frye/Shamrock, and now Diaz/GAP all have/had so much appeal to fans because people would much rather watch two guys fight that have legit heat. With the rare exception (Rampage/Evans) it will always produce a much more entertaining fight, which will equate more profit. Let's not forget that MMA is a huge revenue-generating industry right now and promoters absolutely love fights that sell themselves. The less promotion needed (I.e. money spent) to get a fan interested in a fight is an extremely desirable situation for a promoter to find himself in. Personally, I love GSP but I would like to see Diaz take the belt. I think the welterweight division has fallen flat as of late. Sportsmanlike or not, GSP bores me with his interviews and his 5 round decisions. I think its time we crowned an exiting champ that will likely piss off the rest of the division and set the stage for many future heat-ridden title fights.

I can't speak on the condition of the welterweight division, that's purely objective to each person. While I totally get what you are saying about heat between fighters helping sell the fights, I personally don't care for it. I don't care to see two guys like a couple pitbull's at the ends of their chains barking at each other. I like to see the talking done in the ring if you get what I mean. I don't think it necessarily makes the fight itself better either, that to me is more dependent on what goes on within the fight, although I get what mean as far as making for greater anticipation to the fight and giving a greater sense of importance due to the heat between the two opponents.

I guess in my mind that if the quality of the fighters is truly great, they don't really need all that. Instead of it being built on "These two rabid dogs want to eat each other for lunch" the appeal is "Here's a clash of two highly skilled fighters that match up well, each man has a claim to be better than the other, who is truly the best" Ya know what I mean? I just don't care for the trash talk, I think it makes both guys look insecure and unsportsmanlike.

I'm sorry, but anyone who is saying this is a complete dumbass. GSP doesn't control who the UFC hires, and the UFC didn't contract Nick Diaz until they bought out Strikeforce. Then, GSP and Diaz had a fight date set, which Diaz fucked up because he's not a man of his word and didn't show up to the press conferences. Anyone who says GSP is ducking Diaz is a complete dumbass. If anything, evidence suggests Diaz is ducking GSP.

As far as this fight goes, I'm sure it will be a good one, but I'd put my money on GSP.

If I remember correctly it was Diaz himself eluding to as much after the B.J. Penn fight. I completely agree with you, and I'm also banking on GSP taking it to Diaz.
Hmm... Let's see if I get this formula down right here;

1. Fight very well
2. Get penciled into face GSP at 137
3. Dick around a little, and fuck yourself right out of that match
4. Get into the main event with a now sabbaticled (Word?) BJ Penn
5. Make comment about GSP ducking you (which wouldn't have been a problem if you weren't a fuck-up in the first fucking place)
6. ??????
7. PROFIT!!!!!!

Yeah, I'm sorry, but as good as a fight at this will be, I still am just hoping that GSP clubs this fucker with a baby seal. Not club him like a baby seal: he will bring the carcass of a dead seal into the ring, and procede to club the everlasting fuck out of Diaz. All it seems this fucker does is bitch, bitch, bitch, win some fights, and bitch some more. He's a great fighter, who if he didn't complain as much, I'd have some legitimate respect for. I'd sincerely like to know in what way GSP has been ducking anyone, really. Dude has destroyed everything in his path at the welterweight division, and before going down might have been the best fighter on the planet. I can only pray, pray that GSP demolishes Diaz, and makes it so Diaz can never speak again
Some of you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

Diaz has not once claimed GSP was "ducking" him. He was simply insulted at the fact that GSP was so quick to accept Diaz being cut from the card, and saying that Condit is a tougher opponent than Diaz. That's it. He didn't say anything about GSP ducking him.

Also, as far as Diaz calling out GSP at UFC 137, pay the fuck attention. Cesar Gracie can clearly be heard in the background telling Diaz to call GSP a pussy, and Diaz didn't even take it that far. Plus, if you actually kept up with the story, you'll see that Diaz had to say this at the presser when he had NOBODY in his ear:

"I always want to go for the best fights, that's why I'm always calling out Georges St-Pierre. I don't have anything against Georges St-Pierre, I think he's a great fighter. I think he's a nice guy just like everybody else. He's a great role model. I would love to be that too, if I was in that position."

And lastly, this is an interview from yesterday, where Diaz couldn't have been more humble.


If you follow Diaz closely and get to understand him, you'll see he's a really good guy who simply has problems expressing himself. His whole get in your face and talk shit act is just that: an act. He believes fans only want to see fights where the fighters hate each other, which is why he takes that approach to all his fights (plus it's a mind game). However, after nearly every single fight (with the exception of two, which wasn't his fault), he's always shown nothing but respect to his opponents. The guy is not the asshole a lot of you guys believe he is. You take everything at face value, instead of actually looking into the matter like a real MMA fan should.

And as far as the Diaz/GSP fight goes, I have Diaz via knockout or submission. If GSP strikes with Diaz, he will get the beatdown of a lifetime. And if GSP takes the fight to the ground, Diaz will have 25 minutes to tap him out, which I personally believe he is more than capable of doing.
Diaz has not once claimed GSP was "ducking" him. He was simply insulted at the fact that GSP was so quick to accept Diaz being cut from the card, and saying that Condit is a tougher opponent than Diaz. That's it. He didn't say anything about GSP ducking him.

"Where you at Georges? Where you at mother (expletive)?," yelled Diaz in his post-fight interview with UFC commentator Joe Rogan. "I don't think Georges is hurt, I think he's scared. I think he's scared to fight everybody right now."

I'm sorry, did I take something out of context there? Hey, maybe I got this from twitter, and his twitter got hacked!

Look, I get the whole playing the villain role. Effective really, it makes for more compelling fights, because it elicits this kind of reaction from people like me. But if you're going to talk like this, you had better expect that people are going to be on your case non-stop when you say something.

I'm trying to think of exactly one thing I put out of context:

1. Nick Diaz had the chance to fight GSP, fucked it up by doing something stupid. That isn't opinion, it's what happened.

2. Nick Diaz stated, point blank, that GSP is not hurt, and that he's scared. I'm not sure how you want me to take that, but those are the words, right in front of the monitor. Er, on the monitor, whatever. Sure, he may have been playing a role, but that's not my problem. That's a him thing, that's not on me to find some alternate meaning.

Do you really expect me to buy into anything he says after that? Maybe this is a fault on me, maybe I'm real cynical (could entirely be true), but everything else comes off as damage control. Besides that, at any point, did I say Nick Diaz was a bad person? Did I say that he kills puppies to sacrifice to Chtutlu every night? No, all I said was that the guys looks as though he's bitching about a fight that he fucked himself out of essentially. That, and that I hope GSP clubs with the fuck out of him. With a dead sea mammal.

I'm sure Nick Diaz is a swell guy, really do. I'm sure that he and GSP are going to have a great fight; I'm looking heavily forward to it. I think he can can win, he's a damn good fighter. At no point did I say he wasn't a good fighter; I think that he'll have GSP beat when it comes to striking. But not much changes how I view the guy, and not much changes that I want to see him get clubbed. I still see a hard fought battle, with GSP coming out on top.
I hope GSP clubs with the fuck out of him. With a dead sea mammal.

I hope this does happen. GSP is a consummate professional and Nick Diaz, although a great fighter, is putting out many unfounded statements. "Playing the evil villain" in Diaz's words, has helped hype the fight, but claiming that GSP is scared is just ridiculous.

It was funny to see Dana White call Diaz out on some of his BS. When Diaz was starting a monlogue about his crappy car/ apartment in Stockton in the post-fight presser of UFC, White pretty much told him that with the money he was getting paid, that was his own choice.

Really hope GSP puts a beatdown on Diaz - he stated he wanted to give Diaz the "worst beating he has ever had in the UFC":worship:

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