Diary of a psychotic wrestling fan: Improve the product.

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This is my first installation of "Diary of a psychotic wrestling fan". My first question to all of you is this...

How would you improve the product? Both TNA and WWE.

WWE What a mess. I'm a huge WWE fan but I fast forward through more of the program then I actually watch now or days. Kane and Daniel Bryan are gold and I hope they continue this to revamp/add new life to the tag team division. As far as the main event, the strap needs to remain on punk. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening. I see some sort of foul play going on at HIAC whether it be Cena as the guest referee for a Ryback Punk match or Cena himself facing Punk. Let's hope the strap stays on punk.

TNA I was very upset that Hardy took the title from Aries. Just doesn't seem very logical at the point. They could have really solidified Aries as a huge player in the company, and judging by the Hardy sucks chants at the PPV, there's already a lot of people including myself, behind Aries. TNA needs to create there own big player. There needs to be a guy they bred in the company that brings in ratings. I thought that would be Aries down the road but maybe TNA feels otherwise.

Your thoughts?
We have hundreds of threads to discuss those particular issues in their respective sections. Any reason you're making another thread in another section repeating these topics other than to put yourself over? On a forum?
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