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Devon Is So... Bleh


Lord And Master
Staff member
In my time being a wrestling fan, since that night Mankind got chucked off the Cell by Taker, I never found myself seeing a talent prominantly featured on wrestling and me asking myself... "Just what in the blue hell is the point of this guy"? Then, I met Devon. After the 3D split it seems TNA wants to do... Something with him. Maybe it's because he trains talent and stuff. All I know is every time I see him on TV, I always wonder "what's the point"? He's the TV Champion. He defends it every week. He flattens anyone who he faces (and Robbie E) and... That's it. Every week, he comes in, beats someone no matter how "superior" the talent, see ya next week, Testify.

We know he's never going to get a major push. We know he's inferior to Ray. But for some reason, people cheer for the sonofabitch. The only thing I've learned about him is that he is one really stupid father and husband (his teaming with Pope and feud showed it). Why people care about him is honestly beyond. Why he's still TV Champion when guys like Hernandez, Bully Ray and fucking Jeff Hardy have tried to take the belt is beyond me. His epic dullness and stupidity as a family man is also beyond me.

Why do people care about this fucker? Why does he keep on winning? Someone, anyone, answer me.
Haha this was a good read. I can see what you're saying but to me Devon's reign hasn't been all that bad. He is a solid talker, a solid wrestler, has a good look and he's over, I don't think they care why he is, he just is lol But I do agree he has needed to drop the belt for some time.

Now ideally I wanted to him to drop the belt to Magnus, or the winner of that fan poll they did a couple of weeks back. But none of them can have the belt now and the reason why is the BFG series, they're tied up in that.

Hernandez would be a good choice but I think Devon will definitely drop it to Crimson. The fact Crimson is not int he BFG series perplexed a few people, and this is the reason why, because he will be the TV champion shortly! Mark Rection's words!
I like Devon. Is he the greatest wrestler in the world? The most charismatic? The most high-flyingest? Nope. But he's pretty decent considering his age and his lengthy career in the business (much of it in freakin' ECW, which ain't exactly healthy). The fact that he can cut a good promo and work a decent match while putting forward a sort of street-tough family man gimmick has gotten over with a lot of fans, and I generally enjoy his presence on any Impact show.
Oddly enough, I think it's just one of them, "You gotta see it to believe it" kind of things.

If you went back and told me as recently as one year ago that Devon Dudley, the same guy who was pushed as Reverend Devon in WWE for an entire like, three months, would be holding a singles title and making it somewhat prestiged; despite the fact, considering it is defended every week, it will ultimately become prestigous, but that he would bring it from the brink of nothingness that it was once on(when held by Eric Young) to have a regular slot, each week, I'd have slapped you with my dick and called you a ******.

Now though, I'm kind of enjoying. Let him have his moment. Orlando loves the dude. Texas loved the dude. It seems that for whatever reason, people who go to TNA television tapings love the dude. His pops are insane, sometimes I wonder if people have mixed Devon up with someone entirely different but I've seen people wearing "Testify" t-shirts, and holding "Devon Rulez" signs. I wouldn't be surprised if the kid who made his own t-shirt with the sharpie pen that SOM has in his signature has his very own sharpie made "Devon" t-shirt.

He keeps getting reactions so they'll keep him as Television Champion. I'm much more interested in his reign than I was in anybodies previous reigns, especially Robbie E who is just a filler gimmick to me. Only reason they placed him in the BFG Series was so they could allow the established guys pick up easy points but without squashing someone of noteriety. Devon has been a good TV Champion. He isn't a technically gifted wrestler, but hey, the fans in Orlando love him so TNA must think he is doing something right.
The only thing thats ever bothered me about devon is that damn stupid punch he always does. I donnt even think its the punch, but the way it loks cause of the taped up fingers. He's been doing that damned punck since i started watching wrestling and it even bugged me then, left hand grab and pow, grab and pow, grab and pow. I'm pretty sure thats how Bully punches, its more than likely how every one punches, and i'm pretty sure theres even a specific punch in the old WWE games that looks like it that iv picked, but it only ever bothers me when devon does it.

I dont even dislike the guy! Hes fine! Definitely the jennetty of the group, but he can just about hold his own. Decent talker, expressive face... Used to do that cool hop and spin around thing i enjoyed. Hell, i didnt even mind him hanging out with batista (which i assumed was a religious title at the time, oh testify). But that damned punch.

Let him have the damn title, whats this thread about again?? Oh... Thats a stupid question! People like him for whyever the hell they want to! He's ok and he's recognisable after a long enough carreer in wrestling! What more do you want!!

In short: HE. GETS. THE. TABLE!! (its a metaphor.)
Funny thing is I had the same complaint about 4 weeks ago in a different thread and the marks were all over me, like Devon is something special. The truth is he is an aging wrestler who isn't ready to let go yet. But unlike a guy like Hogan, Nash, Hall. He never really did anything by himself and always needed Ray to carry part of the load. Now he is a singles guy and it is boring.

Really I think TNA is trying to avoid the obvious. In (almost) every tag team there is a main event guy and the other guy. Rockers had Jeanetty, Bulldogs had Dynamite kid, Demolition had AX, Hardy Boyz had Matt. Very rarely do both become great ( Edge and Christian, but even they had Gangrel) Devon doesn't want to be that guy even though he is.

Pope, Crimson, Hernandez, Morgan and Hardy are just a few that should have that shot.
Pope was a front runner for the TNA title not sure what happened and who he pissed off put he got bumped down. ( still hard for me to believe wreslting isn't race based)

Crimson Has been undefeated since he came into TNA ( until recently) shouldn't that mean some sort of singles title?

Hernandez Not sure what it is about this guy but I find him entertaining as a singles wrestler. Mexican America was stupid since the cat couldn't even speak Spanish.

Hardy Jeff needs this more than anyone else, he needs to get back int he spot light and prove to TNA and the fans that he is ready to go and go. Non stop and get his self back as a pure wrestler again and bury that drug thing.

Devon Devon needs to accept his fate and join the Dynamite kid, Matt Hardy, Marty Jeanetty, and others. Without the title Devon is gone, so let it be done.
I agree -- Devon has really nothing going for him at this point. I see random people keep saying he can talk... Since when? Whatever few promos he's able to cut on Impact TV either have no point or come off and random and senseless. He's definitely in better shape than he used to be, but he's never been exciting in the ring.

Bulldogs had Dynamite kid.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, buddy. Slow your role. Bulldog might have achieved greater mainstream success for a little while because Dynamite ended up in a wheelchair, but it's pretty universally agreed that Dynamite was the main talent of their team, he was the one who carried them. Davey Boy was always too air-headed and too fucked up on drugs to really understand the art of wrestling and the process of telling a story. Bulldog got carried through all his best matches, the same will never be said for the Dynamite Kid.
I'm glad someone else finally brought this up. I have no problem with Devon, per se, but, I don't believe he's worthy of wearing that TV Title when guys like Mr. Anderson, Jeff Hardy, Hernandez, Magnus, Samoa Joe, RVD and many others could be wearing it and bringing prestiege back to it. TNA has the opportunity to make the TV Title their IC/US equivalent and a main focus of their weekly programming.

Another thing about Devon that bugs the shit outta me; he still uses "Oh my Brother, TESTIFY" as his catchphrase. Who the FUCK is he asking to testify? Who is his brother? Because Team 3D split, so he's obviously not asking that of Bully Ray. His whole character is moronic & outdated and he needs to be relegated to being a tag team wrestler or even retiring.
devon and bully ray are better as tag team wrestlers i mean dont get me wrong bully is doin well at the moment but i dont think he a main event wrestler
Funny thing is I had the same complaint about 4 weeks ago in a different thread and the marks were all over me, like Devon is something special. The truth is he is an aging wrestler who isn't ready to let go yet. But unlike a guy like Hogan, Nash, Hall. He never really did anything by himself and always needed Ray to carry part of the load. Now he is a singles guy and it is boring.

Really I think TNA is trying to avoid the obvious. In (almost) every tag team there is a main event guy and the other guy. Rockers had Jeanetty, Bulldogs had Dynamite kid, Demolition had AX, Hardy Boyz had Matt. Very rarely do both become great ( Edge and Christian, but even they had Gangrel) Devon doesn't want to be that guy even though he is.

I've pulled no punches and have openly admitted that I'm a Devon mark. I'm not gonna compare Bubba and Devon in that respect. Yes Bully Ray is a main event player, but after how many years? Remember his singles push back in WWE? Far from stellar, just like with Devon then. He's an aging wrestler sure, but so's Ray; he's got Devon by a little more than a year. He's the TV champ right now, and he's over. Whereas Ray has yet to get his first singles title. I'm a fan of both, and I'd say that they are on equal footing when it comes to wrestling. Ray is the better talker, no question. What get's me though is how you say Devon needed ray to carry the load. If I'm not mistaken, it was Devon that helped get the Dudleys over as a heel team in ECW, which lead to them the best team that ECW produced. If anything he was the missing piece they needed when they were doing that comedy schtick.

Devon needs to accept his fate and join the Dynamite kid, Matt Hardy, Marty Jeanetty, and others. Without the title Devon is gone, so let it be done.

Jeanetty and Hardy's descent from glory were primarily due to their issues with addictions or personal conflicts. In fact I've either heard or read opinions that at one point Jeanetty was more talented than Micheals while they were a team. Dynamite Kid battled addictions as well, but he was a risk taker in the ring, and a lot of fans were more impressed with Dynamite than Davey Boy. As I've said, I'm a Devon mark. But you can't really argue with what fans like to see. Its not like they're idiots for enjoying Devon. I believe guys like IDR or KB (I could be wrong on that fellas) have stated that they like Robbie E or see potential in him. I can't stand to see him. Feel the same way about EY to a degree, but I do enjoy some of his matches. Devon isn't spectacular, but he's far from horrible. He'll drop the title soon enough to someone younger (I'm avoiding the word deserving). I believe Ray helps in creative; for all we know he could be the one that gave Devon the rub he has right now.
I don't mind Devon, and he has brought the TV title out of the gutter. It is being shown on tv each week, and Devon has done a decent job with it. He is nowhere near Bully Ray, but he is getting his moment in the sun right now, and at least he made a meaningless title mean something again.
I'm not really sure why this is so surprising to people. Whenever a tag team breaks up, one of them rises to the occasion, & the other either stagnates or just ends up not being entertaining at all. Think about it. What do Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Edge, Jeff Hardy, The Miz, & Bully (Bubba) Ray have in common? They became superstars after they went to having a singles career. Devon has simply fallen in place with the Jim Neidhart's of the wrestling world.

Unless Team 3D reforms, or Devon decides to go back to square one & think up some new things to revitalize his career, we're gonna be seeing him like this for a long, long time.
I'm not really sure why this is so surprising to people. Whenever a tag team breaks up, one of them rises to the occasion, & the other either stagnates or just ends up not being entertaining at all. Think about it. What do Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Edge, Jeff Hardy, The Miz, & Bully (Bubba) Ray have in common? They became superstars after they went to having a singles career. Devon has simply fallen in place with the Jim Neidhart's of the wrestling world.

Yeah, cause Christian being a two time former World Heavyweight Champion did horrible, Matt Hardy despite his fall into the depths of irrelevancy managed to keep his job for nearly ten years after he and Jeff originally split, had title reigns and was even very over at one point, John Morrison would Main Event, and despite being admittedly poor on the microphone, still has fans clammering at his feet for a return.

Devon is currently the TNA Television Champion, took the title that meant nothing and due to his reign made it mean something, whether he be slow, uncharismatic, boring or otherwise he is still very over with TNA faithful and did more than Jim Neidhart did as a singles competitor, so when you wish to comment on something use relevant information instead of jumping on the "tag team pattern" bandwagon that some idiots like to believe is there.
Yeah, cause Christian being a two time former World Heavyweight Champion did horrible, Matt Hardy despite his fall into the depths of irrelevancy managed to keep his job for nearly ten years after he and Jeff originally split, had title reigns and was even very over at one point, John Morrison would Main Event, and despite being admittedly poor on the microphone, still has fans clammering at his feet for a return.

Devon is currently the TNA Television Champion, took the title that meant nothing and due to his reign made it mean something, whether he be slow, uncharismatic, boring or otherwise he is still very over with TNA faithful and did more than Jim Neidhart did as a singles competitor, so when you wish to comment on something use relevant information instead of jumping on the "tag team pattern" bandwagon that some idiots like to believe is there.

Truer words were never spoken. These former tag partners comparisons are beyond irrelevant. Again, what has the TV title meant prior to when Devon captured it? Plus in a way its featured more on TV, which was something many fans have complained about not seeing.
I don't mind Devon, and he has brought the TV title out of the gutter. It is being shown on tv each week, and Devon has done a decent job with it. He is nowhere near Bully Ray, but he is getting his moment in the sun right now, and at least he made a meaningless title mean something again.

Although I'm not a big Devon fan, I do agree with this. He did make a title relevant again, which I'm always for. I just think there are so many more that are better than Devon to bring prestiege back to that belt. Devon is pretty much near the end of his career. Why not give that belt to someone in their primes?
why is it that after the Dudleys do their thing for a certain period of time theres always some call for Bubba Ray to go heel then act like a psycho, then mix it up with the upper card? It never works with him.. But it continues like clock work..

Not every group has "a Jennetty" or an HBK. Some tag teams are just tag teams. In the 80s it was okay to just be a tag team champion but after that starting in the mid 90s there was a push for people to leave the tag team division, go single, then get the World heavyweight title. That has more to do with how YOU value the tag team division then the worth of both members or one half of a team.

De Von is doing better then Bubba Ray. What would you rather be, TNA TV champion or the guy always competing for the TNA World title but never winning it? Why didnt Bubba Ray try to get the TV title first and use that as a means to work his way up to the heavyweight title? Some tag groups have two jennetys, two HBK, but some groups have a Rick and Scott.. De Von is the Rick, and Bubba is the Scott, but even with the WCW title to his credit Scott Steiner could had done more at the top..
i would personally like to see devon and bully ray back together as a team especally with the state off the tag devision at the moment. that way the tv title could be used to push one of the younger guys on the roster like crimson

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