Devil May Cry Reboot

The trailer for a reboot of the fast-paced action game Devil May Cry, simply titled DMC, has recently debuted at TGS this week. The reaction from fans has been mixed, with many complaining that Dante has been changed too much. Judge for yourself:

I'm excited about this game, and think it could add new life to the series. I'v been a fan since the first game, and love Dante's character, but I don't mind seeing a few tweeks added if the game's story will improve due to it. Besides, it'll still be the same fun game regardless of what he looks like. What say you?
I'm all for a new DMC game and it looks interesting, but if this is what Dante looks like know I'm not impressed.

The main thing is they could have carried the story on after DMC4. I for one certainly wanted to know more about Nero and how he had Sparda's blood etc. A reboot just seems like laziness in my opinion, they can't think of an interesting story so they'll just reboot.

I'm not to thrilled on Dante's appearence (if that really is him) for one his white hair is his defining charactistic, it would be like changing Superman's outfit to green and black.
There is no way that can be Dante, it just wouldnt be right. First off Dante has white hair? And he is quite loud mouthed etc. Now as to the game it looks actually alright however I would have liked to see a follow on and learn more about Nero.
I like it. The trailer looks awesome. The graphics look pretty amazing i know thats not in game, but it still looks awesome. The fighting looks great the combos they show look great. I don't know why everyone is going crazy over Dante's look, its not bad at all. Everyone says that might not be Dante, but i think it clearly is. Just looks like a younger version of Dante it really does, looks like a teenager lol. And if you notice, Dante's hair is white on top its a little spot but its there. And i guess the proof that it is Dante, he says his name at the end lol.

But overall i can't wait for this game, looks great.
This game has the potential to be great but I feel that there are a lot of unanswered questions in the original series such as how Nero got the blood of Sparda and whether or not Dante will ever get out of hell. I for one was looking forward to an eventual sequel to the games so that they could expand upon it and hopefully be privileged enough to have Johnny Bosch's talented voice work with the series again. Looking at the trailer though something just doesn't feel right about the new look that Dante has but I can't quite put my finger on it though it might be the fact that he's shown smoking or perhaps the hair or the overall look in general. Regardless of these things I will without a doubt be buying the game whenever it comes out because I have never been let down by the DMC series and I am hopeful that the combat systems get a little work done on them and more combos get added to the game so that we simply do not jam buttons together as if it were Dynasty Warriors, not hating on DW but that's basically how the gameplay seems to turnout in them. At the very least it would appear that they're adding in some sort of new storyline and won't simply be rehashing the plots from the first or 3rd games but it may be too soon to tell for sure yet. As long as they don't totally fuck something up this should be a highly enjoyable game and quite possibly a game of the year for whichever year they decide to release it in.

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