Development: Duke Miles

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Wrestler's real name: Duke Miles
Wrestler's gimmick name: Duke Miles
Wrestler's nickname: The Perfect Package
Height: 6 foot 11 inches
Weight: 325 pounds
Hometown: Jacksonville, Florida,
Billed from: Jacksonville, Florida,
--------------Hair color/length: short spiked, brown hair,
--------------Eye Color: Hazel
--------------Facial hair: brown beard
--------------Ring attire: black and blue trunks
--------------Backstage attire: blue jeans, white leather jacket, blue baseball cap with P3 written on it.
--------------Physical features: Huge with a very serious persona.
--------------Tattoos: a design on his left shoulder.
Alignment: Face

Strength: Strong, Size advantage, and a need to win.
Weaknesses: Slow moving, Confident with can cause him to underestimate his opponents and tries to get the crowd pumped up witch can cause him to lose control of the match.

Trained by: Keven Nash and Batista
Sample pic of wrestler:

Brief history: Has been a wrestling fan since he saw his first match. Started training at the age of 18 with Keven Nash who discovered him at a local gym, during that time he became a confident and cocky heel wrestler and a year later after being unsuccessful as in pro wrestling he started training with batista and was not only humbled but developed the need to win.

Title History: None

Entrance music: Sabotage, by the Beastie Boys,
Entrance description: Sabotage blasts through the arena Duke walks slowly down the ramp and stops at around half way down, he puts his hands in the air and smoke machines blow smoke all around him, he turns around jumps up a couple times and throws his hands in the air again the crowd goes wild, Duke turns around and runs toward the ring he slides into the ring and runs to the turnbuckle, he jumps onto the middle rope he then raises his hands in the air jumps back off the turnbuckle and goes over the the next one he jumps on the middle rope and throws his hat into the crowd he jumps off, kicks the rope cracks his knuckles and signals for his opponent to come and get it.

Miles of pain (ankle lock)
P3 or perfect package plunge (Jackknife powerbomb)

15 most used moves:
Belly to Belly
German Suplex
Shoulder Thrust
Big Boot
Miles of Pain
Stomps to the leg
Toss to turnbuckle
Double Axe handle

Sample RP:

Todd: Mr. Miles you have asked for this time?

Duke: Call me Duke

Todd: Okay Duke what's on your mind?

Duke: What's on my mind is that I have finally made it to the best wrestling company in the world!

Todd: Do you have anything you want to say to the fans or the guys in the locker room?

Duke: Funny you should ask that Todd because I do have something to say. First off I am The Perfect Package Duke Miles! and let me make something very very clear to everyone. I wrestle for me, for my family and for these awesome fans that make WZCW the best company in the whole wide world but if there is one thing i hate about WZCW it is the cocky ass punks runnin there mouth about how they are better then everyone, you see not to long ago I was just like them I was confident I was cocky and I was stupid but I was humbled and trained to win, to win fair and to win for these fans. So to any of you punks back there you come talk to me and I will help you become the man I am today haha I will welcome you with open arms...AND CLOSED FISTS!!

*the screen fades away*
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