
"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
Is it me or has Deuce only appeared on RAW 2 times in squash matches? WWE obviously had a reason for drafting him to RAW and release Domino. Do you think WWE will make Deuce join the 2nd/3rd Generation team, which seems to me might not last long, will he also get released soon, or will his single's career elevate?
I liked Deuce 'n Domino. While their ascent to tag team title status was a bit rushed, they still had a good run. I don't see why they had to break them up as WWE needs their tag teams.

Too bad they kept the guy with the least potential (that being Jimmy Snuka Jr.) and fired Domino. I don't see much in Deuce's future. He's got ties to a Hall of Famer, be that as it may, but he hasn't got much going for him. If they're gonna do something, they need to change his gimmick and fast. People will just be reminded of Deuce 'n Domino. But either way, he's average in the ring and and on the mic, so they might as well release him because he might not go anywhere, even with a gimmick change. He could well be a future mid-carder, but he could just as well be released. It's up to WWE and how the fans react.

As a sidenote, the worst thing about the break-up of Deuce 'n Domino to everyone was of course the release of my Cherry baby. I'm still pissed.
I honestly don't care what happens to him. He would need a new gimmick asap if he was to go anywhere, but the thing is hes boring without Domino. He doesn't have the look of a true singles wrestler. I see him maybe having a low profile feud with someone, but ultimately I see him being released not long after.
The last time we saw Duece he was getting squashed by Charlie Haas, now there was hope for that because I thought it might lead to one of my favourites (that being Haas) getting a good ole' push but the fact that Haas himself still gets squashed does not bode well for Duece.

Personally I think they should keep him, why not? Every now and then you need a jobber and if the guy doesnt mind doing it for a paycheck then you might as well do it. No doubt Michael Cole will sit there everyweek and say "Duece of course a former WWE Tag Team Champion" so yeah keep him around. A jobber with credentials as it were.

As a sidenote, the worst thing about the break-up of Deuce 'n Domino to everyone was of course the release of my Cherry baby. I'm still pissed.

Agreed, I miss Cherry and her giant breasts.
He should be repackaged as Jimmy Snuka Jr. and sent to ECW. He'd have the name draw at least. I would think that creative could work something for him around that. I doubt he'll ever be anything on Raw or Smackdown, but if his name can get him over a bit, he can then be used to elevate some of the ECW guys.
Yeah I think the only hope Deuce has is if he joins the new stable with Priceless and Manu. That could really help him establish a new gimmick instead of the out of date greaser gimmick that is going nowhere. I really think the WWE should have never broke up Deuce & Domino. They should have been drafted to Raw as a tag team since the division is lacking. Deuce will go nowhere on Raw unless he doesn't get a complete gimmick overall that's all I know.
You know, I never thought he was that bad. Little low on charisma, good in the ring, but a poor character. No one can relate to his old character. What the should do is put him with Manu in a Samoan group. That way you have more competition in the Tag Team division. They could become a bonifide tag team, and have the chance to feud with Priceless, and Kofi/CM.
Wait, he's actually wrestled? I agree with TM though, he wasn't actually that bad. He could entertain in the ring sometimes, and he played the greaser gimmick well. But the only gimmick I can think of is for him to join the 3rd generaton stable, and say that he's Jimmy Snuka Jr. But I'm not really sure where he could go from there. Maybe go back to the tag division, and help to try and revive that. But unless the WWE have plans for him, we'll soon see him released.
Unless he gets repackaged I dont see him getting past jobber status. Like Santino said "Hey Fonzy, the Happy Days are over"
Deuce has been almost non-exsistent on RAW or for that matter any other brand, i' of thought they would have kept him on Smackdown and tried to build his singles career there. RAW does'nt really have that many cruiserwieghts that he could play with at the moment, most wrestlers on RAW are in feuds or are title holders.

I wonder what WWE's reason was for releasing Domino? They were a good tag team and they spin off they had of the John Travolta type chracter worked along with Cherry. Its a shame they broke up and Domino was released, they looked good on Smackdown but i suppose if WWE needs to make cuts then they have to get rid of some people.

I doubt Deuce will have a good singles career, i see him just being the resident jobber and not getting anywhere in the WWE. I think he'd just be happy with a pay check and thats it, after all he has been for a few months now has'nt he? If i was Deuce i would do everything can to wrestle and ask for the odd win here and there.

I personally don't see a bright future for Deuce, after his split with his stable there has'nt really been anythign for him to do. I can see him being released in a ew months if he continuosly stays backstage and not competing in the ring.
I don't mind Deuce, he's got good lineage, and thats the latest thing for new wrestlers to have nowadays. Either way, somebody is keeping him around for some reason. I just think that with another round of firings last week or so, Deuce would have gone if they were no plans for him.

This whole scenario smells like another Chuck Palumbo, Even if Deuce is sat at home for years waiting for the nod, he will still not make much of an impact when he finally does return with a new gimmick. I think most people have agreed his chances are slim at best, and even though i would like to see him be sucessful, I don't think he can be.

Its an option to put him in Cody's group, but that would just put less focus on the others, especially when they are just beginning to mke a name for themselves. I don't like huge groups of unproven people either, if you start putting in Manu and then Deuce then DH Smith and whoever else they can find, it'll just be another Spirit Squad.
A massive group that play the numbers game, win all the time, get titles and main event with DX, but they're still not gonna be good.

A better option for me is to do the ECW trick. Send him over to Tommy Dreamer (or Chavo, if he wants to be a face) Get him a few ticks in the win column, some confidence, a new finisher or something. Then he might be ready to step back onto Raw to challenge for the IC title after a few month. Worked ok for Benjamin.
I think the only way Deuce will get pushed is if they totally repackage him and have him join the second generation stable since he's Snuka's kid. Either that or as some have mentioned put him on ECW, it seems to work real good for younger talent. Otherwise he obviously won't be going anywhere. It's kind of a shame though both him and Domino had potential and worked good as team and WWE really needs all the teams it can get it's hands on.
I do not understand why they didn't just give him the gimmick of being Snuka's son since he is. Hello WWE! You had Randy Orton play out the 3rd generation crap why not use it for this guy! That's why I was never always in love with the Goldust gimmick because it never got him anywhere but the midcard, if you have a goldmine like being the son of a legend, if you have a wrestler who is willing to work, he can run with it.
Sorry but being a 2nd generation wrestler does not mean you can take that gimmick and make it successful.... actually more people fail with a 2nd generation gimmick, than those who come in and create something unique. Take The Rock for example... he came in with the WWE hyping his lineage and what happened... he failed... until he became his own persona. Goldust was innovative and was far more successful as Goldust rather than Dustin Reynolds, which was his gimmick before Goldust... do you remember him as that? No because he was the least charismatic wrestler with persona. He couldn't get over no matter how many times WCW or the WWF at the time tried... so they changed him to Goldust and yes he may have only ended up as a midcarder but at least he was a successful midcarder... not a failed 2nd generation wrestler.

Repackage him as 2nd generation Jimmy Snuka??? That would fail because that isn't what Deuce is... he won't get over because he's a 2nd generation star... it takes more than that. It's been proven. Randy Orton got over not because of his dad... because he was placed with Ric Flair and HHH who sculpted his character into Randy Orton... someone who happens to be a 3rd generation wrestler....
Now what...?

He was re-packaged, and is *somewhat* using his real name, and appears to be headed to Team Priceless/Legacy/Whatever.

I don't see how getting shoved into an over-stocked stable will help him, but we shall see. Orton is obviously the main eventer of the group, and it would seem that Rhodes/Manu are going to emerge as the tag team with DiBiase out, which makes DiBiase the mid-carder.

Snuka better come up with some good matches quick, or he'll be on the chopping block soon...
Well he's now part of the new stable, and a lot of people saw that coming. But now what's he going to do? Is he going to be the mid card guy in the stable? Are Dibiase and Rhodes going to break up as a tag team, and Deuce will be in the tag team along with Manu? I don't see Rhodes and Dibiase breaking up, so he's either going to be in the mid card sort of area, or he's just going to be in the stable without a position. I think the latter is most likely to happen.

But what will happen once the stable is finished? What will Deuce do then? I think he'll stay around the midcard, possibly win the IC title but I o doubt that. But i'm not sure how long he'll stay around after the stable, and its possible that he may be released soon as well.

And now that he's Sim Snuka, he'll have to change his finisher. I wonder if we'll see the Superfly come back? I'd like to see Deuce withhat as his finisher, it would be interesting to say the least.
To me, there's nothing special about Deuce yet. His look is a little plain just like his gimmick, but hopefully if he does decide to team with Priceless then he will improve both character wise and as an overall WWE superstar. The name "Sim Snuka" is fairly good and memorable, but to my knowledge, he isn't actually the son of Jimmy Snuka, as I think he's adopted. I could be wrong though. Anyway, Snuka certainly has some talent. I always thought he was more talented than Domino, but their 50's gimmick was terrible. The only thing I really liked about their group was Cherry, and look where she ended up.

I think Deuce would fit quite well with Priceless. A group of 5 would be great. Randy Orton is obviously their leader, Manu is the muscle of the group, Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes are the future breakout stars and Snuka could team up with Manu to win the World Tag Team Championships or he could be the future mid-carder of the group. If he were to ever break out as a singles wrestler though, he would have to wait for DiBiase and Rhodes to have their pushes as I think those two are much more talented than Snuka at the present moment.

Sim Snuka certainly has potential, but he has a lot of room for improvement. A feud with Kofi Kingston or Jamie Noble wouldn't hurt him. It should be interesting as to where Snuka goes with his new gimmick. I still haven't decided whether he's a future star though.
I don't think we can classify Sim Snuka as a potential star. Remeber, even though he is second generation, he is 38 years old, he isn't a youngster. I'm thinking that he will join, probably tag with Manu while Rhodes gets pushed more towards the singles competition. I can see Dibiase turning face on his return and feuding with Rhodes alot next year, possibly over the IC Title.

That would keep the group at 4 (Orton, Rhodes, Manu, Snuka), establish a pecking order in the stable, give the stable a chance for 3 titles (World, IC, and Tag), and begin a feud between two good young guys for the IC Title (could possibly be this generation's Triple H vs The Rock feud from 1997-2000 that started over the IC Title).

I like the name Sim Snuka alot though, I think it has a better ring to it than Jimmy Snuka Jr.
Actually I think that you CAN classify Snuka as a start. I mean what exactly is he lacking right now? A gimmick? He has that now. Mic skills? He has those already. The potential to be a part of something bigger? Well Legacy can provide that. I mean the man is a more in shape version of Manu and will fit right in in recreating a Samoan wing of the Legacy faction.

I mean is it me or can anybody else see this being like a new NWO that stretches over RAW, Smackdown, and ECW? I mean look at all of the second and third gen wrestlers either in those feds or on the horizon. There are names like Joe Hennig, The Colons, Terry Gordy Jr., D.H. Smith, and Nattie Neidhart. And let's not forget that our old powerful friend Umaga also qualifies as a second gen wrestler.

Hell, for the first time in a long time I am actually excited about the potential that a faction has. I haven't been this excited since the NWO. And with so many second gen stars in the WWE, it's like little sleeper cells waiting to happen. If they play it out right, it can lead to more ratings success. And Sim Snuka can be a huge part of this. All I have to say, being the most critical person of the WWE's lack of effort over the past few years, is khudos for this stroke of genius. I just hope that they don't drop the ball on this one.
I mean is it me or can anybody else see this being like a new NWO that stretches over RAW, Smackdown, and ECW? I mean look at all of the second and third gen wrestlers either in those feds or on the horizon. There are names like Joe Hennig, The Colons, Terry Gordy Jr., D.H. Smith, and Nattie Neidhart. And let's not forget that our old powerful friend Umaga also qualifies as a second gen wrestler.

DiBease's exit, is still an ambiguous indicator for his return.

He may return humbled and fall in line with the rest, or he could take offense to Orton's actions, and his stablemate's inaction in aligning with Orton subsequently. With Deuce now seemingly joining the ranks of this faction, it seems that the logical thing may be to follow the latter storyline, if looking to prevent overpopulation in the stable. If however Orton is looking to assemble an 'NWO' like presecence in an effort to 'take back the business' then maybe the former will be realized, and he'll once again suit up Team Priceless.

Deuce seems to be a more believable enforcer when compared and contrasted with Manu.
I guess we have different views of things that would work. I generally think that stables should be limited to between 3-5 people, any more, and it just gets to be clutter. The NWO, for example, was great when it was Hogan, Hall, Nash, and The Giant. Even Bischoff was okay, but once they started adding every friend Hall, Nash, and Hogan has ever had, it became way too much.

Buff? Norton? Vincent? Steiner? Savage? NWO Sting? Dibiase? Rick Rude? Big Bubba Rogers? VK Wallstreet? Brian Adams? Miss Elizabeth? Curt Hennig? Horace Hogan? Stevie Ray?

The NWO could have done without any of those.

I would rather see a separate stable with DH Smith, Nattie Niedhart, and TJ Wilson, The Hart Foundation.

I think it'd be interesting to see Dibiase oppose this group, as well as Misterio and Umaga.

Back to Sim Snuka, though, I just don't think he'll be a breakout performer at age 38. He'd get a tag title reign with Manu if I was booking, then possibly a run at the IC title as well. I just don't think he has the long term potential that they are looking for, though, when it comes to guys they'll be pushing towards the top. There is nothing wrong with being in the mid-card or tag scene, though.
Legacy as a cross brand faction seems more likely. To do this would be to truly start a war on WWE.

War always = ratings.

If this stable does grow beyond 4 - 5 members, I would think that they would go after the midcard titles, whilest Orton does battle in the main event. Congregating with leader Randy Orton on Raw would most likely happen once a month (after PPV's probably), and be ample opportunity to showcase their power. Picture this: After a major ppv, all of Legacy is successful in title bouts. In the ring, in 'nwo' fashion they parade out and stand around cutting promos. The major difference being their title count. If there was a stable that held 7 - 9 pieces of gold (World Tag team, WWE tag team, US Title, IC title, Divas title, WHC) this would be a truly awesome display of power.

Cena, Batista, Triple H, Jericho, HBK, Taker, CM Punk, all players in the WWE army. DiBease may befriend these on upon his return, only to play turncoat shortly after. Would be a great angle.

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