Deuce And Domino New Champs!



Deuce and domino won the tag team titles on Smackdown! against the champions London and Kendrick. Since they won how do you think they will do with the title? will this boost up the tag team division in your thoughts? Kendrick and London made a good run though and im happy they had it for awhile but now someone else has stepped up and taken the gold. Do you think that Deuce and Domino can do well and maybe boost up the division?
Deuce and Domino should get the longest title reign, in my opinion.

They can feud with anyone and be face or heel, to any degree. They are a team that is easy to manipulate. Cherry can also play a role.

However, there needs to be some bigger and better tag team competition, though I suspect a prolonged feud between the former and current champs until another team gets seriously in the mix.
Odd I posted this exact same thread like at the exact same time as you, yet mine disappeared completely. Oh well.

I'm glad they got the belts of L & K, though I wasn't expecting it honestly I thought they'd let L & K hold onto them for atleast another month or so. I have to disagree with what you said in the other D&D thread though DHS, I really doubt that the WWE is going to go from one incredibly long one year title reign for a team directly to another one year title run. I see Deuce & Domino holding the belts for a few monthes at best, but hopefully this will breathe new life into the tag division over at Smackdown! I've got to admit I've been impressed with Smackdown! the last couple of weeks, they definately showcase more actual wrestling then Raw does, though I still find Raw to be the more entertaining show.
This could be interesting as I don't know much about them, if they put up a good match for the title, then full credit to them, but it would be interesting to see. Since the haven't feuded with anyone without the belts yet I don't know. This could be a shot in the arm that is needed for the Tag Team division on Smackdown, as well as being a potential shot in the arm for the Cruisers with London and Kendrick potentially splitting up as partners.
Well D&D have beatin K&L almost every time they have wrestled. It's about time. I like London and Kendrick, but they were not very good tag team champions, through no fault of their own. They had a long title reign, but against beyond sub-pay competition. It'll be nice to see something new as far as a champion goes.
I like this title switch in that it was finally time for London and Kendrick to lose the titles. It was not at the point yet where you were growing tired of them as champions, but they still had an awfully long run that builds some credibility for these 2 superstars. While I think Deuce and Domino will be a good change for the tag team titles, the question I ask is who are they going to defend against. Besides London and Kendrick, you have Regal and Taylor(who are heels), maybe Helms and Guerrero(also heels) and to my knowledge thats all for the tag team division on smackdown. Deuce and Domino may be able to breath more life into the division, but with a lack of teams, and quite frankly teams that can set up adequate programs with D&D, how helpful is this title switch going to be anyway...
I see D&D going into a tweener mode so it won't be that much of a stretch to see them feuding with Regal and Taylor or with Helms and Guerrero. As long as Chavo drops the Cruiser title. But you also have Funaki and scotty 2 Hotty as a tag team, it could be worth elevating them to be more than jobbers, with putting them in a Tag team you may see an improvement in the tag team division, they also have those guys they dropped back to OVW when Michelle McCool was out.
Why not send over some teams from RAW who never get used like Highlanders or Cryme Tyme? Even for just a short feud to build up D & D.
I'd like to see the Hardy's capture the WWE Tag Team titles to go with their World tag Team titles. The hardy's are both in line for huge pushes. What better way than give them both tag team titles.
To me it seem's completley pointless. The tag division suck's. So what's the harm in letting L & K have the longest WWE Tag title reigns of all time? Which face team are Deuce & Domino going to feud with? I was really looking forward to L & K vs. Chavo & Helms over the titles. Possibly a ladder match. Hopefully they at least move some of the Raw tag teams over to Smackdown. There's a few of them over there but none of them are over since D-X buried them. But D & D vs. The Highlanders is hardly a dream match. Wheras London & Kendrick vs. WGTT would have been.
To me it seem's completley pointless. The tag division suck's. So what's the harm in letting L & K have the longest WWE Tag title reigns of all time? Which face team are Deuce & Domino going to feud with? I was really looking forward to L & K vs. Chavo & Helms over the titles. Possibly a ladder match. Hopefully they at least move some of the Raw tag teams over to Smackdown. There's a few of them over there but none of them are over since D-X buried them. But D & D vs. The Highlanders is hardly a dream match. Wheras London & Kendrick vs. WGTT would have been.

The Hardys vs London & Kendrick would have been awesome too. Those two teams in a ladder match again title vs title would have been great. I was hoping since the brand split is being blurred a bit they would merge the belts with a Hardy/LK match around summerslam. But sadly that won't happen now.
I think London's legit injured. That's fine with me. Thay can't have them as champ's if Londons going to be out for a period of time. I would have prefered Chavo & Helms to win but it doesn't matter. I get the impression that Helms will be going face and feuding with Chavo.
Im disapointed really......I liked Deuce and Domino but I was kinda hoping for Londrick vs La Resistance feud.

I guess Deuce and Domino are gonna feud with whatever guys they drag out of OVW......Harry Smith and T.J Wilson maybe?
We can talk about the tag title merge but like most other things, the WWE is going to remain oblivious to this move which could save the fading belt credibility, which is already tattered enough. As long as there is SmackDown and Raw as separate brands, they are going to have 2 tag team championships. It is just another way for the WWE to get more belts on to more people, no matter how little teams there are.

As for Deuce and Domino, I think the time is right to make this move. Their characters were going to get old, fast, but a move like this can save them. If London is really injured, it means bad things for the tag division again because it looks like there will be another inactive tag team holding the belts because there are literally no more face teams on the SmackDown roster. I think it was about time that London and Kendrick lost the titles because it was getting as repetitive as Cena's reign is, but the disappointing fact is that it is going to amount to nothing if they don't defend them, they don't get shown on TV and if London and Kendrick have to split up because of an injury. I won't expect Kendrick and London to leave the tag team scene just yet although their input to the Cruiserweight diviision is needed right now, so is their input to the tag division. It's good to get the tag titles on guys this young though and will hopefully be a stepping stone for them to reach higher peaks later on, but all in all, it could sink SmackDown's tag division even lower if there is less competition than L & K's year long reign.
They wouldn't have a halfway bad tag team division if they weren't split up over two brands right now. I don't see any real solution to this problem. The obvious choice is to just have the tag belts on Raw or Smackdown.

You have Taylor/Regal
The Hardly BoyZZZZZZZ
Kendrick and London
Helms and Guerrero
Cryme Tyme

Not perfect, but it's a start to re establishing a division that has been dead for 5 years.
Im disapointed really......I liked Deuce and Domino but I was kinda hoping for Londrick vs La Resistance feud.

I guess Deuce and Domino are gonna feud with whatever guys they drag out of OVW......Harry Smith and T.J Wilson maybe?

That might happen cause SD is at London next week and it would make a great debut for Harry. Similar to that Santino on Raw.
While it's always nice to see titles change hands on free TV as a reminder that not all title matches will end in DQs or the champ(s) retaining, I'm a little disappointed about how the match was booked, assuming that London didn't legit hurt himself. Between how long their reign was, the memorable matches they put on, and just how entertaining their regular matches were, they deserved a better way of dropping the titles than getting absolutley dominated by a rookie team. Maybe I'm just and L&K mark, but I thought it was pretty disrespectful to them.
First off, i gotta say that the L&K mark side of me was pissed off that they lost to the greasers. However, it was good to see another team take the titles..and hopefully, we are all right about this breathing new life into the Tag Division...BUT, this will only work if the WWE "Braintrust" does the right thing and merges the titles...perhaps @ the next of the big 5..SummerSlam. I think that the Hardys vs D&D would be a good match, since the Hardys and L&K are pretty similar style wise. And who knows, maybe D&D would win, and possibly set up a feud with Cryme Tyme, which, like someone said in a different thread, would be an interesting match. They both kind of have the same style, but their gimmicks represent two different eras. Think of it, Cryme Tyme, the modern era gangstas, who would jus as soon punch you in the face as us an armbar, and the 50's bad boys, who would..well, read Cryme Tyme. I think this could be an interesting feud...not to mention, if London isn't legit hurt, have them snare the gold back and have Hardys vs L&K in a TLC match.
The WWE will all of a sudden lose interest again in the Tag Team Division like they did with the Cruiser Weight Division and you'll see the titles defended every few months in a random match with no build. Not that the division isn't worth having cause they have a lot of potential tag teams (Regal/ Taylor, London/Kendrick, Cryme Time, WGTT, The Highlanders, Murdoc/Cade, and a lot of non used singles wrestlers that could create a tag team) The talent is their, just not the will.
Yeah, which is really a shame, becuase the peoiple in the twemas you listed are really talented, and deserve to have their talents showcased, as do people like the aforementioned Scotty and Funaki, and, barring singles pushes, maybe a new team like Johnny Nitro and Kenny Dykstra..or maybe Nitro and MVP, who they could build with them meeting backstage @ a ppv and deciding since Nitro is an "A-Lister" and MVP is a big time all star world class athelete that the two of them should hook up and go for the tag team titles.
Even though there are a lot of good tag teams on Smackdown, all two of the face teams (L&K and Scottie and Funaki) are cruiserweights. Unless there is a drawn out D&D vs L&K fued, I can't see Scottie and Funaki getting the nod because it would be the same type of style fued (cruiser vs. bruiser). Instead, and this is a horrible thought, I'm scared that we might see a permanent pairing of Boogeyman and Kane to fued with D&D. The fued with Regal and Taylor might just be to establish the two of them as a legit team and then from there its going after D&D. Who knows..maybe Boogy will worm Cherry to start the fued.. while it would be nice to see Kane back in a title hunt, the thought of him tagging with Boogeyman of all people...especially when there are so many more who are more talented and could use the rub...
D&D have a really cool and original gimmick right now so i dont mind them. I believe that they need a better finishing move though. I also believe thats the reason why L & K arent that over with the fans because they dont have a tag team finishing move. I wish WGTT was the same WGTT that they were on smackdown a few years ago. Plus Im from calgary and im pretty sure harry smith, tj wilson and nattie neidhart wont be debuting till the RAW in calgary. Im also happy that smackdown and raw are starting to rebuild the tag divisions and having the hardyz represent the raw division is a huge boost.
The only positive about this is that it frees up London and Kendrick to wrestle in the CW division like they should and try to rebuild the stature of a completely useless belt. However, noting my previous luck combined with the overall mental handicap of the WWE creative staff, I'll probably be treated with L & K's best impression of the Rock 'n' Roll Express throughout the summer. Yipee. But Deuce and Domino?!? Are you kidding me? This is the kind of crap that people in the general public make fun of pro wrestling for. Their gimmick is probably the biggest pile of horse dung I've seen since The Bushwhackers. Character depth? Nope. Potential for growth? Zero. Overall look? Yeah, right. What's sad is that these guys have really progressed as of recent in the ring. Oh, well. At least their manager has big jugs.
i think this is pretty good.cause london and kendrick arent exactly the best team to beat all of those legends records in the longest title reign.they havent been together long enough.and did anyone notice that they lost the titles the night ashley wasnt there.i mean come on that girl does nothing but stand there how could they loose when shes not their.she is worthless.maybe if she was like melina and got invovled then i would understand but she isnt like that so it makes me mad that they lost and all that they could talk about is how poor little ashley with her horrible acting is hurt.
The titles should be merged and made non-brand exclusive. If the titles are not merged, Raw should send some of their tag team wealth to Smackdown for a couple main eventers.

Imagine Raw trading Highlanders, Cryme Tyme and WGTT for Kennedy and Benoit. I'm sick of seeing Cena feud against the same 3 people. The only thing worse than Cena probably holding the belt into Summerslam or beyond is Cena still feuding HBK/Edge/Orton into the summer and beyond.

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