Destination X TNA Knockout Women's Championship: Daffeny VS Tara

Who will win this match?

  • Daffney

  • Tara

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
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Daffney is my favorite TNA Knockout, and I'm happy to see her get a shot at the title. I think she adds new life into the women's title picture in TNA. She's been hell bent on making a statement by attacking Tara for the past month, and now she has her shot at the title. Tara has been the champ since Genesis, and she is having a pretty solid reign.

I think there's a chance Tara will come away with the win here. Daffney as the Knockout champion would be something new and refreshing because her character is so unique. I also think this won't be the last match between these two. They will probably have a series of matches.

What are your thoughts about this match?
I would love to see Daffney win, but I think Tara will get the upper hand on this one. Maybe Daffney will get some help from another Knockout though. Tara will win cleanly if there is no interference, but if there is then Daffney will probably get the title.
I agree, Daffney is a breath of fresh air! WWE would really benefit from a diva like her! I love Tara(Victoria) she was really under appreciated in the WWE and I believe this could be a unique yet good rivalry over the next month or so... TNA Knockouts overall interest me way more than the Divas! I look forward to see if anything happens wit thsi rivalry...BTW I think Tara will win!
I'm really hoping Daffney wins here. She is just so unique and original. She is so unlike any women's wrestler I can think of. I'm guessing she's just fodder to prop up Tara but Tara, while she does have talent, is just so generic. Her finisher is cool when done right but that's all I really see from her.

And to Y2J, no offense but WWE would have absolutely no use for Daffney. They would job her out so fast it would make DDP embarrassed. She is the antithesis of what WWE women's "wrestling" is. Tonight she hit Angelina with one of the sickest spots I've seen in wrestling period, women or not, and I really hope TNA knows what they have with her.
I've been singing Daffney's praises for quite some time now. Even got warned and banned for awhile for talking shit to the WWE mod after I wrote a post about Daffney in his sacred WWE thread, but I digress. I think she has the most interesting persona in the business today. It just goes to show what one can do when you have a love for the business and are given time to develop a character away from the instant gratification of the spotlight. She honed her craft and character in the indies and now is shining on the big stage. Even her herky jerky wrestling style suits her character. I'd like to see her get a chance to be involved in more storylines outside the Knockouts division. Perhaps, some Kevin Sullivan-esque mind control type things could be written for her. I believe her potential is limitless.
A few years ago, after WCW folded, Daffney did try the E, but they didn't like her. This was Scream Queen Daffney btw. I'm glad she's healthy because she's had a history of knee problems if I'm not mistaken. I'd be surprised if Daffney didn't win. First blood matches seem to generally have the heelish challenger get a cheap win. If done right, this could be a long and interesting feud, especially if like the previous poster said, Daffney creates a stable of "puppets" to set on Tara so she (Daffney) can hold on to the belt as long as possible.
holy shit, first blood female match? this could be fun. ive always liked victoria(tara) but wwe divas are even though talented(most of them), are used as jokes with shitty storylines. at least tna has something almost original with their females. as long as it doesnt turn out like alot of tnas run in b.s. this could make me a believer in some of the stuff tna is doing
Good choice made by TNA, a first ever female first blood match, the TNA knockouts are really stepping up in womens wrestling unlike the wwe divas, who have had only one steel cage match and that was it, as for tna they have several more than 20 as far as i know, but my opion in this match would be tara but daffney may have the upper hand.
As you guys might know I'm a big Daffney fan, And this is a great match set up by the Knockout creative team in TNA. A first blood match with female wrestlers is actually a first for me, I haven't seen any female wrestlers in this match before. As for the match goes, I really think that Daffney will get the W in this match. I'm saying that Daffney will win this match not because I'm just a big fan of her, But because TNA needs a fresh KO as the champ. The KO division is kind of fading off, And by giving her the strap this will open more feuds and more chances for other unused KO's. Also I'm sure that Daffney gets a clean win, there will be no interference by any KO.
The only way I see Tara winning this as far as a story goes, is if she goes OFF CAMERA and cries to Hogan and Easy E before the PPV about taking a blade.

I've been a huge Daffanatic since the days of Crowbar and David Flair. It is about time that Daffney wins her 2nd major (cable tv) title. The time between her WCW Cruiser-weight championship and now has been WAY too long in my opinion.

If you want a champion that can sell just about ANY move you can throw at her, Daffney is your woman. I bet the woman has tack-holes in her skull after some of the spots.

If you want a bizarre love story between Daffney and the championship belt, give her the win. :) I have a feeling you won't be disappointed if she comes out victorious.
Wow now this going to be First Blood match! I can't believe TNA is going to have a woman bleed. This is going to be something to look forward to. You would think Daffney is most likely to get busted open because of how her character is, but there's a chance Tara could bleed. Tara's character has become a little more rough ever since she came to TNA, but she's still no where near as tough as Daffney.

The First Blood stipulation has added a whole new element to this match, and it will be interesting to see how TNA will handle this.
Its nice to see Daffney get a shot at the championship as she adds a nice change to the championship scene and adds a whole new element to the division and once again it seperates itself from the WWE. The build has been pretty good and Daffney looks ike an entire nutter which will make this match a lot more entertaining at least in my opinion.

I'm not sure who will this match. Normally I would think Tara but i'm pretty sure that TNA are pushing Daffney and winning the title would give her that push but with the first blood stipulation added (I haven't seen any comformation yet) it makes me unsure whether they will make Tara bleed. I'm not fussed about who wins but I am sure it will be a good match.
Really good to see Daffney get a match on PPV. Is this her first one? She's a great heel because she's so interesting and different from most of the women's wrestlers you see today. They seem to be getting pretty gimmick heavy with this PPV, which is always pretty fun.

I'm not a big fan of Tara, but this should be pretty good. Probably more or less a brawl with Dr. Stevie (is he still alive?) possibly interfering. Either way, should be pretty clusterfuckish, albeit entertaining. Lord knows we haven't seen enough in TNA recently. I'm sure Tara will be winning here though as Daffney doesn't seem like championship material and Angelina/Tara seems probable down the road.
What did I tell you about someone (cough..Tara..cough) crying to people in high positions about how "dangerous" this could be.

I knew it would be pulled, I just didn't know how soon when I called it. I know for a FACT that Daffney wouldn't care if she bladed, but Tara was always in question. Guess calling the kettle back now won't help anything, we'll just let TNAlisamarie on Twitter know that her crying hasn't gone unnoticed by the general populous.
I like Daffney and I'd like to see her win, but I don't think it's going to happen. This match was likely made to give a feud that was something different, which it is. Daffney would make an interesting champion if she does win, she could do all sorts of crazy things to intimidate her challengers.... However, I don't see Tara losing the belt anytime soon. The match will probably be alright, nothing all too special. Tara will probably retain because she's more believable as champion than Daffney, and the feud might continue until Lockdown when a rematch could take place.

Tara will retain the Knockouts Championship.
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