Destination X: Match of 10,000 Thumbtacks


Is hanging up the boots
Abyss vs. "The Blueprint" Matt Morgan​

Man, this card now has 8 matches excluding the ODB segment. That means this match will a be filler, one that probably won't last over 6 or 7 minutes in length. First of all, it seems this feud is lasting forever, they had a match last month so they are already having a gimmick match. I'm not a huge fan of Abyss, but I know he excells in gimmick matches.

I don't mind Matt Morgan actually, and I think with the right build up and the right push, he can make it fairly big in TNA. Though that's not much of an accomplishment. As for this match? Well, TNA didn't explain to me how this match works. I missed the first 30 minutes of iMPACT this week, but I doubt TNA would have explain the rules. It takes TNA 1 minute to do something that takes the WWE 20 minutes. Whether that is a good or bad thing is purely up to you.

I hope Abyss puts over Morgan here. Abyss has nothing left to gain, but Matt Morgan has everything to gain. So I hope Morgan bodyslams Abyss onto the thumbtacks to win the match. At least that's how I think the match will end. TNA should really explain their matches next time.
I think that this match has been done so many times now (the thumbtacks I mean) that they really need to put it to bed for a little while.
I love gimmick matches as the next guy but time to freshen up the gimmicks cause they are getting stale.
I do agree with u however that abyss need to put over morgan huge cause if used right over time morgan can possibly be a heavyweight contender and I can't see abyss being anywhere close to a contender anymore. He's like kane now.

Morgan should elevate his game from this event and start makin headway into the frontline or title picture. God know he has all the physical attributes (a little raw right now but given some more refinement and time)and just need work on the mic.
Maybe it's just because I'm tired right now, but I really could give two shits about this match. While Morgan has potential and Abyss could be a good heel, I just am not intrigued nor excited for the match.

While we are likley to see a good spot or two and lots of blood, the match just isn't getting me on my feet. I like both of the guys, and TNA are trying their best at hyping the match and furthering the storyline between this two it just doesn't connect with me. While both are good, I actually hope Morgan goes over Abyss and moves on. Morgan needs a big win to fully establish that he's a upper midcard/low mainevent talent, and this match could be it. Plus beating Abyss at his own game could get him some heat. But honestly I could really care less either way, and I don't know if it's TNA's fault or just my opinion on this match.
You know, up until this point, I've actually really hated Matt Morgan. His finisher is stupid, and he just seemed to unbelievably vanilla. I didn't even like him with his new heel character up until this past week on impact. I don't know what it was, but he clicked with me this week and I actually found myself enjoying his segments with Abyss.

I'm looking forward to this match. And I'm also enjoying the new "edgier" TNA as a whole.
This match will be a filler I agree with that however I feel that this is one gimmick match that really is stupid and you have to be really F**ked up to do a match like this . I expect Morgan to win becasue I don't think he is hardcore enough to go into the tacks . and we all know Abyss but himself into tacka by punching them a few weeks ago on Impact so he's F**ked p enough to do it .

That's my Opinion I welcome yours ......
I agree that this feud is a little stale already. I've been high on Morgan since his debut and whoever said he needs work on the mic, well besides Kevin Nash he's the best talking big man in the business so I don't get where that's come from

Maybe Abyss just doesn't work as a face? Big man faces have to lose more than heel big men and that weakens their character, and as Abyss is in bad shape anyway it does him no favours when much smaller men go over him. The only person I think he works well with without weapons is Kurt Angle. Their match at... No Surrender?... was brilliant.

As far as this match goes, well Morgan has to go over surely. Abyss is going to take some sick bumps, Morgan will take a couple, I wouldn't be surprised to see Stevie Richards debut on camera and turn on Abyss or something crazy like that. Superkick, big slam from Morgan on tacks. Done.

I could see Morgan being "hired" as muscle for the Main Event Mafia. Nash can't move, Angle and Sting fight each other, Steiner needs a pipe to do any damage, they just aren't as legit scary as they were in the first month. They need someone to deter the Joes and Team 3Ds. I don't know why the Frontline don't just rush the ring and kick the crap out of them, we all know they could.
I could see Morgan being "hired" as muscle for the Main Event Mafia. Nash can't move, Angle and Sting fight each other, Steiner needs a pipe to do any damage, they just aren't as legit scary as they were in the first month. They need someone to deter the Joes and Team 3Ds.

Unless Matt Morgan somehow wins a world title in the next couple of days or weeks, that's not happening.

The MEM's entire angle is based on all members being former world champs.

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