Desmond Wolfe: Finished With TNA?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &

TNA has removed Desmond Wolfe from its roster page and he is finished with the company. He was just recently introduced as the commissioner of the TNA Xplosion show.

Powell's POV: Wolfe has been unable to wrestle due to an undisclosed medical situation. Thanks to Dot Net Member Ernesto Cruz and Dot Net reader Sirep from Brasil for pointing out that he has been removed from the roster page.

All discussion here.
/facepalm. I guess we know why the WWE reneged on hiring Nigel McGuinness now.

Last year at this time, I was shitting on just about everything TNA did, and I still felt I had good reason to. You want to talk about a company "in transition", they tried just about everything to see what would work.

Now, I'm frustrated for a different reason, because I see TNA/IW doing so much right; the online fantasy game, going back to treating pro wrestling as competition/entertainment instead of strictly entertainment, bringing in top indie stars to see who can light up a crowd (and don't think that only one guy will be hired more regularly if other guys get great crowd response.) But for each step forward, it seems they take another step that makes them look bush league.

Why on earth is TNA/IW putting guys in 'authority' roles when they don't have plans to keep them around, or at least a constructed story for their departure? Mick Foley gets brought on as the mystery representative for The Network (the anonymous authority figure storyline is getting a lot of work in pro wrestling lately), and a couple weeks later it's "oh yeah, and he got fired." Now it's Desmond Wolfe. OK, you hired him as a wrestler, and he couldn't wrestle. He doesn't have the audience cache to be a permanent 'ambassador' figure; the mainstream wrestling audience just got introduced to him last year, and we didn't see all too much of him. But why put him in that role when you don't know what you're going to do with him? For the love of God, why not just slap a cast on him, have him say he's badly hurt, and have him working with the Fortune boys as a Bob Orton/Owen Hart type figure? All TNA/IW is doing by putting these guys in these main roles is leaving a very obvious hole when they don't have plans for them a short while later; a hole that they created for themselves.

To the person Nigel McGuinness, I wish him the best. There's good reason to suspect he might have the Ricky Steamboat/Edge diagnosis, which would be a shame- not many people got to see his best years.
/facepalm. I guess we know why the WWE reneged on hiring Nigel McGuinness now.

Uhh, what? It isn't like he was born with it. It had to be transmitted. And the way in-which Hep C is transmitted is through someones blood making contact with your own. Hence, why there is such a negative energy towards blading.

Nigel McGuinness is one of the best technical wrestlers in the world. He's one of a kind in some way, from watching him when he came into Ring of Honor as a hooligan, his iconic independant feud with Bryan Danielson which includes a Match of the Year award from either PWI or Wrestling Observer to watching him enter TNA, he has been one of my favorite wrestlers.

I know that I read he had some advancements in a stage production, so acting in other words. He also is supposed to be looking for treatment for his Hep C and that it's believed that he won't be cleared to wrestle for well over two years.

Shame for this to happen to the dude, he's just too good of a wrestler. Where some fans of Edge wept and cried over his retirement I didn't really care all that much, this to me is losing my Edge.

Best of luck to Nigel McGuinness. He's a legend. Hope he gets back into a wrestling ring eventually and calls everyone a wanker.
this sound like a last minute decision to me because they made him as new commissioner of Xplosion and all of the sudden release him because he is unable to wrestle for medical reasons. I think the fans were hoping that he got clear and was able to complete again but i guess that was not the case. He will be miss I hope be ables to wrestle again, but now he has to worry about his medical issues
I don't like this at all. I remember when he first debuted and went after Angle and I just thought he was an absolute godsend. Then he started to disappear and I was on a "Where the fuck's Wolfe gone?" type of thing. Every time he wasn't on Impact, I was disappointed. Then I heard about the Hep-C business and didn't lose respect for him, but was slightly, well, peeved we weren't gonna be seeing him for a while. Then he became the Xplosion Comissioner, which gave me faith that gradually, Wolfe would be back on screen and there would be a possibility he would be back on TNA T.V soon. However, he's now gone, so I'm upset that we're not going to be seeing him again.

TNA, maybe one day?
Can we at least wait and see for once before we start shitting on TNA? He also had other projects outside of TNA and he could have asked for his release. I am sure if he has a twitter he will talk about the reasons why he left or got released.
Uhh, what? It isn't like he was born with it. It had to be transmitted. And the way in-which Hep C is transmitted is through someones blood making contact with your own. Hence, why there is such a negative energy towards blading.
He was tentatively hired by the WWE back in 2009, but they pulled out of the deal after he failed a physical for reasons that weren't disclosed. This would make a lot of sense.
I would have to say that this is the right decision. Two years is a long time to keep someone in a non wrestling capacity unless you are a legendary performer whom the crowd identifies easily with. Of course appointing him as the Commisioner of Xplosion was a dumb move but I guess TNA were trying their hardest to give something to Wolfe to work with. But why would a show like Xplosion need a Commisioner anyway?

I liked Wolfe. He was obviously very good in the ring but I thought he had some potential on the microphone as well. I liked the promos he cut in his feud with Angle. He obviously needed grooming, though. There is still hope for him, though, however slim the chances of his return may be. It is somewhat disappointing that people did not get to see him in the big leagues all that much but it would be fair to say that as a total package, he was just not ready. He should use his time off constructively and try to get a bit better on the mic. That will only enhance his appeal when and if he comes back.
It's just lousy luck for McGuinness but I can't say that this surprises me in the least. In fact, I've been waiting for the axe to fall for a while now.

When the WWE deal he had was off due to whatever this undisclosed medical reason was, the WWE was lambasted with criticism from the IWC. That's nothing new but this was especially heated as McGuinness was very much an internet darling. When he came to TNA as Desmond Wolfe, it did look as if WWE made a big mistake in not signing him. I became a fan of the guy and was just into everything he was doing. Then, Hogan & Bischoff came to town and Wolfe's push was not only halted, the guy was all but buried. And he's been unable to compete in the ring for what feels like forever due to this condition or illness or whatever it is exactly. In the long run, it looks like the WWE made the right call and I can't blame TNA for ultimately parting ways with him.

It's just too bad that what looks like could have been a brilliant career is almost certainly not going to reach anywhere near its full potential because of whatever is ultimately wrong with him.
Can we at least wait and see for once before we start shitting on TNA? He also had other projects outside of TNA and he could have asked for his release. I am sure if he has a twitter he will talk about the reasons why he left or got released.
Not a single person in this thread is shitting on TNA/IW for releasing Nigel McGuinness. Would you, just once, actually read the posts in a thread and respond to what people actually wrote? Instead of quickly skimming them and assuming that anyone who has a comment that could simply be interpreted as critical must be mindlessly shitting on TNA/IW?

Not a single person in this thread attacked TNA/IW for releasing Nigel McGuinness. The only person to say that TNA/IW released him would be rondiesel2005, and his comment would hardly be considered 'shitting on them'.

Defensive much?
It'd be bigger news if he hadn't basically been gone from TNA for 18 months already. A short role on Xplosion (Is that right?) isn't a return of any kind.

Wolfe was a decent talker, but he wasn't good enough to keep around in an authority figure role. Those roles should be reserved for the very best talkers in the business, of which Wolfe was not one. Its a shame, but there was no need for him anymore.
He was tentatively hired by the WWE back in 2009, but they pulled out of the deal after he failed a physical for reasons that weren't disclosed. This would make a lot of sense.

I know that he signed "in-principle" but I almost certain I heard somewhere he failed a screening due to the fact he had a recurring spine problem, after he took a piledriver while in ROH and it compressed his spinal cord.

There is no medical way that someone can know a year in advance that they'll contract Hepititas C. That's called predicting the future.
Its more likely that he failed his WWE medical, due to it discovering he had Hep C. They legally can not publicly disclose that whatsoever which would explain why WWE just simply stated "an undisclosed reason" and why TNA basically says the same thing on why he was not able to wrestle for them anymore.

He's an awesome guy and I wish him luck and hope he is able to get his health issues sorted and hopefully one day we can see him get back into the ring. He's a hell of a talent for us to lose, regardless what company he works for.

Its more likely that he failed his WWE medical, due to it discovering he had Hep C. They legally can not publicly disclose that whatsoever which would explain why WWE just simply stated "an undisclosed reason" and why TNA basically says the same thing on why he was not able to wrestle for them anymore.

But he could wrestle then... And for a year... But he can't wrestle, now?

You see the failed logic in the timeline?
No, I don't. Because its most likely that TNA stopped him from wrestling once they discovered he had Hep C. Either that, or he had complications from it and thus they were made aware of it and for safety from the rest of their wrestlers they put him on the shelf indefinitely. It would certainly explain why Hulk Hogan seemed visibly upset at Wolfe whenever he was asked about him.
No, I don't. Because its most likely that TNA stopped him from wrestling once they discovered he had Hep C. Either that, or he had complications from it and thus they were made aware of it and for safety from the rest of their wrestlers they put him on the shelf indefinitely. It would certainly explain why Hulk Hogan seemed visibly upset at Wolfe whenever he was asked about him.

See, if he had been declined to join WWE due to having Hepititas C and then went to TNA, they'd have to know.

Hep C is a virus, if they'd known and allowed him to continue to wrestle there is no way in hell they wouldn't be sued over it, when they would literally be risking the guys life, and if they hadn't known about then that's just plain and simply, asinine.

When he went to his WWE medical, there is no way, in literally, medical terms that he could have had Hepititas C then. It isn't possible for him to be diagnosed then and continue to wrestle for over a year before deciding to stop.
I have no idea what you're trying to say. IF WWE discovered he had Hep C, they can't tell anyone. At all. So, unless Wolfe signed with TNA and said "btw, I have Hep C" they wouldn't know either. He is actually NOT under an legal obligation to inform TNA that he has Hep C. Morally responsible? Yes. But, legally no. As weird as that sounds, believe me its true.

You're forgetting that TNA doesn't have a pre-screening medical or at least not one as extensive as WWE does. Do you remember when WWE discovered that Bob Orton Sr had Hep B? They were pissed, they released him, but they couldn't publicly state that was the reason for his release. Or they would be liable. They also can't tell any of his future employers/business associates either, or again WWE would have a huge lawsuit on their hands.

Unless hepatitis is "active" there is virtually no physical symptoms, so unless a person tells you they have it or you're a doctor and you test them for it, you would not know they have it.
Can we at least wait and see for once before we start shitting on TNA? He also had other projects outside of TNA and he could have asked for his release. I am sure if he has a twitter he will talk about the reasons why he left or got released.

In your opinion has TNA ever made any mistakes? If so, please elaborate.

I know that he signed "in-principle" but I almost certain I heard somewhere he failed a screening due to the fact he had a recurring spine problem, after he took a piledriver while in ROH and it compressed his spinal cord.

There is no medical way that someone can know a year in advance that they'll contract Hepititas C. That's called predicting the future.
Because a professional wrestler has never, ever, not once worked with a serious medical condition that they probably should tell someone about? Because no one in the world has ever been told "your dream is over, starting right now", and done something wrong out of denial? FWIW, your post is the very first I'm hearing about Nigel having Hep C.

You can't announce that someone has Hepatitis C; one of the fundamental parts of HIPAA is that you can't disclose another person's illness or injury without their direct consent, should you have private access to their medical records. That doesn't mean leaks don't happen, but it does mean that the WWE or TNA/IW wouldn't publicize anything from a physical besides "perfectly healthy".

You don't have to predict the future or be psychic; you're acting as if professional wrestlers are all entirely personally responsible people (assuming this whole Hep C thing), which I've found to be quite far from reality. It's been barely five years since Bob Orton Jr. bladed himself in the ring with Undi; don't think for a second that another wrestler wouldn't perform under the same conditions.
Lets just hope his realease isn't the sad end of one of the best British wrestlers of the modern eras career. Perhaps the most over british wresler of the last decade going out like this really would be a sad end. Just when he began to get the chance to show what he could do on TV on a regular basis
Because a professional wrestler has never, ever, not once worked with a serious medical condition that they probably should tell someone about? Because no one in the world has ever been told "your dream is over, starting right now", and done something wrong out of denial? FWIW, your post is the very first I'm hearing about Nigel having Hep C.

You can't announce that someone has Hepatitis C; one of the fundamental parts of HIPAA is that you can't disclose another person's illness or injury without their direct consent, should you have private access to their medical records. That doesn't mean leaks don't happen, but it does mean that the WWE or TNA/IW wouldn't publicize anything from a physical besides "perfectly healthy".

You don't have to predict the future or be psychic; you're acting as if professional wrestlers are all entirely personally responsible people (assuming this whole Hep C thing), which I've found to be quite far from reality. It's been barely five years since Bob Orton Jr. bladed himself in the ring with Undi; don't think for a second that another wrestler wouldn't perform under the same conditions.
Several months back someone asked where he was and I did a search and came across the speculation that he had it, but I didn't post it or anything about it because it is all rumors an innuendo and not an official report from him or his doctor. There is also the thought he's had so many concussions that he is unable to be released physically by the doctors to compete. There's even speculation he was trying out for a football team (Soccer to us Americans).

I'm sure he will say something about it and I will hold my speculation until I hear it from him or his doctors first.
Several months back someone asked where he was and I did a search and came across the speculation that he had it, but I didn't post it or anything about it because it is all rumors an innuendo and not an official report from him or his doctor. There is also the thought he's had so many concussions that he is unable to be released physically by the doctors to compete. There's even speculation he was trying out for a football team (Soccer to us Americans).

I'm sure he will say something about it and I will hold my speculation until I hear it from him or his doctors first.

One thing he definitely wasn't doing was trying out for a football team. He is 33, an age when people retire from the sport. This was just a flippant comment thrown out by the commentators. Plus, asides from his Nigel McGuinness's soccer hooligan gimmick, I don't even believe he has any history in the sport.

Whatever the alleged reasons behind his current medical predicament, this is a major loss to wrestling (if he has been released as opposed to maybe taking a medium term sabbatical) in that Wolfe was a true original. He was kind of like the bastard son of William Regal and CM Punk and could have been a major star in the wrestling matters push.

I really hope that Desmond / Nigel returns - if it takes two years then it takes two years. If it is applicable, get well soon, amigo! If not, the best of luck in whatever you choose to pursue.
One thing he definitely wasn't doing was trying out for a football team. He is 33, an age when people retire from the sport. This was just a flippant comment thrown out by the commentators. Plus, asides from his Nigel McGuinness's soccer hooligan gimmick, I don't even believe he has any history in the sport.

Whatever the alleged reasons behind his current medical predicament, this is a major loss to wrestling (if he has been released as opposed to maybe taking a medium term sabbatical) in that Wolfe was a true original. He was kind of like the bastard son of William Regal and CM Punk and could have been a major star in the wrestling matters push.

I really hope that Desmond / Nigel returns - if it takes two years then it takes two years. If it is applicable, get well soon, amigo! If not, the best of luck in whatever you choose to pursue.
Yeah I figured that. The point I was making was there has been a lot of speculation and I'm not going to jump on any of them being correct until it comes from him or his doctors.. It could maybe even be he's been taking off the roster to make people think he's fired and he returns in a few months or a year with a new character and able to wrestle. This is wrestling so who really knows at this point. I'm not going to blindly believe he has a disease because I read it on a dirt sheet report without hearing it from the man himself.
In your opinion has TNA ever made any mistakes? If so, please elaborate.


What does this have to do with mistakes? People are once again jumping to conclusions of why a wrestler was released. Desmond Wolfe was currently writing a sitcom and also doing stand up in Florida. So obviously he has other options available outside of wrestling. There are many ways you can look at him being off the roster page, but I am not going to sit here and say

"Fuck TNA they fuck everything up"

"TNA like always can't finish a storyline"

because we don't know why he is gone. There obviously is a reason why he can't wrestle or he would have been. He wouldn't have been on Xplosion as a commissioner.

These are reasons why certain people piss me off. There is no reason at all to bash TNA for this until we know the whole story and even then the guy hasn't been on TV for over year. It got to the point where you forget he is even employed.
True, we don't know whats going on with Desmond Wolfe but something is very fishy. Did he piss someone in the company? ( doubt it but not impossible). Does he have a serious disease to the point that he can't wrestle? Well it would have to be pretty serious, but like someone said earlier nobody can disclose what it is (unless it leaks) without his consent. So until we know for sure lets not speculate.
"Sorry about your damn luck!!!"- James Storm

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