Demand_Legend Bring WWE!!!

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John Cena
Triple H
Chris Jericho
Ric Flair
Shawn Michaels
Big Show
Ken Doane
Shelton Benjamin
Gene Snitsky
Danny Basham
Robert Conway
Rene Dupree
The Rock
Rob Van Dam
Trevor Murdoch
Lance Cade
Matt Striker
Chris Masters
Chavo Guerrero
Billy Kidman
Mick Foley
Val Venis
Charlie Haas

Christy Hemme
Gail Kim

Smackdown :

Kurt Angle
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
Eddie Guerrero
Bobby Lashley
Fit Finlay
Silvain Grenier
Chris Benoit
Gregory Helms
Johnny Jeter
Matt Hardy
Simon Dean
Booker T
Mark Jindrak
Jamie Noble
Scotty 2 Hotty
Paul London
Brian Kendrik
William Regal
Paul Burchill
The Boogeyman
Mr. Kennedy
Orlando Jordan
Mark Henry
Kid Kash
Doug Basham
CM Punk
Hardcore Holly


Jillian Hall
Torrie Wilson


WWE Champion : Triple H
World Tag team Champions : Rock 'n' Sock connection
Intercontinental Champion : Ken Crash
Women's Champion : Melina

World Heavyweight Champion : Randy Orton
WWE Tag Team Champions : MNM
US Champion :Chris Benoit
Cruiserweight Champion : Johnny Jeter

edit : My rosters will be edited, whenever a superstars is added or removed
Heres Raw hope ya like it
Raw : week 1 : Chicago, Illinois

Opening video and pyro!

Wrestlemania recap :
-Maria & Candice defeat Stacy & Torrie (interpromotional match)
-Kid Kash defeats 5 cruiserweights to retain (cruiserweight championship)
-RVD wins the money in the bank ladder match
-Umaga defeats Ric Flair to retain (Intercontinental championship)
-Undertaker defeats The Rock (interpromotional match)
-Trish defeats Mickie to retain (Women’s championship)
-Edge(W/Lita) defeats Randy Orton (interpromotional TLC-match)
-Batista defeats Kurt Angle to become new champion (WHchampionship)
-Triple H defeats John Cena and Shawn Michaels to become new champion ( WWE championship)

Goldust defeats Flair :
three-minute match with some decent wrestling. After 2 and a halve minutes, Snitsky came out and while Goldust distracted the ref, Snitsky hit the chair of the skull of Flair. Goldust went for the cover and won the match.

Cena vs. HHH. vs. Michaels for the WWE championship tonight!

Kane & Show vs. Eugene & Basham up next!

*commercial break*

Triple H comes out to address the crowd. He tells them that the king of kings has gone back on his throne and that he will stay on his throne for a very long time.

Kane & Show defeat Eugene & Danny Basham :
Kane dominated both of his opponents. He didn’t even had to tag his partner in to almost assure a victory. Eventually, after a devastating big-boot, Kane tagged in Big Show. Big Show quickly did a double chockeslam on both Eugene and Basham. He went for the cover on Basham and got the victory.

*commercial break*

After their match, Kane & Show challenge Matt Striker and Maven for a tag-team championshipmatch next week on RAW.
Striker and Maven accept.

Edge vs. RVD tonight!

Trish vs. Maria up next!

Trish defeats Maria (DQ) :
Decent wrestling by both women. Trish attempted a Chick-kick, as well as a Stratusfaction, but both failed. Maria tried to hit her finisher as well, but failed as well.
Near the end of the match, Mickie came running to the ring and hit Trish with the “mick-kick”, giving the ref no choice but to call for a DQ.

*commercial break*

Bischoff comes out and talks to the crowd. He says that the RAW-superstars proved at Mania that they’re better than Smackdown’s. He also tells Teddy Long that RAW superstars could come invade Smackdown! When he least expects it.

Edge vs. RVD up next!

*commercial break*

Edge(W/Lita) defeats Rob Van Dam :
A great match put up by both superstars. After 5 minutes, Edge gained control of the match and hit a missile dropkick to build up a head of steam.
Suddenly, Edge spears the referee. Lita then grabs RVD’s money in the bank-briefcase and blasts it onto the head of RVD. A new referee comes out and Edge pins RVD for the victory.

*commercial break*

The 3 maineventers get ready for their match.

Triple H talks to someone backstage, but it’s unable to see the person he’s talking to.

Cena is in his room, when suddenly Candice comes in. She says she likes Cena and with her on his side, he would become WWE champion sooner than he ever expected.

Main Event : Cena vs. Triple H vs. Michaels up next!

*commercial break*

Triple H defeats Cena and Michaels to retain (WWE championship):
A 5-star match! Cena was quickly knocked out of the ring, leaving Michaels and Triple H face to face. There were some momentum swings and after a minute or 4, Cena came back in the ring, hitting both men and building up momentum. Cena grabbed HHH for the F-U, but Michaels broke things up with a devastating Sweet chin music! He went for the cover on Cena, but Triple H still had the presence of mind to break it up. Some back and forth action followed and suddenly, Triple H clotheslined Michaels over the top rope. Cena, however was recuperated and surprised HHH with a shoulder block. HHH got back up quickly, however and took back control. He kept having the upper hand on Cena and finished it off, finally, with a pedigree.

After the win, Triple H celebrates in the ring and the RAW night is over…
Nice rosters... It's just that you should write out full matches, rather the result and then a breif summery about it. I know you're a beginner and I know you'll improve over time.

Can you please review my show Fusion Week 12? Thanks a lot ;)
I agree with Lalakerz...full matches or just some more details. But the storyline and rosters are great.
lalakerz said:
Nice rosters... It's just that you should write out full matches, rather the result and then a breif summery about it. I know you're a beginner and I know you'll improve over time.

Can you please review my show Fusion Week 12? Thanks a lot ;)

Yeah i would like it better with full matches...Makes it more unique and interesting...
yea i no but i do like some people i write full details on PPV's
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