Del Rio Is Showing the Most Potential


Pre-Show Stalwart
So as we all know WWE is trying to make Future stars we have seen jack swagger put in the picture way to quick and flop. Also we have had sheamus bulldoze his way to the WWE title and Become a top Star which seems like its fadeing , Then we have The Miz which was built up very well and they are showing promise with bring JoMo & Zigler to the top aswell .

But out of all of the stars i mentioned i think Del Rio is out shineing them all. He seems to be delivering great promo after promo he is full of charisma he is great in the ring. I think its a mixture of his great charcter and the way he is being pushed. He put 2 Top stars out of action he got to interupt HBK he seems to be getting more airtime them most and he won the RR and its been 5 years since they pushed someone to the ME with a RR win

So My question is do you think Del Rio is showing the most potential out of the future stars?If so why and if not who do you think is the brightest out of these future stars and who can you see becomeing the Biggest

Also can anyone see a little bit of eddie in del rio?
Don't forget Wade Barrett. He too is on the rise and is great with promos. Del Rio however is exceeding everyone because like CM Punk he makes his promos fresh. And he can get pretty extreme too with his wrestling. TLC, him and Rey almost stole the show in the Fatal 4 Way.
Alberto Del Rio is one of my favorite superstars.He has great potential to be world champion in the future.
I think Del Rio will be world champion at Wrestlemania,and that would be a great accomplishment in his career.

Some other superstars who shined very quickly are :1-Sheamus.He became wwe champion in no time,and he is one of the top superstars now.
2-Jack Swagger.He is trying to get to the top very quickly too.
3-Wade Barret.After winning NXT,he became one of the fastest superstars to rise,and he was the reason some good teams were formed.
There is four guys I would say who have blazed along the fast track. Miz, Del Rio, Sheamus and Barrett. Del Rio has worked for something like eleven years in Mexico and other parts of the world and that goes some way to explaining his success now and why he is so good. Sheamus also worked over in Britain as a top guy for about 6 years or so along guys like Drew Mcintyre and that explains his prowess into he ring and his success too. Even the Miz has been in the biz now for over 5 years starting from scratch and working his way up, that'd be fine if I actually thought the guy was any good.

As it stands Wade Barrett has only about 3-4 years in the wrestling biz. He had a short stint in FCW before appearing on NXT where he beat out competition like Daniel Bryan and Justin Gabriel. He headed Raw for months successfully and came to the point where people are talking about him facing Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Starting from a guy who had no experience and going to the point where Barrett has done now is the reason for me calling him out as the star of all these men with the most potential. He is 3 years younger than Del Rio, he is in fact in his wrestling prime right now and has risen to every occassion. I honestly think he is the guy with the most potential who has benefitted from the youth movement.

I don't believe in Swagger being a youth movement star, his title run by purposes failed in getting him over despite some massive victories. He is a great wrestler and a terrible talker, and this is the sports entertainment biz, he's not going as far as the rest of the guys I mentionned.

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