Defending Cena


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was watching some old DVDs over the weekend, and came to a ralization, John Cena has earned everything he has been given at this point. Now before the masses hang me for defending "Super Cena" allow me to explain myself. I am not a Cena mark, in fact when it comes down to it I really don't like the guy. I lean more toward heels and technical workers and if I ranked my favorite WWE Superstars in order Cena would probably be very low on the list maybe ahead of Khali, Otunga and a small number of guys. That being said, here are my reasons for defending Cena:

Given a a terrible gimmick and surviving[/B
On this past season of Tough Enough, I remember Austin at an elimination ceremony talking about how horrible he knew The Ringmaster gimmick was, but he worked through it and became the Stone Cold character. If you go back all the greats have did this The Rock came out as Rocky Miavia, which was a take on his family history, but it was terribe. The entrance attire the goofy smile all of it. Hogan used to come to the ring with a cape and top hat trying to play a cocky heel, Sting was in a failed LOD clone tag team, The Undertaker could have easily been one of the worst gimmicks of all time, same for Mankind and Kane. For those who have followed Cena's career may recall The Prototype in UPW and OVW. The Prototype was basically a mix between The Terminator and Lex Luger for the most part. He was Rico's henchman and that was basically it, just another muscular body. Then came the white rapper gimmick. This could have easily been a career killer, imagine if Evan Bourne walked to the ring on Raw tonight rapping, it would basically be the same thing. Cena took a horrible gimmick and made it somewhat entertaining, he used his chain as a weapon, he said some funny stuff here and there and he gained a following with it. He basically did what the names I mentioned above did, he took a bad gimmick tweaked it to add some of his own personality to it, and became a huge star with it.

Knowing his audience and catering to them.
When I was a kid, I loved Hulk Hogan. To me as a five year old, he was a super hero. I had his action figures, his t shirts, I made my parents take me to see his awful movies and me along with millions of other kids, made Hogan a millionaire. We all know now that Hogan was no goody two shoes, but during his run he was a wholesome character and parents were not afraid to let their kids watch him and look up to him. Cena is nothing more than a carbon copy of this image. Cena knows kids love him, so he caters to them. Cena doesn't need the adult male fans like myself to like him, because he knows in a PG era that he can't cater to me anyway. Today a superstar with edge is a heel plain and simple look at Punk, look at Edge up until the last couple of months of his career, hell even The Rock is the heel now. Yes, Cena is booked as a face, but he still is the decisive factor in who cheers him and who don't. Look at Angle's debut if you don't believe me.

Knowing his in ring limits and making the most of them.
To his credit, he has gotten A LOT better. Look at Cena's matches in UPW and OVW he was AWFUL. I always read about his limited moveset, but Hulk Hogan, arguably the most popular wrestler of all time, had a way more limited move set than Cena. Austin didn't have the in ring abilities of Dean Melenko or Chris Benoit. Hogan had punches, kicks, shoulder blocks, body slams and the big boot and leg drop. Aside from a couple other moves that was it, but when he did any of these moves he got a huge pop. Austin for the most part had punches, kicks, mudhole stomping, Thez press, Stunner and a few more moves in between, but they all got pops. Cena has learned to do the same thing. He knows he can do whatever the hell he has to do to get by, but the five knuckle shuffle, STFU and Attitude Adjuster are going to get huge pops and he knows how to work them just right.

I could probably write a book, but these are a few reasons I feel that Cena is a deserving star. Do I think he should be booked to dominate like he does? Not really to the extint, but I can see why WWE does it. I would love nothing more than for Punk to win at SummerSlam and be the new face of WWE, but I know that is and will never happen. I know he catches a lot of crap, especially from the IWC, but the man has worked his ass off to get to where he is if you look back at his career. I hope I don't get destroyed for this post, but I felt it was something that needed to be said. Look at it this way, I think Curtis Granderson is the best player on the Yankees right now, but I realize that MLB being a business is not going to promote Granderson over Jeter and A Rod because that is where the money is, women and kids love Jeter and A Rod and those two sale tickets and merchandise. Granderson may hit homeruns and do all the leg work, but at the end of the day Jeter is the hero. Cena is the Jeter while guys like Punk, Daniel Bryan and Alberto Del Rio are Curtis Granderson, and that's just the way it is.
I love the Yankee analogy. Diehard Yankee fan from Queens.

As for the rest of the post, I couldn't agree more. John Cena is supremely talented. He has all the components that it takes to be successful. Everyone else's mic skills pale in comparison to Cena's (although Punk's last 2 Raw promos show he's right there). His ring work is phenomenal, despite what IWC smarks feel. Keep in mind that these same people mark out for the less than stellar kicking arsenal of Daniel Bryan. I'd rather watch a John Cena "5 Moves of Doom" any day of the week. Make no mistake -- I love great wrestling. Chris Benoit, prior to his heinous crimes, entertained me immensely. Bret and Owen Hart all told a tremendously beautiful stories in the ring. Daniel Bryan? Not so much. Same for people like Jeff Hardy. A bunch of high spots and no mic skills does not a great wrestler make.

Professional wrestling is escapism on its most basic level. While it takes a tremendous amount of athleticism, it is the theatrics that are of paramount importance to sport. Perhaps that why despite his many critics Cena has been so successful. Like his predecessors Hogan, Savage, Piper, Flair, etc., Cena understands that while you can't be a sloth in the ring, you don't necessarily have to be a collegiate champion. It's entertainment. In this business, you will be infinitely more successful if you have the charisma component (which Cena has in spades) as opposed to being a ring tactician.
Another "I love Cena" "I hate Cena" thread......wheeeeeeeeeee! Different day same old thing. You could have just gone through the threads and commented on one of the million old ones. The guy is a hard worker, he's not for me, therefore I don't like him. There are a ton of things you can defend him on, and a ton of things you can pick him apart for, and so it goes, much like it did yesterday, and the day before that. It's like groundhog day around here.
Actually Daniel Bryan is a great wrestler and is great on the mic. His mic stuff with Cole and Miz was great.

As for Cena, I don't mind him, I'd just prefer to watch Punk. Why you ask? There's a trend with wrestling fans these days who prefer the 'cool heel' rather then the traditional baby face. Everyone bashes Kofi, Riley, Cena... But if all these ppl turned heel tomorrow then I bet 90% of the people who bash them would jump on board.
I think you absolutely hit the proverbial nail on the head here. He has worked his ass off to get where he is, even more possibly than say Orton? Who is pushed down our throats as much as Cena, with much less heavy criticism. I see the Miz taking the same approach as Cena too. Working his ass off outside the ring to reach the upper echelon of wrestling superstardom. Now, those who dislike Cena the character, I totally understand, as I am damn tired of the same lame SuperCena shit we've seen for quite some time now. But to say the man doesn't belong where he is? That's just nonesense!
While I can't speak to his ROH work (I've seen 3 matches), Daniel Bryan in the WWE has been yawn inducing. I was actually excited when I heard "The American Dragon" was going be playing a prominent role on WWE television. Talk about underwhelming. I don't necessarily blame him 100%. He doesn't fit into the WWE mold of what a main eventer should be. He doesn't possess the "it" factor as it relates to charisma or look.

I don't think that many people would bash you for liking Cena except for the few bitter attitude era marks out there who can't admit he's good enough though Samoa Joe, Bryan Alvarez, Ric Flair, Harley Race, Terry Funk, and Meltzer all say he's good along with a large portion of people on here.
As much as I don't want to acknowledge it I'll have to say you got alot of good points. But I don't know what it is I just don't like Cena. Maybe its because hes been the face for so long. I'm ready to see somebody else step up and be the new face,but the WWE is not ready yet.
Whenever i go to a live show i will boo cena just to play along but that takes nothing away from the mass amounts of respect i have for him as a performer and as a human being. Cena has earned every last bit of success he has been given in the wrestling industry and its good to know there is people out there with a logical mind set regarding him. Im at the stage now where im really sick of defending the guy because no matter what facts i put forward to a cena hater it just does not sink in for them so i guess i will leave the haters to hate but i hope that one day all wrestling fans, young and old can learn to admire and respect him.
My problem with the Cena character is that it has been shoved down our throats for so long. His rivalries are so unrealistic because you know hes going to come out on top. I miss his rivalries with Jericho and Edge, those were classics.

As far as the human being goes I know its wrong to judge someone based on what you hear, especially on the internet but I've heard enough about him to justify my dislike for him. The stepping on people to get to the top is really something that has always bothered me. Its one thing to be a made man like Stone Cold Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan who probably dont have the best reputations backstage but were nonetheless protecting their investments to stuff like what Michael Tarver is accusing him of. I know a lot of people will just dismiss this as Tarver trying to get over or some sympathy but the fact of the matter is there has been an ongoing problem with the attitudes of people backstage. I mean if backstage treatment caused Palmer Cannon to quit and he wasnt even wrestling then I cant imagine what they do to people who they're literally competing with every day. I know some sound like harmless ribs but every time a guy makes it to the top it always makes you wonder what he did to get there. I dont think the WWE locker room should be the same as a high school locker room and I frown upon anyone that adds fuel to the fire. Sure none of whats been said about Cena is definitive, but experience has always taught me that when someone rubs you the wrong way theres no reason to make them the good guy in your eyes. When Cena does something to escape my judgement then I'll let up on him.
I don't hate Cena... Cena is someone who has done what you've said he's done... he's worked his way from the white rapper to the "hustle loyalty respect" friend to the masses that he is now... He has some humorous promo's and says some funny things... I have no problem with him personally, and agree that he's at least decent in the ring...

That having been said, I hate how he's booked... Thats the kicker... We don't hate the person... We don't hate the character... We hate how he's booked to look like he's just about dead, then magically super cena appears and bam 5 knuckle shuffle, bam Attitude Adjustment.... Bam another win...

It's nothing against Cena as a person... It's nothing against his wrestling acumen (as you pointed out the best wrestler isn't always the champ).... It's just that as H33L mentioned, that he has been crammed down our throats, and is constantly either the world champion, or the number 1 contender that is annoying... (I'm not going to deny that he's the face of the WWE currently as he is the fan of every kid/woman in the audience...) but really do we need to see him in EVERY MAIN EVENT ALL THE TIME!!!! 95% of the shock value of MITB was the fact that CENA DIDNT WIN... It was basically the surprise it was because super cena actually lost.....
You know what pisses me off about this thread? *slams fist on table* You beat me to it. But it's a damn good thread, well thought out opinion, yeah you can look at it as just another "I Love Cena" or "I hate Cena" thread but that's just being closed minded sire, you know who you are.

The fact is Cena did work his ass off and still does, he only did what everybody else did, took his ball and ran with it and vowed never to drop. That's why I respect the hell out of him. Sure he's no Bryan, Punk, Jericho etc. in the ring but he earned his stripes he did what was asked he came along way from that punk kid that had a cameo in "Ready to Rumble". He eat, sleeps and breathes the company, as a wrestling fan that is commendable. Unfortunately the IWC can't and won't see that. Until they cry and moan and get Heel Cena.
I don't hate John Cena.. and I never deny his ethics.. his efforts and what he contributed to the industry..

I just hate the fact WWE is just kissing his ass and making him near invincible..
I don't hate John Cena.. and I never deny his ethics.. his efforts and what he contributed to the industry..

I just hate the fact WWE is just kissing his ass and making him near invincible..
You mean exactly how they book every other guy who is the face of the company? Same thing with Hogan 1985-1992, same thing with Bret 1993-1994, same thing with HBK 1995 and 1996, same thing with Austin 1997-1999, same thing with Rock 2000-2002.

Cena has had a longer period of being the top guy than most. However, Bret was around during a changing of philosophy, Shawn was overtaken by Austin then got hurt, Austin got hurt, and Rock quit. So really, you're basically bitching that WWE is doing what they've always done only this time the guy is more reliable. Good job.
It seems like every week somebody is "defending Super Cena" from the "IWC masses" that want to burn him at the stake. And then 50 people come in and talk about how he deserves everything he's had, works his ass off, and sticks to his fanbase loyally while working a limited move-set.

Does anybody actually disagree anymore? Can we stop defending John Cena from the evil that is the IWC? It's the same damn thing every single week on either Monday night or Tuesday morning... Certain people in the IWC hate him (because counter-culture is cool!), and certain people like him (because meta counter-counter-culture is cool!), but almost everyone with a brain agrees that he's a dedicated superstar who has given his life and time to his talent, and worked his way to where he is.

There needs to be one 12,000 post long sticky thread about saving John Cena from angry IWC fanboys! And I'm one of those people who doesn't necessarily love the guy, but respects him! I'm on your side, and I want it to end! Because when I'm sitting here at 4am Chicago time, doing absolutely nothing when I should be sleeping, the addiction of posting in the forums will always draw me in... And I don't want to defend Cena anymore! God damnit, I want to be free!!! There is a life outside of this cursed topic, and I want to find it!
Mike "The Kid" Killam;3313917 said:
It seems like every week somebody is "defending Super Cena" from the "IWC masses" that want to burn him at the stake. And then 50 people come in and talk about how he deserves everything he's had, works his ass off, and sticks to his fanbase loyally while working a limited move-set.

Does anybody actually disagree anymore? Can we stop defending John Cena from the evil that is the IWC? It's the same damn thing every single week on either Monday night or Tuesday morning... Certain people in the IWC hate him (because counter-culture is cool!), and certain people like him (because meta counter-counter-culture is cool!), but almost everyone with a brain agrees that he's a dedicated superstar who has given his life and time to his talent, and worked his way to where he is.

There needs to be one 12,000 post long sticky thread about saving John Cena from angry IWC fanboys! And I'm one of those people who doesn't necessarily love the guy, but respects him! I'm on your side, and I want it to end! Because when I'm sitting here at 4am Chicago time, doing absolutely nothing when I should be sleeping, the addiction of posting in the forums will always draw me in... And I don't want to defend Cena anymore! God damnit, I want to be free!!! There is a life outside of this cursed topic, and I want to find it!
I agree. It's always the same excuses too. Either that or there needs to be a rule on posting where if it's about Cena it can't be about how he: sucks in the ring, sucks on the mic, is stale, only caters to kids, gets boos so that means he is teh sux, has 5 moves of doom, is worse than *insert net darling* or any of the other cliches. No more Cena is underrated either.

Unless the thread is something new about Cena, like say he's about to undergo a surgery to give him 4 arms or something, it shouldn't be made into a new thread.
John Cena does get a good deal of undeserved hate. He does work hard, he legitimately loves what he's doing, he's loaded with charisma & personality and his matches are often very entertaining to watch.

Some people don't like Cena's character and that's all well and good but a lot of them try to give it more hate than it actually gets and some just flat out pad their opinion with bullshit. For instance, we've all heard the "only kids like Cena" kind of stuff yet why do you often see so many adults wearing his stuff as well? Every face can't be this angry rebel with or without a cause. Not every face can bee this brooding, surley anti-hero that this generation seems to feel is the only interesting character out there. Just like every heel can't be the badass brawler that can kick the snot out of God if he had a mind to.

On top of all that, there are some fans that have a very specific idea as to what a pro wrestler is supposed to be like, who should be pushed, what their character should be and what their move set is supposed to be. Whomever doesn't meet their personal criteria tends to get crapped on. The ones with the most problem with Cena are smarks that have an unrealistic view of what a pro wrestler is supposed to be.
Nobody questions Cena as a talent, As a person he sounds like a good guy, but I cannot STAND how he's booked to be Super Man, and how he is ALWAYS in the title picture, his character is stale and most of his matches are the same, his match against Punk proves he has alot of untapped potential still, but he just does the typical Super Cena trash most nights and its BORING
Why defend Cena? People have a right to like or dislike somebody. I personally am torn on him since he's quite inconsistent with his performances, sometimes he phones in and sandbags like at this years Wrestlemania and sometimes he gets MOTYs like at MITB.

When he tries, he can be great in the ring despite his so called "limited moveset", while I agree that he may do more or less his five moves of doom during RAW I always find him to enchance his areal to much more during PPV and especilly BIG match ups and I always wondered why people seem to ignore that lol. I love spotfests and technical wrestling as much as anybody else but he's a good storyteller and that's something I especially love in wrestling.

But as I said, he did have bad performances, this year and years before. His character is incredibly uninteresting and annoying at times hence why some might dislike him. I don't like his character because he simply makes no sense, he seems very superficial and paradox. First he would rather lose a match to Punk than winning in a screwy way and not accept Punk getting stripped but the next night he still accepts another title match and wins it despite the fact he's not even wrestling CM Punk?
I have a new reason to defend Cena... because attitude era fanboys hate him and I love watching him do his shtick and know that it's pissing the hell off of a big part of those haters. Fact is everything he does is gold, because after he does anything I can come here and other IWC locations and see people bitch at him like a colony of ants poked with a stick. It's f**king hilarious!

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