Death - How do you want to experience it?

Ultra Awesome

Im standing in Brooklyn/
I was re-reading some of the stuff in the “Are you afraid of death” Thread and this idea popped into my head.

It’s safe to say that there is no solid evidence to prove what happens to us when we die. The best thing we can do is hope for the best, come up with our own ideas, or follow some sort of belief that has the “answer” for the question of what happens to us when we die.

Generally speaking, death is a very scary subject. It frightens the ba-jeebers out of people to the point where they will do anything to avoid it. But this is an idiotic way of thinking. One should never start to fear death because it’s still bound to happen whether you like it or not. Crying, worrying, bitching---all these things that you would do for the sake of not wanting to die is absurd.

We all know we’re going to die eventually---there’s simply no denying it. No matter how much we weep for it not happening, no matter how much we bitch about it, it'll happen. Thus, this leads me to the point (question) of this thread. Since we all know we're bound to die at some point in our lives, we may as well think about how we want to die.

So now, I ask you...

How do you want to die?

Just as the question suggests. Everyone has their own way of wanting to die. Some want to die in their sleep; Some want to die while being high; hell, some want to die while having sex with like 5 different girls. But what about you? How do you want to experience death?
If I'm going to die, I want to die knowing that I'm doing something that will reach beyond my death. How it happens, I don't know, but I do know that I don't want to die because of over dosing on drugs or getting mugged. Death souldn't be in vain because, as previously stated, it's going to happen. Make it count. If I were to die defending the people I care about , I would be O.K. with that.
I don't want to die from a car crash, or suffocation, or from any kind of pain at all. I want to die without experiencing it all together. It may sound weird. I want to die without knowing I'm about to die. I don't want to grow old. I don't want to roll around in a wheel chair or get altzeimer(sp). I want to die while I'm still sane and can fully function as an individual without other people's assistance. Dying quick, while in my sleepwith no medical problems what so ever. That's how I want to die. I want to be able to see my wife (if I have one) one more time before I die. I want to feel like my life meant something and made a difference in the world.
I, personally, would like to be quite old, like at least 85 years old, and just go peacefully in my sleep. It's not for my sake either, it's for my loved ones' sake. I don't want them to have to watch and know I'm going to go, or watch me suffer, I want it to be quick and painless. I fear death, no doubt, but I also want to accept it. So, I want to be in a state of mind where I'm ok with it, if possible. I want to feel as if I've done everything in life, and that I have left behind a legacy for those around me to remember me by. I want to make sure that before I go, I've done EVERYTHING and ANYTHING I could for the betterment of my friends' and family's lives. All that being said, it's probably be cool to go out in spectacular fashion, skydive minutes before or something, like in The Bucket List, but to me... That's just not something I need. I want to be at peace with everything, no regrets. Simply put, I want everything "taken care of".
I have to agree with Hamler. I wouldn't want to know before I died. I would be freaking out and not know what to do. I would want it to be when I least expected it in my sleep. I really would like to live for a very long time but if it calls for getting old and suffering I wouldn't like it. I want to grow old but be old and healthy not sick.
I'm all for dying that heroic cliched death. You know, where you die saving someone else's life and such. But in reality I think my death isn't going to be poetic in the slightest; I think I'd be much happier just dying out of the blue by some illness or something. As long as it couldn't've been treated or helped. And not quick; I am a lover of life and if I must part from this world I want it to be slow and painful.

And I'd like to die young too, so I won't feel the sting of so many memories an elderly person has when their life flashes before their eyes. I want to die just like how I've been living- with no regret or remorse.
I, personally, would like to be quite old, like at least 85 years old, and just go peacefully in my sleep. It's not for my sake either, it's for my loved ones' sake. I don't want them to have to watch and know I'm going to go, or watch me suffer, I want it to be quick and painless. I fear death, no doubt, but I also want to accept it. So, I want to be in a state of mind where I'm ok with it, if possible. I want to feel as if I've done everything in life, and that I have left behind a legacy for those around me to remember me by. I want to make sure that before I go, I've done EVERYTHING and ANYTHING I could for the betterment of my friends' and family's lives. All that being said, it's probably be cool to go out in spectacular fashion, skydive minutes before or something, like in The Bucket List, but to me... That's just not something I need. I want to be at peace with everything, no regrets. Simply put, I want everything "taken care of".

Exactly what I would like. Quick and painless, and without my friends and loved ones having to watch me slowly get worse. I want them to remember me as I was, and I would like to have accomplished everything I had dreamed of doing before I pass.

I would like to be remembered as how I was when I was healthy, not as an ill, dying old man
I'd want to die half way through a sentence..... an important one, you know about something only i would know. So that the last image i see before my brain switches off is the look of desperate horror on the other person's face when they realise my big secret is going to die with me........

Seriously though, i'd prefer to die in my sleep, unaware that i was going to die. Otherwise if i know it's going to happen, i'm going to try and fight it as much as possible, furthering my pain and suffering, and tbh, i don't want to spend my remaining moments in a futile battle against the inevitable.

Obviously if i get stabbed or shot or hit by a car then i'm going to try and fight it, but if i'm 83 with some disease that's been unidentified, then i'd rather just let it play out and try to enjoy what time i have left.
Honestly, I'd like to know when I'm going to die. I'd like to have a disease that doesn't hinder me in any drastic way, but kills me eventually. I'd want want to know ASAP so that I can do everything I've ever wanted to do in the amount of time I have left. I'm being serious too!

Now, I'm pretty sure a disease like that doesn't exist. I don't know, I'm not a doctor. So since that's not likely to happen, I'll hopefully die painlessly, without too much suffering. Not only would I be in pain, but any and all of my loved ones would be aware of the torture I was experiencing. It'd be pretty cool to die a hero though, you know? Saving someone's life or something. I doubt I'll go like that though.

Also, I'm not afraid to die, at least not right now. I should still have plenty of time left, but I think that if I were to get older and not have done much with my life, then my attitude would change for sure.

At the very least, I wanna die with no regrets.
Honestly I dont want to die old.I've seen old people and it looks horrible.I mean I'll try to stay healthy as long as I can but once everything starts going in decline thats when i want my life ot end.

Or die in one of those hero deaths like saving people or something.
I think people fear death because it is something unknown as well as inevitable. People tend to form prejudices about things that they don't know about and couple it with the fact that death is inevitable, it does look like a fearsome proposition.

Coming to the question as to how I want to die, I want to die peacefully. And that consists of a lot of things. Yes I want to live long and I don't want to experience pain in the end. But I also don't want death to be on my mind when it comes. I don't want to spend a long time wondering how I would die and what I would experience thereafter. Its a pretty difficult not to think about death in old age though.

So I guess I want to be happy before I die. I want the thought of death to be far away from my mind when it comes.
I don't get this thread. no offence but I don't think anybody in their right mind would want to die any way other then peacefully.

Yes totally my ideal way of dieing would be to be raped by 50 black guys one after another and then have my leg amputated and shoved up my arse and while I explode from all the cum inside me.

but yes, just like everybody else, I want to die peacefully around friends and family without any compliations or pain
I've actually had quite some fun thinking about this. A few laughs about thinking of funny ways to die. I know death isn't funny, but doing something you love and dying from it would be pretty cool. * know I'm kind of backwards about that*

I've seen my father die and many family members die. As the same to many of you. Death scares the shit out of me, yes it does. But I've made up my mind that I don't want to die in my sleep. I want to die doing something I enjoy.

Personally I've told family and friends if I ever contract aids or get cancer of any kind I will not take treament for it. I am all for treatment of cancer and other illnesses, but thats not the way I want to go out, I would hate for my loved ones to have the burden of paying bills.

Death is all around us, and while the treatments may prolong my life by a few months or even a year or so. I don't want that, I do not believe in a religion. But I believe in a higher being. So while thinking of that, the higher being put me on the planet for a time. His or her plans are just done for my body. I've done all that I can do even without a lasting impact or not. I wan't to die knowing that I wasn't sleeping or laying down just to take it.

I want to be on a walk or out in my backyard. I want people to know that even in death I was enjoying what I made of myself. Thats all I can ask of death, please don't take me in my sleep.

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