Death choice

Undertaker the 5th

Graveyard Punk
If you could kill someone you really hate(perhaps me) how would you kill them?


If you could choose your way of dying that had to at least hurt, how would you choose to die?
Slowly and painfully. Maybe drown her, then just as she was about to go unconcious, pull her ou a few times. Or maybe, have a gun behind her back, and have her beg for forgiveness, then sit and wait for her to be scared for hours, making gun shot noises every so often. Or just throw hot acid over her slowly. Of course, I wouldn't actually do that, it'd hurt others too much. But damn she deserves it.

I wouldn't mind dying painfully if I saved someone good because of it.
Slowly and painfully. Maybe drown her, then just as she was about to go unconcious, pull her ou a few times. Or maybe, have a gun behind her back, and have her beg for forgiveness, then sit and wait for her to be scared for hours, making gun shot noises every so often. Or just throw hot acid over her slowly. Of course, I wouldn't actually do that, it'd hurt others too much. But damn she deserves it.

I wouldn't mind dying painfully if I saved someone good because of it.

Remind me not to piss you off.
hang them, before they go for the final jump ill superglue their hands to their heads so it will make it look like they ripped their own head off!!:wtf:
If you could choose your way of dying that had to at least hurt, how would you choose to die?

At the age of 92, to be shot by a jealous girlfriend while trying to escape through the window.

Slowly and painfully. Maybe drown her, then just as she was about to go unconcious, pull her ou a few times. Or maybe, have a gun behind her back, and have her beg for forgiveness, then sit and wait for her to be scared for hours, making gun shot noises every so often. Or just throw hot acid over her slowly. Of course, I wouldn't actually do that, it'd hurt others too much. But damn she deserves it.


I would kill this one bitch just because she pisses me off. Well, not kill I guess. But she never goes away otherwise, so it may be my only choice.

I remember in a Monty Python movie a guy chooses to die getting chased off a cliff by topless girls on roller skates. That might be fun.
HOLY SHIT Jane, who is that girl and where can I find more pictures of her?

I want to die in my sleep after a long life.
if i wanted someone to die painfully, I'd go with strychnine.

and I'd like to go painlessly while my mind and body still work.
Slowly and painfully. Maybe drown her, then just as she was about to go unconcious, pull her ou a few times. Or maybe, have a gun behind her back, and have her beg for forgiveness, then sit and wait for her to be scared for hours, making gun shot noises every so often. Or just throw hot acid over her slowly. Of course, I wouldn't actually do that, it'd hurt others too much. But damn she deserves it.

What did "she" do, tell you Shawn Michaels in going bald?
By the title of the title of the thread I thought this would be a discussion on some shitty Blockbuster exclusive movie. They always have terrible movie titles.
If I wanted someone to die, I'd prefer they be walking towards my bed while my "morning glory" is in full effect, trip, and fall into it eye first. Kind of like the pencil scene in The Dark Knight.
I wouldn't ever kill anyone. That's lame.

If I had to die in a painful fashion, I would drown myself. As in hold my own head underwater until I pass out. Because that's incredibly manly. Bonus points if you do it in a bathtub.

Or I would tie wire around my neck and superglue my hands to my head. I would jump off of a building with the wire tied to a pole on the roof. My head will come off, and it will look like I (in a fit of incredibly Manly strength) ripped my own head off.

Or I would tie wire around my neck and superglue my hands to my head. I would jump off of a building with the wire tied to a pole on the roof. My head will come off, and it will look like I (in a fit of incredibly Manly strength) ripped my own head off.

Best idea yet
If I wanted someone to die, I'd prefer they be walking towards my bed while my "morning glory" is in full effect, trip, and fall into it eye first. Kind of like the pencil scene in The Dark Knight.

What if someone walks in right as he's impaled by your monument and it looks as if he's giving you neck? That could be an embarrassing.
Or, it would look like an INCREDIBLE FEAT OF STRENGTH was made by your penis, and you're simply taking advantage of the carnage your penis created.
After becoming a famous musician I would die at 27, possibly by shooting myself. Or simply disappear to be presumed dead at alater time
Armbar, it won't be half as embarassing as when this person realizes that the shock of all of this has caused me to release a night's worth of urine. Not being able to control one's bladder is about as awful as it gets.
Armbar, it won't be half as embarassing as when this person realizes that the shock of all of this has caused me to release a night's worth of urine. Not being able to control one's bladder is about as awful as it gets.

You'd release a full bladders worth of piss into the eye of the man you killed? That's got to be in the top 3 worst ways to die.

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