Dear Moderator

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Occasional Pre-Show
Today, (9-12-06) I started a thread about the Sirius Radio/CrymeTyme topic. I knew that there was already a thread on pg1 about Crymetyme, but it was about them fitting in to the WWE, and if people liked them or not. My comment was about Sirius Radio. Seriously, about 10 minutes after I posted it, "PeoplesChamp" made a rash comment about the Forum already having a Crymetyme thread, and that I should read the rules. My thread was then yanked and I could not respond. I then typed a polite message to Mr. PeoplesChamp asking him what I had done wrong? I then reposted my original message in the the previous CrymeTyme thread.

Well, I'm back from class tonight and still haven't heard an answer, and there's a CrymeTyme/Sirius thread with 3 pages of comments. WTF?

I'm trying to make good posts and give my inputs and feedback as best I can, but it's things like this get people to leave these things.

I love this site, I've been viewing articles for a LONG time, and I will continue to support since you guys do an awesome job! Just wanted to pass this on.

Well im no moderator but if the topic still had cryme time in it should of still go in the cryme time thread.
Peopleschamp has a life. His life is not moderating WZ forums. He is not obligated to return multiple times per day as if his life revolves around these forums, which I'm sure that you can fully relate to since you also have obligations. I'm sure that he'll answer when he can. Keep in mind that while you try to be a respectable poster, dozens and dozens of posters DO NOT and since they disrespect the rules and don't look around, it's a tough enough job as it is for mods, so even when they are on they have plenty to deal with. So again, be patient.

If you have a question pertraining to one particular mod then doing what you did, pming him was the way to go. Making a public thread for everuone to see, and potentially causing drama because of it? (Not your intention but a possibility depending on how certain posters respond) That kind of thing gets people to leave forums too. Plenty of things may get people to leave this place unfortuantely. I am not sure if you have ever been made aware of the situation here, but we're short on mods and that's not going to change soon. There are many factors for that, which have been mentioned on multiple occasions.with what we can.

A good mod closing ONE thread that happens to annoy you and you not afford you a fast enough response...there are a lot worse things going on becuase of the owner here than that.

So again, be patient.

Edit: As I write this I see two active cryme time topics

If yours were still around that's at least three. We also get at least a dozen unforgiven prediction threads a day, non stop xpac ones, etc. In a few days another few topics will be repeated non stop. There was a time when things like that were in full order but the forums are overrun by people at the moment that just don't care cause they just have the be the first name on the thread and don't care if others have spent theitr time commenting on the same topic. I can explain further if you'd like via pm but again, we do what we can. This isn't a normal forum situation that we have here. (BTW I am not administrator like the user title says so for anyone reading this, pleaes don't ask me to fix these problems cause i am 100% incapable of adding new mods or anything. I'm in the usergroup, but with ZERO admin options)
(BTW I am not administrator like the user title says so for anyone reading this, pleaes don't ask me to fix these problems cause i am 100% incapable of adding new mods or anything. I'm in the usergroup, but with ZERO admin options)[/QUOTE]

i dont mean 2 go off topic but why were you put in that usergroup for anyway?
pastie154 said:
i dont mean 2 go off topic but why were you put in that usergroup for anyway?

The admin was attempting to make me admin cause he doesn't want the position anymore. As it turns out though the only way to actually have admin capabilities is to be given them directly from the owner, who is rarely here, and is cluelss bout anything that goes on here other than being aware (after several months) that everyone left at one point due to his own neglect (which he has still never admitted to). Other than that he doesn't know about any of the glitches the site has such as the announcments forum being open for anyone to post in, the fact that certain posters have caused problems here and taken weeks to be ip banned, etc.

Therefore it's unlikely that an admin change will be made any time soon (if ever) and therefore unlikely that speedy ip bannings for problem causers, new mods, or any ends to current issues will be happening in the forseeable future.
ok then cheers dysturbed and the owner IMO should be ashamed of himself
yeah but it should be if he only had 1 forum or 111 forums it dosent matter he should show each 1 respect and if he reads this when/if he comes on and bans me so be it im voicicng what you all think lol
ShaneRamlall said:
I dont mean to go off topic but dont admins have ip banning powers on other sites admins have ip banning powers.
Only 1 admin, JPRealTalk has ip banning powers. Dysturbed, as he has explaned over and over again, is put in the admin group but has no admin powers. And ip banning powers can only be issued by the owner, Brian.
ShaneRamlall said:
Ok but why doesnt he have ip banning powers?
Are you fucking kidding me????

Once again, Dysturbed was put in the admins group (by JPRealTalk) as an experiment to see whether he will be given the admins powers (e.g. ip banning) as a result. It turns out that it doesn't work, as admin options such as ip banning can only be granted by the owner himself. So Dysturbed may be an "admin" based on what his usergroup says, but he doesn't really have any admin powers. THAT means he is no more of an admin than you and I.

Get it?
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