Dear MMA fans: F-you! Sincerely, King Mo


Twitter -- @FightOnTwist
Strikeforce Light Heavyweight Champion Muhammad Lawal has a pretty simple message for fans:..a particular f-word. "Some [fans] are cool, some are idiots. They're fans-they don't know what the f**k they are talking about. That's why I'll say it again: 'f**k the fans.' A lot of them ain't educated. They're just bandwagon jumpers..."

I'm not sure he's gonna win too many fans this way, but I'm thinking he doesn't give a shit. Personally, I like this sort of attitude. I don't see anything wrong with his comments. Most fans are stupid, and most fans "ain't" educated on the sport. They're armchair practitioners. They watch the events scream at the TV about what "they think a fighter should do," and more often than not, they're completely wrong.

What do you guys think about his comments?
His comments are way out of line. If this is the UFC, Dana would have cut him or hell, even suspend him. NO fighter should talk down to the fans like that. THEY give him his paycheck. Trolling the fans is not what a champion should do. When you're a champion, you represent the company as a whole. What these comments do is not only give Strikeforce a bad name, but it also give the sport as a whole a bad name as well.
Yeah I agree, his comments are way out of line. I like that he doesn't give a shit about fans but I don't like the way he said it, infact I don't like that he said it at all. Strikeforce are looking for fans, and this comment has probably turned some away. As Doug said, they give him his paycheck and he goes and repays them with this. Not good man.
Heres also another quote from him that I found,

“I like the fans that understand MMA, but a lot of them don’t understand it and want to talk trash to me -- I just ignore them,” he said. “The ones that are knowledgeable: I’ll listen to all day.”

So he see he's not just on the whole fuck the fans thing. He does like us lol, well the ones that know what were talking about. I'll agree his choice of words are not the best, but he's just trying to get a point across. He's basically just targeting the people that watch it for brutal KO's and such and how they don't undedrstand the whole sport of MMA, which we all know there are a lot of fans like that out there.

So in a nutshell his message was to someone like Becker, who didn't enjoy the Silva/Sonnen fight, then made his thread on MMA Sucks and countless people tried to show him differntly. Mo just needs to realize that those people will always be around no matter what, fact is they're still supporting what you do in way or other by watching.
Meh, was what he said a good thing to say? No, not at all. However, his words don't really bother me. There are a lot of fans who think they know what they are talking about but really don't have a clue and it is also a little ridiculous to try and convince an actual fighter that a fan knows more about sport then the actual fighter who trains and knows other fighters and what is really going on. In the grand scheme of things I kind of like what Mo said because his words will give MMA its first mega heel. It is always in bad taste to say anything bad about the fans, that is something not even Brock, Mir or Koscheck have done, at least not to the degree of Mo. A lot of people will want to see King Mo get his ass kicked now which will lead to some really fun fights and build up in the future.
I was thinking the same thing, Indy. If anything, people will now tune in to see if he gets the shit kicked out of him. It's a classic heel scenario. Like him or hate him, now you'll watch him fight just to see what happens.

Oh, Buffalo, thanks for finding that quote and posting it, reps to come for that.

Like I said, it's not all fans that Mo hates, just the wishy-washy douchebags that have a comment for everything but really know nothing.
Well, I would imagine it works the same way in wrestling - if you talk shit to the fans, then you get fans paying to see the other guy kick your ass (and therefore coming to your matches). So I don't think it was a terrible thing that even said it, regardless of whether it was his intention. He garnered interest in his fights, and that's really all that matters.

Now, I somewhat think he has a point. A lot of MMA fans are hardcore on the bandwagon, seeing as it's the trend right now. Not that this should be a bad thing in anyone's eyes, but I don't totally miss the point of why he feels that way.
He is a trip to say the least.

I have been a sucker for an attitude in any sport. So I can't say I hate the guy. It is somewhat entertaining even though he is kind of an idiot.

He seems bipolar for sure!


Uuuhhh... Except the ones that know what they are talking about, I will listen to them all day! LOL
He was saying what most other fights would have the guts to say, you think these fighters don't get sick of the ignorant fans who don't understand anything in Mixed MArtial Arts besides that fighers strike to the head and get to use knees and elbows. The educated fans understand the game and are more patient fight watchers, making the whole experience better for them. The uneducated fans leave most the time with a bad taste in their mouths because a fight went to the ground these types of fans dumbfounded and unknowing that skill is currently taking place.

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