Dean Miles

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Real Name: Dean Miles

Gimmick Name: Dean Miles

Nickname: Dee

Height: 6'3

Weight: 220

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Billed From: Los Angeles, California


----------------Hair Colour/Length: Short and dark brown

----------------Eye Colour: Dark brown

----------------Facial Hair: Something similar to the Miz's beard

----------------Ring attire: Black long tights with matching elbow pads and knee pads and wrist tape

----------------Backstage Attire: Jeans with a nice button up shirt

----------------Physical Features: Build similar to Kurt Angle.

----------------Tattoos: His family name on his right pectoral area.

Alignment: Face

Main Gimmick: Ex-FBI agent who tries his luck at wrestling after a tragic incident.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:
Intellectual individual who not only has the brains but the strength.
Well-versed in combat after his FBI training.

Strengths/Weaknesses (3 of each):
A good striker.
Can take a beating.
Analyzes and does his homework on his opponent.

May be too aggressive. May not heed the referee's five count.
Can drift off into his own world.
Goes high risk when it's not necessary

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Brief History: Dean Miles grew up with his grandfather after his parents were killed in a car accident at the age of 10. Miles was the silent type but he got into kickboxing/wrestling in high school and with some training from his grandfather who is a former marine. After a two year stint in the FBI, Miles is a single dad with an 8 year old son. With his grandfather still at his side, being a mentor, he's gone on to WZCW to try out something new.

Entrance Music:

Entrance Description: He pumps himself up by pointing to his family name tattooed on his chest and points to the skies before making his way down to the ring. Once in the ring, he goes to a corner and does a prayer.

Finishing Moves:
MW – Most Wanted (Fireman's carry into a double knee gutbuster)
Downtown (Tower of London)

15 Most Used Moves: (No finishers, 3 signature moves):
Pendulum Kick
Electric Chair
Flying Crossbody

Knife Edge Chop
Baseball Slide
Tilt-a-whirl Backbreaker
Arm Drag
Double Underhook Suplex
Flying Elbow
Monkey Flip
Leg Sweep
Snap Scoop Slam
Sunset Flip

Sample RP.

We open up to a beautiful scene at the playground where the cameras sneak up on a man on the park bench. Dressed in jeans a nice button up shirt, we now see the mans face. It seems he's watching someone from a distance and when the camera zoom out, we see the image of a young boy right around the age of six or seven. He's playing on the jungle gym with a bunch of other kids. When all of us sudden, he falls. The man on the bench is quick to get up and run to the boy.

Man: You okay, champ?

The boy looks at the man wiping off the dirt that got on his shirt.

Boy: Yeah, I'm okay dad. Just a small spill.

Man: What do you say we get out of here and get some ice cream?

Boy: Ice cream? Let's go!

The man takes the boy's hand and they go to a nearby ice cream vendor. The man pays and they get their ice cream. But his wallet falls as they leave the vendor.

Vendor: Sir, excuse me sir!

The man turns around to see what's going on.

Vendor: You left your wallet here uhm, Mr. Miles?

The wallet was seen with a police badge on it and the vendor quickly gives it back.

Man: Thanks a lot, I owe you one.

The boy just continues licking his ice cream as the man, Mr. Miles, walks down the street with his son at hand enjoying their ice cream.
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