Dean Ambrose Skill Ratings


Championship Contender
Same as Cena and Reigns, copy and paste the list and rate with a comment what you think Ambrose is like in the category. I will be dropping it down to 10 from and combining the entrance with the music and the move set with the depth of it so just 10 this

Ring Gear -
Entrance + Music -
Physical Appearance -
Character/Gimmick -
Mic Skills -
Finisher -
Signature Moves -
Move Set -
Selling/Bumping Ability -
Whole Package -
Ring Gear - 5

Hate the ring gear, he looks like Luke Harper's cousin from the city come to visit. Don't like him in trunk either, loved the tack gear though.

Entrance + Music - 7

Music is horrible, and his entrance is pretty simple, no fuss, no pryo's. It suits him.

Physical Appearance - 8

He looks like a nutcase and he is. Tall and well built, he's a brawler.

Character/Gimmick - 9

Lunatic Fringe is a title that suits him well, you never know what he's coming up with next. He has more layers to him than any other wrestler in the roster, and can go in many different ways. Once he get a push, he'll surpass everyone.

Mic Skills - 9

One of the best on the mic. Great sense of humour, not afraid to ad lib or crash the party. Wish they would give him the mic more often, doesn't have it enough now.

Finisher - 8

Dirty Deeds, name suits it, and him.

Signature Moves - 7

He only has a couple right? The clothsline from the ropes looks devastating. He's not afraid to throw his body throw the middle ropes and his elbow drop from the top rope is hilarious. Always manages to take everyone out.

Move Set - 7

It's pretty basic, and gets the job done. He'll never be a high flyer like Rollins or a powerhouse like Reigns.

Selling/Bumping Ability - 9

Ambrose takes some awesome bumps, and he's the new Mick Foley throwing himself off cages. He can also sell pretty well when the need is there. I think some of his moves hurt him more than the opponent.

Whole Package - 9

Ambrose is one of those guys that can be put anywhere and go a good job. He's and I hate this word a 'Tweener". Crowd loves him, always entertains, not afraid to do anything or take a loss. Like I said before, once the machine gets behind him, he'll be gone.
Ring Gear - 4
When you have the same ring gear as someone else who you aren't teaming with you deserve a low score, also even if it was unique it wouldn't rate highly as I don't like it.

Entrance + Music - 5
Generic music with no unique features to entrance, needs to add something when he hits the stage maybe like Edge had but a generic entrance and theme cant translate into a good score

Physical Appearance - 7
Fits the character well and is fairly well built

Character/Gimmick - 7
His ability to work a character is a 10, his current character to me just doesn't work as a face and I would like to see him go heel and take the character a little edgier

Mic Skills - 9
One of the top promo guys when given good material, a few more high profile opportunities to show these skills and it could easily rise to a 10

Finisher - 1
A DDT is stock move in a lot of superstars arsenal and I think he needs something better, the headlock driver was a very good variation of the move but he needs something new. Also the main reason for the score being so low is due to the opponents unwillingness to take the necessary bump to make it look devastating and instead makes you think, he really won with that

Signature Moves - 4
Good Suicide dive but the Elbow drop crossbody and rebound clothesline look stupid and weak, the elbow drop just doesnt look good and clothesline is too soft and stupid looking, I know its supposed to show him off as unpredictable but doesn't look good

Move Set - 5
Good depth of moves but I don't like the execution of them, very soft looking strikes and an arsenal of moves with very little impact means he cannot get a good score here

Selling/Bumping Ability - 7
Takes a good bump but in his attempts of selling in character he comes of as corny (see TLC debut match with the suplex on ladder) over selling moves can be worse than no selling them and he needs to tone it back.

Whole Package - 6
A generous 6 for Ambrose, he had the tools on the mic and in character building to succeed but he needs to have a stiffer more impactful moves set as well as a new look and probably a heel turn to reach the heights that his fans want him to. The generiousity of the 6 is based on potential alone
Ring Gear - 5. The street clothes look is generic as hell, but it works for him.

Entrance + Music - 2. Horrible, generic rock music.

Physical Appearance - 3. He looks like a pedophile from a wanted poster on a post office wall.

Character/Gimmick - 0. His character is just a moron who gets himself disqualified in all his big matches, and makes stupid facial expressions constantly during every match. Dean Ambrose is the Rob Schneider of WWE.

Mic Skills - 2. The guy can't cut a promo to save his life, and constantly slurs everything he says. It sounds like he's performing drunk.

Finisher - 6. Good finisher, needs a better name.

Signature Moves - 0. The rope rebound clothesline ranks up there with The Worm and the Rear View as one of the worst moves in wrestling history.

Move Set - 4. Ambrose doesn't really have much of a moveset, he's more a brawler than a wrestler.

Selling/Bumping Ability - 5. He's perfectly ok at this. He's neither bad at it, nor does he excel.

Whole Package - 3. Dean Ambrose is nothing special. He's a mediocre, generic midcard guy.
Ring Gear - 4, he needs to change them soon.
Entrance + Music - 4 same.
Physical Appearance - 7
Character/Gimmick - 8
Mic Skills - 9
Finisher - 7
Signature Moves - 7
Move Set - 8
Selling/Bumping Ability - 9
Whole Package - 8.5
Ring Gear - 4
Entrance/Music - 6, Simple but it fits him
Physical Appearance - 6
Character - 5, I enjoy Ambrose but character wise all I get from him and Wwe is that he's a "Lunatic".
Mic Skill - 7 better than most of the newer guys
Finisher - 5, I prefer his original finisher
Signature - 6, they're only Elbows and Clotheslines but they've become HIS thing
Move Set - 5, Pretty basic nothing different or unique besides his rebound clothesline
Selling - 8 he does a great job of selling, though at times he may go overboard with the facial expressions
Whole Package - 5.7, I would round it out to a 6 because he is better than average but needs to change some things up that aren't working.
Ring Gear - 8: I really like his current look, it makes him look more authentic & less corny than most guys, just like a crazy badass off the streets that wants a fight. But I do feel like it could be improved upon (particularly the wife-beater tank top) & what happened to Ambrose wearing all the cool gray leather jackets & hoodies???
Entrance + Music - 9.5: The Music is perfect & although his walk down to the ring does feel a little simple at times, he's stated before that he doesn't want to have a set routine & just be a one note character with a one note entrance in which you expect the same exact thing every time & I really like that.
Physical Appearance - 10: He's got a very marketable James Dean-esque look & always looks to be in great physical condition, not to mention Renee Young is sleeping with him so he must be doing something right!
Character/Gimmick - 6: The Moxely character was never made for WWE TV but this score has significantly gone down in just the last couple months. It seems like Ambrse has slowly been becoming more watered down, like a parody of himself. Particuarly after the TV exploding in his face at TLC, now it seems like he always has to be saying something kooky & having weird/chaotic things happen to him in all his matches. Overall his booking has just been awful. I wasn't thrilled when he started to drop down to the mid-card but now it seems like he went from being a focal point of the title picture & possibly the next in line for the IC Title, to just some random mid-carder that gets eliminated in the 1st round of the KotR tournament. WTF?!?!?!
Mic Skills - 10: Outside of managers like Heyman or part-timers like Rocky, I'd say Ambrose is the absolute best on the mic WWE has right now.
Finisher - 8: I love the name "Dirty Deeds" but similar to his attire, I like it & it fits him but I think there is some room to improve or evolve over time. Also I liked the headlock driver version as well, I wish he'd switch off between the two or call that something else & use it as his secondary finisher.
Signature Moves - 9.5: I love that the flying elbow drop & the forearm/running bulldog combo are now his signatures. His running dives off of the announce tables, set pieces, etc. are all epic. The rebound clothesline has become a staple of his. His suicide dives are great. The running dropkick into the opponent on the ropes is always awesome. Except for maybe using the crazy punching/chopping combo a bit too much at times, I don't see any real flaws.
Move Set - 8.5: I really like his overall move-set but I would like to see a little less emphasis on all the chaotic punches/chops & have him throw in a couple of the moves he used to use on the indies/in FCW that he hasn't really used in WWE. Maybe even during a match with Sheamus or Barrett he could pull out the Midnight Special or Moxicity & steal the moves back from them.
Selling/Bumping Ability - 10: The guy can obviously bump like a champ just watch the Powerbomb from WM 31 back (available on WWE Network, FREE in the month of May to NEW Subscribers!:)) or anyone of his CZW matches. & I love all of his expressive facials & I'm sure Vince does too or he wouldn't still be doing them.
Whole Package - 9: Clearly the only real issue with Ambrose IMO is his character & overall booking. Besides that I think any small adjustments or changes will come in time.
Ring Gear - 5/10
Entrance + Music - 3/10
Physical Appearance - 6/10
Character/Gimmick - 7/10
Mic Skills - 7/10
Finisher - 5/10 (not sure what's he's doing at this time, think Dirty Deeds)
Signature Moves - N/A
Move Set - 7/10
Selling/Bumping Ability - 7/10
Whole Package - 7/10
Ring Gear - 4/10 I mean the tank top and jeans were terrible, looking like Luke Harpers backwoords cousin, but since he went with the tank top i guess its a little better... I liked the leather jacket he did back at NXT personally.

Entrance + Music - 3/10 His music is terrible, it has a nice pop at the beginning but needs something darker..possibly with a little smoke?

Physical Appearance -7/10 Hes a smaller guy but just so over that it works for him, it wouldnt be a problem.

Character/Gimmick - 10/10 He has the perfect Pillman/Stone Cold/Mankind gimmick that just works for him, Just give the man the green light and he would be a star out of the mid card shuffle

Mic Skills 9/10 hes a story teller, he sells everything, he has the personality. If they gave him the CM Punk treatment from the "summer of punk" he would be the guy

Finisher - 6/10 the double arm DDT...kinda weak but again hes so over that he makes it work..doesnt look too devistating, could use something new that more fits him maybe let him use a piledriver???

Signature Moves - 5/10 his sloppy elbow and bounce back clothsline?? Depends on his oppenent..If they sell his clothsline looks great, if they dont i question why he even does it...the elbow is sloppy but i guess it looks cool when he does it on a pile of people outside of the ring

Move Set - 7/10 his overall moveset is pretty great, he is unpredictable and crazy and a hardcore/ECW style that i find entertaining

Selling/Bumping Ability -8/10 He can sell and put his body in just the worst situations takes bump like a early 2000s Jeff Hardy

Whole Package -10/10 hes currently my favorite full time wrestler, so yeah. 10/10.
Ring Gear - 7: It makes him stand out from the norm but I think i'd prefer him in tights. Where are the leather jackets he was wearing when he was coming to the ring to cut a promo or to beat up somebody?

Entrance + Music - 8: It fits him well, has a nice pop in the beginning.

Physical Appearance - 8: If he could add 5-10 pound he would be a 10 for me. Nonetheless he looks regular and I think it is one of the things that people love about him.

Character/Gimmick - 6: Potential 10. He needs to add depth to the character (almost everybody on the roster needs that :p). His expressions bother me pretty bad. I think he is told to be like that by creative. Over the top. But it doesn't do any good for him.

Mic Skills - 9:One of the best on the mic WHEN he is talking (that is before the Royal Rumble).

Finisher - 7: It's okay I suppose, certainly better that the headlock driver which no one seemed to want to sell even remotely. In a different universe a Piledriver would do miracles for him.

Signature Moves - 7: Suicide dive 6/10, elbow drop 4/10, rebound clothesline 9/10.

Move Set - 7: Could be a lot better if he added a couple of moves. I would let him do the Hook and Ladder more often, knee trembler and bring back his spinebuster. His punches are shit though, some of the worst in WWE.

Selling/Bumping Ability - 9: We know from his early Shield days that he can sell like crazy. So, if the situation demands it, he can do it perfectly.

Whole Package - Potential 10: Ambrose could be the next top face of the company if handled right. When he was feuding with Rollins and also the month with the Cena mini-feud he was just too over. Get your shit together WWE!

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