Dean Ambrose Mr Money In The Bank


Pre-Show Stalwart
Why? Because no one else is ready. Reigns is on his way to be accepted. Zig zag is in a good feud and still in the jobber mode. Bryan's future ain't that good with injury and all. Rusev probably buried and heel vs heel makes no sense.

Ambrose again pulled off match of the night at extreme rules. He's loved by crowd like nobody else. The MITB will give him a great chance to resume his feud with Rollins. He doesn't need to be in the main event picture immediately. He can just torment Seth teasing a cash in every other night and of course ppv.
Plus there's an added advantage of the much anticipated shield triple threat match. Dean can cash in while reigns is the number 1 contender setting up a triple threat match for them at Summerslam or survivor series.
Your thoughts fellas..
I'd vote for the Big Show or Kane. They need the rub.

(*ahem* okay, being serious now)

I actually wouldn't mind Roman Reigns winning it and then revenge cashing it in at Summerslam. But if not him, I'd be fine with Ambrose scoring money in the bank as well.
I can see him winning it also. Would be great if he did. Love the idea of him tormenting Rollins with the briefcase, coming down to the ring everytime he wrestle's threatening a cash in, and I'm not sure the Authority could stop him. Being able to cash in at any time is the only benefit of holding it, so to ban him from ringside wouldn't be fair. Hopefully if the rumours are true he's due for a huge push this year. I can't wait.
Ambrose needs it the most at this point. People like Reigns, Rusev, Bryan, etc. can transition into the main event picture much easier and more fluidly than Dean Ambrose can. Whereas many of the young up and comers have already "made it", Ambrose is still looking for that defining moment. Reigns' defining moment was when he won the Rumble; Rollins' was joining The Authority; Ambrose's would be winning the MITB briefcase.
Reigns is more ready than Ambrose is. Reigns was chucked in at the deep end after the Rumble and has come up with 3 Match of the Night performances against a range of Superstars, they were not just match of the nights though, in my opinion they were better than anything Ambrose has done within the WWE and it comes down to one simple factor, Ambrose has no true intensity or presence. When Reigns walks in the ring the match will have big power moves, a high intensity and energy level to build the excitement of the match. Ambrose in the ring has this wild crazy but incredibly weak and stupid looking move set which may feature more moves than Reigns but none of them are better. From a Elbow Drop variation of a crossbody to a weak looking rebound clothes to a finisher no one is prepared to sell properly making it look weak, Ambrose does not have the move set/in ring style of a Main Eventer so for me I would much prefer to it go to someone like Reigns who is the whole package now in the ring because like Rollins he could wait which would allow the mic work to catch up
Reigns doesn't need it, he's already won a Royal Rumble and main evented Wrestlemania. He can jump back into the main event picture at anytime. This should be for someone who's done neither and needs the push. Reigns is already being pushed, much more slowly this time, and it's working. He's already getting the fans back on his side.

Ambrose who still gets great pops even with his record, I would say could use it more. I still think Ambrose hasn't been fully developed yet, and when they finally get around to him, he might just surpass both Reigns and Rollins, his former teammates.

He has the gift of the gab, great in the ring, and has many more layers to his persona than the other two do. I would love to see that finally happen. Once he gets the WWE brass fully behind him, the sky is the limit.
Reigns is more ready than Ambrose is. Reigns was chucked in at the deep end after the Rumble and has come up with 3 Match of the Night performances against a range of Superstars, they were not just match of the nights though, in my opinion they were better than anything Ambrose has done within the WWE and it comes down to one simple factor, Ambrose has no true intensity or presence. When Reigns walks in the ring the match will have big power moves, a high intensity and energy level to build the excitement of the match. Ambrose in the ring has this wild crazy but incredibly weak and stupid looking move set which may feature more moves than Reigns but none of them are better. From a Elbow Drop variation of a crossbody to a weak looking rebound clothes to a finisher no one is prepared to sell properly making it look weak, Ambrose does not have the move set/in ring style of a Main Eventer so for me I would much prefer to it go to someone like Reigns who is the whole package now in the ring because like Rollins he could wait which would allow the mic work to catch up
MITB should be with someone who can cut great promos and that guy sure ain't Reigns. Ambrose with that briefcase can be very entertaining. The only other guy who is even close is BNB. As far as moveset and wrestling ability goes Ambrose is far better than most guys. People absolutely love him. The guy gets biggest pops and let me be the one to tell you if reigns somehow wins the MITB people will boo the hell out of him. He'll be turned heel and that too a very boring heel with a briefcase.
Why? Because no one else is ready. Reigns is on his way to be accepted. Zig zag is in a good feud and still in the jobber mode. Bryan's future ain't that good with injury and all. Rusev probably buried and heel vs heel makes no sense.

Ambrose again pulled off match of the night at extreme rules. He's loved by crowd like nobody else. The MITB will give him a great chance to resume his feud with Rollins. He doesn't need to be in the main event picture immediately. He can just torment Seth teasing a cash in every other night and of course ppv.
Plus there's an added advantage of the much anticipated shield triple threat match. Dean can cash in while reigns is the number 1 contender setting up a triple threat match for them at Summerslam or survivor series.
Your thoughts fellas..

Smart choice. He would be my pick. Ambrose paid his dues last year. He put The Authority over (lost his US title in battle royal), put Rollins over, put Bray over and took the backseat to Reigns.

But knowing WWE, they seem to love Rusev, went from a shockingly good performance in last year's RR match, a threat to win this year's RR match, have him beat multiple former world champs (Show, Henry, Swagger, Ziggler, Sheamus, Cena), put over Cena as a legit US champ. I'm sure he won't get the title back from Cena so the way to reward him is to give him the MITB.
Unless a major debut from NXT happens, I don't see anyone else winning the MITB this year except for Dean Ambrose.

I kind of resented the way the whole feud ended with the Wyatt feud but letting the past go - I think Ambrose Vs. Rollins is best for business.

Ambrose finally picked up a PPV win after a long period in a very fun match. I think the best way to build it up is by having Dean Ambrose go absolutely crazy, even more so than he already is. He needs to be out there cutting promos, winning matches and building CREDIBILITY as someone who really can be the champion.

The best time to have him cash in the money in the bank is the RAW after Payback. The reason being it is his vengeance because that is the day that the Shield was broken. I'm not saying you have to keep Rollins champion that long but maybe have him win it back by that time.
It's an obvious choice (which probably means it ain't happening). I could see Sheamus or Wyatt being given it.

I hope WWE just stay simple: have Reigns gain the title, have Rollins win the Rumble and have Ambrose decide to put all the cards on the table, cash in MITB pre-Mania to make the Main Event a Triple Threat. Simple, easy and a mega title match to add to what is potentially a mega card.
I've always thought that what if the MITB wasn't cashed in on the world champion. What if it got cashed in on an unbeatable John Cena as U.S. Champion? Obviously if nobody can beat him one on one how about cheating to win? It would be a crazy surprise and would set up a program that's usually only for WWE title to a mid card belt. It would also be another first for the MITB like the cash in at WRESTLEMANIA this year.
I completely agree! Dean Ambrose should most definitely win the Money in the Bank Ladder match this year! He is the perfect choice is every possible way & whether he cashes it in as soon as this year's Summerslam for a Shield Triple Threat for the title or holds onto it for the full year like we've yet to see someone do so far, I think the options are basically endless giving it to Ambrose. Also it's a good way of giving him a rub & boosting him up a little, while still kind of keeping him busy & giving him a reason to stay away from the other titles for the time being.
He's loved by crowd like nobody else.

Yes, nobody except Daniel Bryan and now that Daniel is out of action, it would be great to see Ambrose step into the void left by him. After all, the crowd favorite is often the guy with whom the crowd can identify, as if he's one of them......and isn't that part of Dean's appeal? His look makes us think of one of us stepping out of the crowd and into the ring; certainly the way he dresses speaks of that.

Also, after the long-term MITB reign of Seth Rollins, in which the absence of champion Brock Lesnar erased his chances of cashing in, it would be fun to watch Crazy Dean parading around with the luggage, handling his tenure in exactly the opposite fashion of Seth.

Of course, all this depends on whether WWE management intends on pushing Ambrose.....or keeping him on the midcard. Somewhere along the line, he'll turn bad, of course, but how his bosses see him will make all the difference.

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