Deal with Heyman and TNA was very close


TNA Aficionado
Source: WrestlingInc

Paul Heyman has an interview up at In it, he talks about how close he came to working with TNA: “It came real close with TNA. To me, it was more of a deal with Spike TV and then a stock and ownership deal involving TNA. I had a five-year plan. I was going to spend 18 months building the roster, the next 18 months exploiting that built roster, that’s three years in, go public in three, stay for two more running it and get out at 50 [years old]. That was my plan. I had an exit plan. I had a five-year plan and I clued everyone into it. I told TNA what my plan was and I told Spike TV what my plan was and how we would capitalize on it and how we would make this thing move and an acknowledgment that wrestling is a diminishing market and it’s not perceived as cool and here’s how you, if not change course, at least present it differently so that at least you have a chance in today’s marketplace to at least compete. When that didn’t happen, that was it. I didn’t have any other interest in doing it. It was close. I would have done it for that particular deal and that’s it. That time passed. Now I’m looking at taking my abilities elsewhere and the logical step for me is this entry point right now both into MMA and into also just the branding world.” This confirms our report yesterday that Heyman and TNA were very close to a deal not all that long ago.

So no Heyman at BFG? Do you think that he is needed? Comments?
I know that a lot of people think of Paul Heyman as a god and creative genius but, in spite of what you might hear from a lot of people, there's no guarantee whatsoever that Paul Heyman would have been any more successful than any of the various other "saviors" TNA's brought in. Don't misunderstand me, I do respect Paul Heyman and fully acknowledge that he has an imaginative and innovative mind. Or, at least he has in the past.

I don't know that Paul Heyman is still the same guy that he was creatively years back as far as wrestling goes and, truthfully, I don't know if anyone else really knows that either. Maybe things would have worked out great with Paul Heyman and maybe they wouldn't have, it looks like we'll never know. I do have to wonder if Paul Heyman wasn't, to some degree, hoping to try and take advantage of Dixie Carter's generall lack of knowledge. For all intents and purposes, Paul Heyman wanted complete creative control of TNA Wrestling. He wouldn't have even remotely thought of asking that from Vince McMahon, but he did with Dixie Carter.
TNA doesn't really need Paul Heyman, there really isn't anything he could bring to the table that would help improve TNA, TNA has all if not most of the pieces to the puzzle sitting right in front of them, they need some one with fresh perspective that knows how to put those pieces together, and that could be just about anybody, it's likely someone nobody has really heard much from or knows about
I know that a lot of people think of Paul Heyman as a god and creative genius but, in spite of what you might hear from a lot of people, there's no guarantee whatsoever that Paul Heyman would have been any more successful than any of the various other "saviors" TNA's brought in.

All true, but it would have been fun to sit in on policy meetings. Sure, Heyman was a creative genius, but guys like Hogan, Bischoff and Russo also regard themselves as such. The room would have blown up from ego explosion if they ever all got together.

What Heyman wanted was total control and even if they had given that to him contractually, he would have spent more time fighting these guys than putting his vision into action. He would have been constantly invoking his contract and butting heads.

He wanted everything or nothing.......and wisely chose nothing.
Paul would've succeed if he was there instead of hogan and bischoff not with them. His 5 year plan, I think its legit and he can make it happen. Hogan and Bischoff took ratings up by breaking what you call wrestling code. I mean if TNA would face Raw and say today John Cena would beat nexus and keep breaking news for a month. Ratings for TNA would rise and WWE's would drop, cause Bishcoff just has one thing right "Controvesy creates cash" and all the success he had came from that tagline!!

Paul Heyman, would alter that more in a Market view, other than the guy isnt about old school as hogan and bischoff are, he likes new, he hates having old people wrestle. He would care about revolutionized charcters and "wrestlers" and doesn't go with the idea of throwing people together.

Would TNA reach WWE with hogan or Paul heyman. For GOd's sake WWE has a stock market and TNA cant leave Orlando, there is a big gap. But if some one has a chance, its only Paul
This would have been AWFUL. He's acting like this is a sports team that needs to be rebuilt.

We understand wrestling is diminishing but making it 'cool' by having MMA style is not the way.

Would TNA reach WWE with hogan or Paul heyman. For GOd's sake WWE has a stock market and TNA cant leave Orlando, there is a big gap. But if some one has a chance, its only Paul

You realize they can leave Orlando but due to contractual reasons they can't right?
I think it would have exploded, I mean u, have 4 HUGE EGO's....HOGAN, BISCHOFF,RUSSO and then u add HEYMEN....That's a Huge Bomb, just itchin to explode.
i was hoping heyman was part of the "THEY" coming at BFG but thats never gonna happen =[
I never understood the big thing with Paul Heyman? Is it because he represented a small niche company in the business that gave similar fans an alternative from the mainstream?? I mean in all honesty, he didn't do anything THAT great. He had control of a company that was around for less than 9 years (he controlled it for less than 6 years of that). I mean there's a reason Paul Heyman declared bankruptcy in 2001 and it wasn't because his niche market was the right way to go either.

I agree that Heyman needed to think the way he did in order to separate himself from competing directly with WWF and WCW at the time...but his approach wasn't exactly the best. Perhaps today with the way the majority wrestling fans would rather watch guys flip flop around instead of have a might have worked? But that's only because the heyday of wrestling is no longer with us I guess. Especially if "in-ring" talent trumps charisma, personality, presence, etc. like it seems to with most fans these days.

Not sure how much Paul Heyman is going make the WWE tried using him for a similar reason and I really can't think of anything significant he did with them. Heyman was good for coming up with the idea of taking the company as a whole in a different direction...I can't recall the "storylines" in ECW being anything great though. TNA already knows the overall direction. They need help with the storylines...which is something Heyman wasn't that superb with. IMO anyway.
I never understood the big thing with Paul Heyman? Is it because he represented a small niche company in the business that gave similar fans an alternative from the mainstream?? I mean in all honesty, he didn't do anything THAT great. He had control of a company that was around for less than 9 years (he controlled it for less than 6 years of that). I mean there's a reason Paul Heyman declared bankruptcy in 2001 and it wasn't because his niche market was the right way to go either.
Yes there is a reason. He's a bad businessman. He even admits it. But he was never a bad booker, which is where he excelled in handling the limited oppurtunities of ECW as well as his time on Smackdown and OVW. If Heyman had the likes of Panda Energy or Ted Turner backing him during ECW's era, he would have built it up on a national level.

I agree that Heyman needed to think the way he did in order to separate himself from competing directly with WWF and WCW at the time...but his approach wasn't exactly the best. Perhaps today with the way the majority wrestling fans would rather watch guys flip flop around instead of have a might have worked? But that's only because the heyday of wrestling is no longer with us I guess. Especially if "in-ring" talent trumps charisma, personality, presence, etc. like it seems to with most fans these days.
Most fans? A large minority of the IWC, perhaps there is no proof in-ring talent is the only thing wanted by the fans. If it was, Nick Dinsmore, Dean Malenko and their ilk would be holding world championships.

Not sure how much Paul Heyman is going make the WWE tried using him for a similar reason and I really can't think of anything significant he did with them.
Smackdown. The 3 way feud between Los Guerreros, Edge/Mysterio and Benoit/Kurt Angle. Otherwise known as the Smackdown Six. Also managed Brock Lesnar during his Smackdown run. And they still wanted him to stay on in 2006, but he turned them down.
Yes there is a reason. He's a bad businessman. He even admits it. But he was never a bad booker, which is where he excelled in handling the limited oppurtunities of ECW as well as his time on Smackdown and OVW. If Heyman had the likes of Panda Energy or Ted Turner backing him during ECW's era, he would have built it up on a national level.

You can't say that for certain. Heyman created a niche market of wrestling...which is already a niche market in itself. It's extremely hard to do that...regardless of the amount of money you have. Heyman was running ECW almost exactly during the big boom period of the mid-to-late 90's. No amount of money was going to help them compete with the NWO, Goldberg, DX, Steve Austin, The Rock, etc. especially if he was fully prepared to continue his "extreme" niche market during that period.

Most fans? A large minority of the IWC, perhaps there is no proof in-ring talent is the only thing wanted by the fans. If it was, Nick Dinsmore, Dean Malenko and their ilk would be holding world championships.

Chris Benoit, Rey Mysterio Jr, Eddie Guerrero (although his heel 'cheat to win' towards the end was pretty entertaining), etc. All of those guys DID hold world championships and they were all extremely boring personalities but had good technical or high flying skills.

Smackdown. The 3 way feud between Los Guerreros, Edge/Mysterio and Benoit/Kurt Angle. Otherwise known as the Smackdown Six. Also managed Brock Lesnar during his Smackdown run. And they still wanted him to stay on in 2006, but he turned them down.

Like I said above, The Guerreros, Rey Mysterio, and Chris Benoit were all snoozes. Chris Benoit being the absolute worst of the group...with Mysterio coming in a close 2nd and Eddie Guerrero, only saved by his heel turn at the end that was pretty funny. Even Steve Austin didn't want to feud with some of these guys because he knew it was character he quit. They were THAT boring.

And if Paul Heyman encouraged their success? That's all the more reason I never want to see him step foot in TNA.
What a crying shame Dixie didn't sign Heyman.

Say what you want about Heyman but I can guarantee you we wouldn't be having another NWO reunion in 2010 if he was in charge.

Give me Heyman any day of the week instead of Russo, Hogan, Bischoff and whoever else is writing this garbage.
You can't say that for certain. Heyman created a niche market of wrestling...which is already a niche market in itself. It's extremely hard to do that...regardless of the amount of money you have. Heyman was running ECW almost exactly during the big boom period of the mid-to-late 90's. No amount of money was going to help them compete with the NWO, Goldberg, DX, Steve Austin, The Rock, etc. especially if he was fully prepared to continue his "extreme" niche market during that period.
Wrestling wasn't niche in the late 90's, and I think we both know that. Heyman drew more and more into hardcore as the years moved on and the technical talent left, true, but he introduced a lot of international styles to mainstream America. If he had the money to keep on guys like Steve Austin, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, etc... he would have been able to challenge the Big Two.

Chris Benoit, Rey Mysterio Jr, Eddie Guerrero (although his heel 'cheat to win' towards the end was pretty entertaining), etc. All of those guys DID hold world championships and they were all extremely boring personalities but had good technical or high flying skills.
Eddie was boring? Rey Rey? While I grant you Chris was horrible on the mic and bland, Rey and Eddie were huge cruiserweights in WCW and to this day are still big. Well, was in the case of Eddie.

Like I said above, The Guerreros, Rey Mysterio, and Chris Benoit were all snoozes. Chris Benoit being the absolute worst of the group...with Mysterio coming in a close 2nd and Eddie Guerrero, only saved by his heel turn at the end that was pretty funny.
Yeah, I'd say that's your opinion, not a fact. All 6 of them were very well recieved on Smackdown and made the tag team division throughout the year. Like it or not, they were very big and over under Heyman. Which was my original point.

Even Steve Austin didn't want to feud with some of these guys because he knew it was character he quit. They were THAT boring.

Yeah, this is just flat out false. :suspic: Stone Cold left because of arguments between him and creative over how to put over Lesnar. They wanted Lesnar to squash him straight away, which wouldn't have done either man any favors and we know that. Combined with his declining health, its no wonder he stopped wrestling. I'll note that he still made appearances for WWE throughout the years.
I don't understand why so many people prise Heyman and consider him as some sort of wrestling genius. What does he have in his CV that is so special? Driving ECU to bankruptcy? Bischoff at least can say that he was highly successful in 96-97.
I find it funny that people do not want Hogan/Bischoff but they do want Heyman. Hogan/Bischoff DID make WCW/nWo at the time higher rated than WWE.
Heyman said himself what he was going to do, over 5 years.
I was going to spend 18 months building the roster.
the next 18 months exploiting that built roster.
that’s three years in, go public in three, stay for two more running it and get out.
That was my plan. I had an exit plan. I had a five-year plan.
that doesn't really sound all that exciting to me.
18 months building the roster. during that time not really trying to be that good, just building roster?
18 months of exploiting what he built. that's nice in theory, but that doesn't guarantee he would make things great.
then he had a plan to leave.

there was no guarantee that Heyman could have done any better than what Hogan/Bischoff could do. at least Hogan and Bischoff HAVE had higher success before.

by the sounds of what Heyman has said, it wasn't his decision to not come to TNA. he gave his proposal and that was declined.
would a lot of wrestling fans really want to see a mixture with MMA? seems THAT is what Heyman was proposing.
I don't understand why so many people prise Heyman and consider him as some sort of wrestling genius. What does he have in his CV that is so special? Driving ECU to bankruptcy? Bischoff at least can say that he was highly successful in 96-97.

.... See my posts in this thread? Go read them. Also, the fact that Bischoff had 2 good years out of 20 using Ted Turner's money means shit compared to the fact Heyman built a fed from a tri-state base into the third largest promotion in the US and a phenomena that is still going on today.

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