Deal or No Deal: Ocho Stinko

Deal or No Deal, Ocho Stinko

  • Deal that Son of a Bitch, he's a cancer

  • Keep him, take a stand against drama queen Wideouts.

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
Well Ocho Stinko has taken the same cry baby route that most drama queens in his position do, and that's bitch about not being the man, and not being the most paid, not getting his respect, blah blah blah. It's honestly the same old tired shit that most Wide Receivers, from TO bitching about McNabb, and Moss half assing it in Oakland after demanding to be traded their.

Seriously, wide receivers are the biggest bunch of *****es out there, especially #1 receivers. They honestly think that they can't be replaced when they don't realize that that is probably the most abundant spot and easily replacable position in all of football.

So I tried to ignore this, but calling out Carson Palmer was the last straw for me. Chad is a bitch, plain and simple. He is in an enviable position. He has one of the best QB's in the game throwing the ball, an average running game, and the best #2 in the league in TJ Whoseyourmamma. Without TJ, chad wouldn't be nearly the effective receiver he thinks he is.

Part of me says, trade this bastard and get it over with. The other part of me says, fuck him, make him sit. If he wants to play ball again, it will be with the Bengals, honor your contract, or find another team to play for, in 2011 when the contract expires. Personally, I think the Bengals should do something that the rest of the owners have failed to do, instead of tucking their tails in between their legs and caving into these selfish assholes, make the son of a bitch sit out and see who caves in first. We have 10 draft picks this year, it's not like we can't find some young kid wanting to cut his teeth in the easiest position in the game.

It's pitiful, getting paid so many millions of dollars to play football, and the idiot doesnt want to play with the team where he's done great in his career. He needs to put his damn ego aside, its so freakin stupid. Play the game that you supposedly "love" and stop complaining. You're the number 1 receiver, get your yards, get your money, what's to complain about.

I say trade him to the lion's for Calvin Johnson
I say trade him to the lion's for Calvin Johnson

...ROFL. That would by far be the worst trade of all time. In any sport. Ever.

Calvin Johnson proved nothing this year. Until he proves something other then that he was drafted in the first round, he shouldn't be considered such high stock that you would even consider trading one of the top 3 recievers in football for him.

Chad Johnson is another egomaniac. Just like TO. Moss used to be, but I was utterly shocked this year when he did nothing of the sort. I think, and granted this is my Pats fan view so take it with a grain of salt, that Moss is just an extremely emotional football player, who always wants to win. And who can blame him? It was still a total douchebag move of his in Oakland to totally bail and half-ass for that team, but I can't be too upset over it since now he's in Patriots blue and breaking recieving records left and right :D.

With Johnson, I say wait. See how he plays when he doesn't get his way. If he half-asses it, you've pretty much got no choice but to trade the guy. If the Bengals want to win anytime soon though, they'll keep him and decide to get one of those crazy new inventions called a "defense".
It would be alot better for him to showcase his talents with the Bengals instead of the lions. The lions certainly can't handle receivers as shown with charles rogers and mike williams. Bengals on the other hand had 2 receivers this year with 1000 yards. Carson Palmer is certainly a better QB than Jon Kitna. Even with the Lions, he still had 756 yards receiving, not bad if you think about it and only about 80 yards behind a proven WR in Roy Williams. I would rather take my chances with him than with Chad Johnson, bad morale from one player can screw up your whole locker room, and his attitude doesn't help the already tainted image the Bengals already have.
I was the first person to praise Chad Johnson in my fantasy football league, and I was awarded with a championship due to stealing him late when no one else wanted him. Then, I was the first one to denounce him as a top pick, mainly because I didn't want him to do good and cheer for him. Say what you want about Moss, but TO and Ouch Cinco are far worse. Its so easy to hate Chad when he's such a baby. When the Bengals made a playoff run, he took all the credit. When they had a huge downfall, it was everyones fault but his.

Whenever he comes on NFL radio (Sirius radio) I turn the station because I can't stand to hear the shit that flies out of his mouth. If I were a Cincy fan I would say trade him, but as a Vikings fan I say just sit him so that I don't have to hear all of his crap over and over.

Also, he is one of the ugliest people on the planet.
I live in Cincinnati and I'm sick of it. I was reading the paper today and the whole city is turning on him like he did to us. At Koch's Sport Store you can trade in your Chad jersey for 2 Cincinnati Cyclone playoff tickets. Marvin Lewis has decided to not trade Chad even though the Redskins offered a trade for him. Lewis wanted to keep him and his reason was "To make an example." Chad wants to sit-out and it is OK with Marvin. His contract will run out in 2011. After all, who will pay a 33 year old cry-baby who hasn't played in the NFL in 3 years the money he makes now?
can we blame him for wanting out? I don't think you can. if your paid millions of dollars and you are a marquee receiver like Chad is and your team ISN'T doing its part to win games, and/or championships then whats the point in staying there if the team is not a contender. so far the Bengals have proven that they can choke when it counts. I also think Chad has a case for a breach of contract suit as no team can't refuse to trade a player for being a loudmouth. The Player's union won't allow it.
So if Chad is such a great player, then why aren't the Bengals winning with him? Most seem to think that his selfish attitude and running the wrong routes, and dropping wide open passes had a lot to do with the Bengals losing some games last year.

There is no case for breach of contract. Why the NFL is better then any other sport. 1) The Player Union is weak, and 2) no guaranteed contracts. From what I've read on this, Chad Johnson is pretty much at the will of the Bengals. If Chad sits out this year and his contract runs up in 2011, then the year he missed would be added to the end of his contract. So Chad sits out this year, that just means the Bengals own his contract until 2012. Plus, the Bengals don't have to pay him anything if he doesn't show.

So how do the Bengals lose in this situation by making a loud mouth crybaby sit out. If Chad's a man of his word, he won't play, and the Bengals won't owe him anything. Plus, the Bengals keep Chad from playing with the competition, it's a win win situation and why the NFL is great.
if they don't trade him then he WILL be a distraction. he'll go on radio shows going on about how he's not traded, how he's not playing because the coach doesn't know how to coach, etc.

The Bengals aren't winning because the team itself isn't living up to their expectations. Albit its being cause by injuries, arrests, you name it the Bengals did it.
can we blame him for wanting out? I don't think you can. if your paid millions of dollars and you are a marquee receiver like Chad is and your team ISN'T doing its part to win games, and/or championships then whats the point in staying there if the team is not a contender. so far the Bengals have proven that they can choke when it counts. I also think Chad has a case for a breach of contract suit as no team can't refuse to trade a player for being a loudmouth. The Player's union won't allow it.

Yes we can blame him for wanting out. He is suppose to help this team, that pays his ass, win football games. When the Bengals made the playoffs two years ago Chad's mouth was running about how great he and this franchise were. You couldn't slap the shit talking out of his big mouth. Now, just two years later, he's bitching that they can't compete.

This is the first time I've seen a franchise do the right thing with a player who is being a baby. You are willing to sit out? Good, sit your ass down, its going to be a long season. What kind of player wants to sit out rather than compete at his sport. Chad Johnson is the worst type of player a team can have.
See with Chad the Bengals are doing the right thing with him. If he wants to be a big baby over it then let him sit his ass out. He will only be hurting himself financially and come on lets face it Chad will not want to do that. If nothing happens, I expect him to play as he will begin to start getting fined for missing camps and games.

I know back at the draft people were saying trade the man. I can see why especially of the rumor was true the Redskins were willing to offer this 1st and next years 1st rounder, but the Bengals be losing an All-Pro wide out and though he may be inconsistent in games at time but he still gets the attention of the defense which opens it up for TJ. Getting draft picks will not help the Bengals as they would be getting unproven talent and that talent could do well or be a bust, its always hard to tell. If they were to trade him they need to get some proven players already or dont do it all.

I say Ocho Cinco will be a Bengal whether he likes it or not.
the only thing I'm really concerned about is the bad press that they're gonna get with keeping Ocho Cinco. this is gonna be a PR nightmare. they SHOULD have traded him at the draft and its gonna continue until they trade him. put him with Bill Parcells down at Miami. Parcells will shut him up just like he shut T.O up

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