Deadman Championship Wrestling

Christian Battlez

Getting Noticed By Management
Is back under new management the former Vice President now Owner of DCW Christian Battlez. Now to pick some board members. For Vice president I pick Unholy Profit he gets 49% of the companys stake I have the other 51%. The reunion show is coming soon. Tune in for details!
It's back, it's going to be epic.

No more 13 year olds in charge, no more writing the results on the spot and dissapointing everyone, no more of the Deadman involved. We will do what he never could do in his "wonderful" stay here on WZ, we will make DCW the best E-Fed on these forums.

Bank on it.

A bunch of sparklers go off because me and Profit couldn't afford pyro and the two new owners are in the ring. A random video montage plays after all the pyro went off and has a bunch of still shots of the wrestlers myspaces and facebook pages because we can't afford good production stuff. After the video plays we are welcomed to Hammerstein Ballroom where a real wrestling show is taking place. Battlez begins speaking so everyone keeps talking until Profit hits a button and sends an electrical shock through every audience members body. Being masicist ECW fans they eat it up. Battlez can now talk now that those idiots have quit talking.

Battlez: Welcome to DCW! a small DC-dub chant begins but soon dies down because noone cares. May I welcome to all of you the former owner of DCW DEADMAN!!!!

Deadman comes down to the most silent reaction ever its like a hybrid Mark Henry/Vanillia Ice reaction. He gets in the ring and wants to start talking but everyone is asleep so noone of them are about to witness whats about to go down.

Deadman: I didn't sell you guys DCW how are you running it?

Battlez: You see deadman youre banned so you cant run an e-fed.

Deadman: Thats not fair.

Battlez: Lifes not fair.

Battlez then kicks Deadman in the balls and Profit gives him a conchairto. Battlez then announces an impromptu DCW Championship match which involves both owners and Chris Shakur the first ever DCW champion. Some crappy rap song plays and Shakur comes down to the ring.

DCW Championship Triple Threat Match​
Christian Battlez vs Unholy Profit vs Chris Shakur

Battlez and Profit gang up on him but he starts to make a comeback so Battlez fires Shakur and hits him with a guitar and a Pedigree and security carries him off. It's now Battlez and Profit one on one and Profit does a back bump and lays on the mat Battlez covers him and becomes the new champion!

After the match OneBigWill and Might NorCal come down to Rated RKO's music and say that were so awesome they wanna team with us. We accept and an 8 man elimination tag team match is made for later tonight.

David Penzer shows up to be the ring announcer but Profit stabs him in the eye with a fork on the way up the ramp so we wake up a hot chick fom the crowd and have her take her top off and be the ring announcer for tonight in her bra.

She announces the people wrongly so shes David Penzer in a bra but the next match is a Flag Match.

Flag Match​
TM vs SlyFox​

TM's flag is the canadian flag while Slyfox's flag has a picture of John Cena. TM pulls out a picture of Bret Hart and Sly starts drooling. This distracts Sly long enough for TM to grab the Cena flag for the win. Sly freaks out when TM touches the Cena flag and beats the shit out of him and strokes the lag after the match.

Now its time for the main event.....

8 Man Elimination Tag Team Match

Battlez,Proft,OneBigWill,and NorCal vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Will spears the first turtle and pins him with ease. Then Will tags in Norcal to face off with leonardo. NorCal does pushups while drinking a vitamin water but Leonardo cuts him in half with his sword. NorCal is cut in half so he dies. Leonardo is disqualified for using a weapon. Its down to three on two now. Profit double chokeslams both men for the win. After the match Will pulls out some briefcase and points to it saying he has a title shot. I slowly explain to will that briefcases mean nothing in DCW and say he can have a title shot if he wants though.

DCW Championship
Christian Battlez w/Unholy Profit vs OneBigWill​

Will charges Battlez but catches a big boot to the face. Profit hands Battlez a guitar and he whacks Will with it. Battlez hits a Pedigree and makes out with the ring announcer on top of Will for the three count. The girl is revealed to be Profit's daughter who is older than him. A masked man shows up for no reason and the show ends.
For what the show is intended to be like, I would say it's not that bad, but at least Deadman ain't writing the show.

With that being said, i'll give you props for doing a decent show despite what intentions you had for the show.
Meh. It made me chuckle a bit. It was really rushed though. I would like to see Profit write a show.
Random sparklers go off throughout the arena an we are welcomed to the DCW arena in Rhode Island where noone lives. Christian Battlez music plays. Its Ice Ice baby by Vanilla Ice.

Christian Battlez: Welcome to DCW!

The crowd boos because DCW sucks.

Christian Battlez: Boy do we have a great show for you tonight. But first I need to make an announcement. Profit has been sent to Prison so he won't be here tonight so Im 100% in charge. I have his older daughter who is also my grlfriend here though and tonight she is gonna face that Masked Man who showed up for no reason last week. Also in tag team action The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles team up with 48.7 to take on TheOneBigWill,Norcal's corpse,Deadman,CCS,and TM in a traditional survivor series 5 on 5 elmination match. What a star studded main event. Lets get to our first contest of the evening.

Transgender ***** on a pole match​
Jane vs Ciara

Jane is in control. She grabs the ***** down and beats Ciara with it. She tries to stick it up Ciara's ass but Lil Bow Wow interferes. While Jane is distracted Ciara sticks the ***** up Jane's ass so far it goes through her...his...its head and it dies from blood loss. Dam 2 deaths already were gonna get sued.
Winner Ciara

Next up is the 5 on 5 tag team match​

5 on 5 Elimination Tag Team Match​
48.7 & Ninja Turtles vs Will,Norcal's corpse, Deadman,CCS,and TM

Norcal's corpse starts the match off with 48.7 48.7 charges the corpse but Will pours a vitamin water on the Norcal reviving him. Norcal is pissed as hell now and he hulks up and goes ape shit hitting 5 F-5's on 48.7 and pinning him. Next NorCal beckons Leonardo the man who attempted to kill him to get back in the ring. Leonardo abides and Norcal kicks his ass too. Will gets tagged in and points at his stupid briefcase again which means nothing in DCW. Will spears one of the turtles because he is an opportunist or something. The remaining turtles try to formulate a plan when IC25 comes out and bans deadman and CCS for making alts again to be in this match. So theyre eliminted due to ban. TM and Will lock in Sharp shooters in stereo on the remaining turtles and pick up the win by submission. After the match Sly comes down to the ring and brawls with TM I guess they are feuding now. Norcal turns on Will its a doublecross. Norcal steals Will's briefcase and leaves.

Profits Daughter/My girlfriend vs Masked Man (not Luther)​

The girl runs around scared until the Masked Man finally catches her he hits a pumphandle slam then pins her. Shes a girl hes a man what did you expect? Afterward he unmasks. Its another Mask I guess we will have to wait until next week to find out who it is.

DCW World Heavyweight Championship​
Christian Battlez (c) vs Miko

Two DCW originals go at it in this one. Its not even a fair contest because I mean come on hes facing Christian Battlez. Miko hits Sweet Roxy Music but it doesnt even phase Battlez. All of a sudden Tdingle and Savage Taker come out in hooded sweat shirts and ambush Miko. Battlez hits the Pedigree and picks up the win.

Christian Battlez: Your witnessing a new era the era of Team Battlez. Team Battlez stands tall as the show ends.
meh not the best really imo seems to biased for you, but it does make sense you would be.


Real fireworks go off because we are on pay per view one backfires and kills some lady in the crowd we are here at DCW Night of Champions where every title is on the line. Seven championships on the line tonight lets go to our first contest which we have to have because he is on the poster.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match
CM Punk(c) vs Holy Loss​

Both men lock up and Loss rakes the eyes of Punk. Punk tells the referee his eye hurts and to stop the match. While the ref is checking on Punk Loss goes into his tights and pulls out a bar of soap. Punk says he is ok to continue after running his eyes with water. Loss charges at Punk with the soap but drops it. He goes to pick it up and Punk schoolboy pins him for the three count. After the match Punk is celebrating and Loss doesn't even care that he lost the match. He just wants to hump CM Punk in the butt. (What he's been lonely in prison) He dryhumps Punk all the way up the ramp and to the back.

Up next is the Indian Curry and Slurpee Championship Match

Indian Curry and Slurpee Championship Match
Great Khali vs Great Deku Lee​

Lee comes out wearing his nintendo shirt. Khali comes out next with a slurpee. The rules are simple the first person to drop his opponent into a plate of indian food wins the title and a free slurpee from 7/11. The match starts and Khali easily overpowers Lee. Lee runs at Khali and gets smacked in the skull with a big chop. Khali presses Lee over his head and teases tossing him into the indian food before throwing him over the top rope instead. Khali poses obviously taunting Lee. Lee pulls an original XBOX out from underneath the ring since they are fucking heavy and tosses it over the top rope at Khali's head. Khali topples over right into the indian food. Lee wins and is the new champion. After the match Lee celebrates wth his title and his slurpee. Will comes out next and is pointing to his fucking briefcase again. Lee nods his head no and Will looks sad. Norcal comes out next and it looks like the I betrayed my best friend championship match is ready to start.

I Betrayed My Best Friend Championship Match
Will vs NorCal​

Its an epic battle from the beginning. Both men trade holds and know each others every move. They counter each other so much it looks like a game of Smackdown Here Comes the Pain. The finish comes when Will attempts the spear but misses and runs shoulder first into the ring post. Norcal then takes Will']s briefcase and breaks it over his knee and gives Will a one man conchairto with both halves of Will's briefcase. The ref disqualifes Norcal making Will the new champion but NorCal doesn't care because he is a badass. Norcal leaves the ring but before he leaves the arena he challenges Will to an NCAA 2010 match! What kind of match could this be? We'll find out next week.

A Video Montage plays showing Tenta growing up and KB and X both being interviewed and talking about how they are gonna win custody of him tonight. Its all very emotional.

Special Guest Referee Match Winner gets Custody of Tenta (Special Ref Tenta)
KB vs X​

KB charges X and the match is underway. KB is laying into him with right hands and X is desperately trying to cover his face to no avail. After 20 minutes of back and forth action both men are busted open. X gets KB in a cradle and Tenta begins the count.KB rolls X's shoulders to the mat to nd Tenta counts to three. Its a double pinfall. Both men have custody of Tenta! We'll figure out how they are gonna settle custody next week.

DCW Television Championship Match (Hardcore Fatal Four Way)
Leonardo vs Donatello vs Raphael vs Michaelangelo​

All four turtles weapons come into play. Leonardo beats everyones ass with his stick like the Sandman. Raphael and Leonardo cut each other like emos. and Michaelangelo whips everyone with his nunchucks. Leo pins Mike after a Four Star Turtle Splash! The turtles embrace and realize they need to be a unit for PYT's world title match later tonight just in case Team Battlez tries to get involved.

DCW Anarchy Championship Match Flaming Steel Cage Match​

Sign Guy vs Ellisman​

Both men enter the ring and the cage is set ablaze. Its getting really hot now so sign guy tries to escape. He starts to climb the cage but the metal is too hot and Sign Guy loses both hands. Ellisman asks for the door to be opened whil Sign Guy is screaming in pain and with no hands to stop him Ellis walks right out the door. Ellisman is the new Anarchy Champion and Sign Guy lost both hands.

Triple Threat Admins Match(Winner gets future World title shot)
Luther Hull vs Slyfox vs IC25​

The action spills all over. Irish and Luther ry to take the new admin out early with a double suplex through the announce table. Then Irish and Luth go at it. Luth hits Irish with a chair because he is a heel and hits the Hull of Fame Leg Drop but Sly breaks up the fall. Sly then hits Luther with the Attitude Adjustment and locks in the sharpshooter but Luther won't tap and reaches the ropes. Sly tosses Irish out of the ring and Luth hits a low blow. He then hits the Hull of Fame Leg Drop and pins the new admin to become number one contendor.

DCW World Tag Team Championship
Team Battlez(ST and Tdigle) vs Team Alts(CCS & Deadman)​

CCS and Deadman come out for their match while Luther is celebrating and he says wait you guys are banned. No soup for you or you. CCS and Deadman then get banned(fired) and are never permitted back in DCW ever again. Team Battlez wins by forfeit.

DCW World Heavyweight Championship
Christian Battlez (c) vs Pretty Young Thing​

Christian is destroying PYT repeatedly slamming his head into an exposed turnbuckle. PYT is busted open. The Ninja Turtles run down to interfere but re cut off at the pass by Team Battlez. With all the chaos on the outside the ref and Battlez are both distracted and don't see Christian's gf come out. PYT hits a low blow and lets call her Wendy gets in the ring. She looks PYT dead in the eye and Kisses him!. Battlez is shocked and turns her around. Battlez is distracted long enough for PYT to whack him with a chair. Wait its NO DQ NO! Not this way 1 2 3 ! Pretty Young Thing is the new DCW champion. Luther comes outto the ramp and stares down PYT as he show ends.
DCW Friday Night Shine

Normal sparklers go off because this isn't ppv and we can't afford any more lawsuits and the show opens with Holy Loss the 49% owner of DCW in his prison cell. Battlez isn't here tonight on personal buisiness. He vows to be here next week to exact his revenge on PYT and that ****e Wendy. So I'm in charge tonight and I'm please to announce that in tonights main event its gonna be Luther vs PYT for the world championship. Thats right Luther is using his number one contendorship he won last night tonight. Also J-Dogg is making his in-ring debut. Which is next.

J-Dogg vs Becker​

The match starts with Becker whining about how great the Steelers are. 6 time champions yada yada. J-Dogg slaps him in the face and Becker takes offense hitting high impact move after high impact move. The ref gets knocked down and Wes interferes. Americas Slam. Becker is laid out. Wes lays J-Dogg on Becker for the cover....1...2...3! What an upset. Not really Becker kinda sucks. J-Dogg is ecstatic and we go to our next match.

DCW Indian Curry and Slurpee Championship
The Great Deku Lee (c) vs Apu​

They lock up and Lee knees Apu in the gut. Apu tells Lee how hes just a feable old man and he doesnt wanna fight. Lee feels sorry for Apu and helps him up and Apu cradles him for a three count. Apu is the new champion and after the match he tells Lee. Thank you come again.

DCW Television Championship
Leonardo (c) vs Shaquille O'Neal​

Shaq uses his Shaq-Fu and completely dominates Leo. The other ninja turtles come down and Shaq beats them up too. He hits the Diesel Slam but doesn't realize Kobe Bryant behind him. Kobe hits a low blow then raps making everyone in the arenas ears bleed. Shaq passes out and Leo pins him to retain the title.

The Anarchy Champion Ellisman is in the ring

Ellis: Last week I worked very hard to win this Anarchy title.

SG: What you talking bout Ellis?

Sign Guy appears on the ramp with no hands.

SG: You did nothing I burned my hands and you walked out. I want a rematch.

Ellis: Fine your on we will have a ladder match next week for the title. If you can grab the belt down hahahaha.

Team Battlez comes out to ringside for the World Championship Match

DCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
PYT vs Luther​

Before the match begins officially Team Battlez run in the ring and attack PYT. Luther helps because he is a heel and heels do gang attacks. After they mane PYT Luther destroys Team Battlez and Holy Loss makes a Triple Threat Match for next week between Luther,Battlez,and PYT for the title.

NCAA Football 2010 Match I betrayed my best friend championship
Will vs Norcal​

An epic battle with brutal spots and blood everywhere. One spot saw Will dive from one ladder to another spearing NorCal in the process. Another spot saw NorCal actually set Will on fire. At the end Will hit a spear on NorCal through a barbed wire table and had him beat but. TJ Houshmanzadeh showed up. He said he wouldn't play Madden 2010 but he would play NCAA 2010 no! Not this way dammit. TJ with the Who Dey Pele Kick and Will is knocked out...and headless! 1...2...3. NorCal is the new champion and Will is well WIll is dead.

Its time for the custody hearing​

Judge: We are here today to discuss whether X or KB would make a better home for Tenta. Now hurry up I want Lunch.

KB: Its simple I have double the amount of letters in my name and hve double the care I could give Tenta.

X: Thats bologne your a *** you'd prolly molest him.

Judge: Order Order.

Judge: I'm ruling in favor of neither of you. A foster home will be organized for Tenta and the parents will be revealed next week. Now who wants Subway?

Show ends.
Haha good stuff CB, keep it up. Tenta belongs to ME damnit!
You bury me, just because I go off to jail? How dare you!

Well, i'm back now, and I still own 49% of this company. A shakeup is coming, a reckoning is upon us, DCW will feel my righteous revenge.
Battlez you will pay your debt. Soon enough. This my masters creation will crumble under your feet.
And Deadman makes yet another alt and gets yet another ban.

Get a life, kid'o'. Go outside, play with your imaginary friends. Y'know, all that fun stuff.

In other news, i'm hearby challenging the DCW Champion to a "Deadman on a pole" match. Where Deadman will be placed upon a pole, the winner will be the first to retrieve him from said pole. The prize is not only the gold strap, but also 10 minutes to beat the holy-snot out of the little punk, Deadman.
Sounds fine to me but I still wanna get my hands on the guy who stole my title 48.7 so im making the match a triple threat match and it will be for the DCW World Heavyweight Championship.

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