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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
From WRESTLEZONE Home Page: Former WWE and WCW star DDP, Diamond Dallas Page, recently did an interview with ForceOfWrestling and had the following to say concerning a possible move to TNA Wrestling.

"Any details if you are going to TNA?

His exact words were “As of right now no, none, I have no interest, but I am going to do some independent wrestling to see how my body feels. When you go to TV you need to be bringing your A game. I am 53 years old, I don’t want to be beat up like Hulk Hogan, walking around the way he does. Am I ruling out returning to TNA, no, will I return, well who knows. You would have to offer me the right money, it would have to be the right angle. You never rule it out, cause never say never.”
DDP going to TNA? What? I don't know if anyone should be excited about the possibilty of this happening, but who knows maybe something could come of this, if it happens. Don't know if anyone remebers Page's last run in TNA. To tell you the truth it really wasn't that memorable. I remeber him having an NWA championship match at Destination X '05 against Jarrett. DDP lost the Ringide Revenge match, and if I'm not mistaken, left TNA shortly after that. This is all speculation at this point, but do you think DDP can make a splash in TNA? Who could he feud with? And does DDP have enough to create a buzz? Thoughts?​
Please no DDP in TNA. Only HUGE names that are old like Hogan and Flair, not neverbeens like DDP.
Bottom line is this if DDP decides 2 go 2 TNA he's a dummy there is no reason for him 2 come out of retirement at the age of 53. Besides who is he going to feud with the Beautiful people! LOL
It's not going to happen, it's already been debunked by almost every website out there. Not sure why the hell WrestleZone is even reporting this, Meltzer debunked this a few days ago. DDP is returning to the wrestling business, but he's working the indies. There are zero plans for him to join TNA right now.
Bottom line is this if DDP decides 2 go 2 TNA he's a dummy there is no reason for him 2 come out of retirement at the age of 53. Besides who is he going to feud with the Beautiful people! LOL

Um 53 yo is barely considerd old buddy DDP is TNA Bound and so is STONE COLD BILL GOLDBERG!!
Is there a problem since he was mistreated in Wimpy wasteland entertainment circus hell he fits in TNA he is good friends with Bischoff
afterall Bischoff made him a star in WCW and all these years it payed off compared to WWE
he is no dummy and If I were you I wouldn t talk you got wrestlers like over 45 in WWE
Please no DDP in TNA. Only HUGE names that are old like Hogan and Flair, not neverbeens like DDP.

Are you out of your fringin mind? DDP is in there also buddy
The great feuds between him and Raven? his feuds with Savage? WTF
you are a mark and what will u say next? please no GOLDBERG in TNA! He is in talks now lets hope we see him shortly !
DDP worked his ass off and stayed in WCW from beginning to end till WWE ruined DDP and his character so since he is close friends with Bischoff I don t see why not DDP is a big name he is in better movement than our HulK Hogan who can barely move its like he got off a horse! Seriously he is doing Yoga and it helps him to be fit!
unlike Hogan
If he can still go and put on good quality matches and be able to tell a story not just on the mic but also in the ring. I wouldn't mind him coming back for one angle. Tna already has enough talent they can be using bring in more talent would just cost them money. I mean the last wrestling legend tna should need is Hogan the rest they can live with out.
DDP is one of those guys who doesn't have much name value among fans in this era of wrestling, but is such a great character that could get over as an old veteran. His last stint in TNA wasn't too bad, it was at least better than how he was used in the WWE. If he decided down the line to do something in TNA, it would have to be because he felt it was worth doing. In that case, it could be exciting to see what could come from it.
DDP needs TNA more than TNA needs DDP. Their roster is already crowded and is in no need of another aging wrestler, especially one who hasn't been relevant since his days in WCW. No thank you.

Best of luck to him in returning to the ring...just no need to be in TNA though.
Please no DDP in TNA. Only HUGE names that are old like Hogan and Flair, not neverbeens like DDP.

A neverbeen u honestly dont know ur history. Besides names like Hogan, DDP helped but WCW on da map. Former US, Tag, and Heavyweight champ. Come on, he is a good face, but an even better heel. Anyone remember the feud w/ beniot for da US title, or da feud w/ Taker when he abducted takers wife.

I know he wont bring as many fans as Hogan is gonna, but there are two questions that remain. Can his body still handle it, and who will he feud with. At 53, im not sure, but give him time to get in shape, I belive he can do it. Also i dont watch tna but i know of MEM, since book is gone maybe DDP can take his spot. Or if he is willing to let some young stars win, he can push the career of someone.
This is exactly the sort of crap TNA needs to avoid. Every old hasbeen star of the past now seems to think they've got another chance with a "major" company because Hogan is with TNA. I mean for gods sake, they've only just got rid of the MEM, they're involved in a changing of the guard, bringing in the younger talent. The last thing they need are old WCW talents clogging up the roster.
as far as ddp going to tna, thats not a good thing, its a bad thing. theres already enough washouts in tna. pointing specifically at nash,steiner,angle(who was an idiot and left the wwe at the peak of his career) the dudleys, stevie richards,raven,foley all guys who couldnt cut it in the major leagues.
theres already enough washouts in tna. pointing specifically at nash,steiner,angle(who was an idiot and left the wwe at the peak of his career) the dudleys, stevie richards,raven,foley all guys who couldnt cut it in the major leagues.

Maybe it's more like they got sick of dealing with McMahon's attitude? And they wanted a more laid back atmosphere? I myself find those guys pretty entertaining, all for different reasons. Just because you don't work at WWE it doesn't mean that "you didn't cut it". These guys have talents WWE could use right now in fact. And there's plenty of other wrestling promotions out there with really talented guys, that just aren't in WWE. WWE does not make you a talented wrestler.

And just because somebody is older doesn't mean that they can't make a good wrestling show. Because, in fact, they're the people who've been around it the longest and know what the people find entertaining. I think that some people only see the positives in WWE, and only see the negatives in TNA. And others, vice versa. I think both of them have their goods and their bads.
I can see this becoming a trend. Every interview now with anybody who was in WCW during the mid-to-late 90's is going to be asked about TNA and whether they're going there now. Then forums will pop up asking "Jerry Flynn to TNA?" or "Glacier to TNA?"

I'm hoping all creative parties are smart enough to have learned from past mistakes and not think bringing in guys way past their prime is the answer. That being said, I wouldn't be surprised to see Knobbs or Jimmy Hart pop up in some shape or form. I think Hogan has that written into his contracts or so it seems.

On topic though, I don't see DDP going to TNA. He's been gone long enough that he doesn't seem to be craving the limelight. Plus, he has other outside interests and ventures to occupy his time.
A neverbeen u honestly dont know ur history. Besides names like Hogan, DDP helped but WCW on da map

I don't know my history? You are 16 years old according to your profile, I've been watching wrestling since the early 80's.
DDP did not help put WCW on the map. WCW was formerly NWA until Turner bought it and everyone knows that Ric Flair was the man of NWA wrestling.
Are you out of your fringin mind? DDP is in there also buddy
The great feuds between him and Raven? his feuds with Savage? WTF
you are a mark and what will u say next?

TNA only needs name recognition/draw from old guys not actual wrestling ability.
Among guys 50+ years old there is no names bigger than Flair and Hogan. These 2 are the only ones TNA needs as far as 50+ year old name recognition/draw.

Now back to DDP, he was a nobody before he hooked up with Bischoff.
Are you out of your fringin mind? DDP is in there also buddy
The great feuds between him and Raven? his feuds with Savage? WTF
you are a mark and what will u say next? please no GOLDBERG in TNA! He is in talks now lets hope we see him shortly !
DDP worked his ass off and stayed in WCW from beginning to end till WWE ruined DDP and his character so since he is close friends with Bischoff I don t see why not DDP is a big name he is in better movement than our HulK Hogan who can barely move its like he got off a horse! Seriously he is doing Yoga and it helps him to be fit!
unlike Hogan

Hope you are kidding, DDP is not a big name.

If you asked someone who started watching wrestling 5 years ago, they wouldn't know who DDP is. Regardless of his stint in TNA years back.
lol all the former wcw stars (more likly vince haters) would now be thinking of joining tna because now hogan, bishoff, and nash are running the show..tna in 2 years would be wcw..to be honest, i do not c a good future for tna, they should be spending money on their product and production instead of these old washed up hasbeens..i hope hogna doesnt wrestles because he would be making a fool of himself.
DDP would be a BAD idea wrestling in ring wise. But as far as a creative guy or a road agent, this would be a great idea. DDP has some great ideas and knows promos. He could mold some younger talent into serviceable wrestlers, but if he gets in the ring, then it will be a bad idea. DDP's 53 years old and despite him being in good shape with his Yoga teaching and such, him wrestling would only have a handful of marks freaking out. No one really remembers DDP except as someone who was beaten down by Undertaker over his wife.
While on the one hand I don't want to see TNA get completely taken over by 50+ yr old guys with one foot on the banana peal and the other in the grave, I actually wouldn't mind seeing DDP come back for a short run (no titles or squashing younger talent, just a short feud with either Foley/Angle/Sting/Nash). I've been a fan of DDP since the AWA days....I always thought he was under rated as a manager, he could actually still be useful in that role given that he was so talented on the mic. Anyway, it would be nice to see him get the send off that he didn't get in WWE and leave fans something better of a last memory than that totally ridiculous "stalker" storyline he did with 'Taker's wife. Just my opinion....
Never a fan of DDP so this really doesn't mean anything to me other than another oldie taking the spot of a younger guy. TNA should be getting rid of these guys not hiring more. Slowly get rid of them, booker is gone, steiner is on his way out, Nash can't be long for the business, Foley has retired once and has really just been elevating talent recently.

This is a good move, although I am worried about Hogan at least that makes sense in terms of drawing attention.

Just My Opinion
Pretty sure this was already "debunked" by DDP himself when he said he had no immediate plans, but I never really liked DDP much myself outside of his mic work and the "bang!" thing. At this point in his career, I just don't really foresee him being of much value here, though I said the same about Mick Foley, and boy was I wrong there.
It all depends on how DDP gets used by TNA creative , we all knw how vince buried him also if his not thr 2 elevate the "TNA originals" then they dont hire the guy it seems that TNA is trying to recreate WCW completely. Next u gonna c Goldberg and the NWO reunion. DDP rather stick to yoga 4 guys
While on the one hand I don't want to see TNA get completely taken over by 50+ yr old guys with one foot on the banana peal and the other in the grave, I actually wouldn't mind seeing DDP come back for a short run (no titles or squashing younger talent, just a short feud with either Foley/Angle/Sting/Nash). I've been a fan of DDP since the AWA days....I always thought he was under rated as a manager, he could actually still be useful in that role given that he was so talented on the mic. Anyway, it would be nice to see him get the send off that he didn't get in WWE and leave fans something better of a last memory than that totally ridiculous "stalker" storyline he did with 'Taker's wife. Just my opinion....

I agree. DDP could be useful as a manager or as an authority figure. He certainly has the mic skills. I don't think it would be a good idea to bring him back full time, although he's probably in better shape overall than Hogan, it would be cool to see the Diamond Cutter again.
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