DC Comics Event Spotlight: Emerald Twilight


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Emerald Twilight
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Quick Summery

"Emerald Twilight" is a 1994 comic book story told in Green Lantern (vol. 3) #48-50, written by Ron Marz, and published by DC Comics. It caused great consternation among comic fandom, as it transformed the well-established silver age super-hero Hal Jordan into the super villain Parallax. The story introduced a new Green Lantern, Kyle Rayner, who gained a significant fan following.

"Emerald Twilight" was collected as a trade paperback collection in 1994 reprinting the entire three-issue story arc in one volume as Green Lantern: Emerald Twilight, with cover art by Tony Harris. It was later collected again in 2003 as the Green Lantern: Emerald Twilight/New Dawn TPB, reprinting Green Lantern (vol. 3) #48-50 and also #51-55, the early stories of Rayner becoming the new Green Lantern with new cover art by Alan Davis and Mark Farmer.

Plot Summery

In Green Lantern #46, as part of the "Reign of the Supermen" storyline, the extraterrestrial villain Mongul teams up with a Cyborg Superman that had been passing himself off as the real Superman. They use a series of bombs to destroy Hal Jordan's home city of Coast City with the intention of using the area as one of four way-stations for a giant engine that would ultimately transform Earth into the massive spaceship Warworld. Hal Jordan returns to the city to find a massive fortress-engine standing in the ruins of his home and furiously attacks, hearing the voices of those killed crying out in his mind. The voices fall silent when Jordan defeats Mongul in battle. Hal also witnesses the return of Superman, who has defeated the Cyborg elsewhere in the city.

In issue #47, he teamed up with Green Arrow for a completely different mission, and at the end of the issue, his thoughts once again turn to Coast City.

Issue #48 began with Hal in the center of what used to be Coast City, clutching the remains of a doll - the only physical evidence of the seven million people who once lived there. In a moment of pure anguish, Hal uses his power ring to re-create Coast City, down to the people who had previously died, including his father. When his ring’s energy runs out, one of the Guardians of the Universe contacts him via a holographic projection to tell him he is in violation of one of the principal rules of the Green Lantern Corps, which forbids Lanterns from using their rings for personal gain. Enraged, Hal siphons off the energy from the projection and makes his way to the Guardians’ planet Oa, with the intent of bleeding off all the energy from the Main Power Battery in order to permanently re-create Coast City. Issue #49 saw him going up against various members of the Green Lantern Corps, each of whom fell against Hal, until he got to Oa. Hal steals the rings from each defeated colleague and leaves them for dead.

Issue #50 sees Hal battle the renegade former Green Lantern Sinestro on Oa, who had been previously imprisoned in the Main Battery, but released by the Guardians to stop Jordan. Jordan kills Sinestro, as well as his fellow Green Lantern Kilowog. The Guardians, having realized that their cause was lost, had given all their remaining energy to the Guardian named Ganthet, who become the sole Guardian after this energy transference resulted in the death of the rest of them. Hal takes all the energy in the Central Power Battery, and when he emerged from it, he has a new costume and takes the name Parallax.


Ganthet travels to earth and finds an illustrator named Kyle Rayner (who had been briefly introduced at the end of issue #48 when he saw Hal fly off and mistook his green flight streak for a shooting star). Ganthet gives Kyle the last remaining power ring, thus making Kyle the last Green Lantern. As Parallax, Hal Jordan became a recurring villain in the DC universe.

In "Emerald Fallout", which takes place in issues 18-21 of Guy Gardner: Warrior, Guy Gardner receives a vision of the events of Emerald Twilight. Guy, along with Wonder Woman, Alan Scott, and Arisia, Darkstar, Martian Manhunter, Captain Atom and the Ray go to what was left of Oa. He challenges Hal and is defeated when Hal melts his yellow power ring.

The character played a central role during the Zero Hour storyline. Later Hal displays his final act of heroism, sacrificing his life to reignite the Sun at the conclusion of The Final Night storyline. Redeemed in the eyes of many of his fellow heroes, he received a hero's funeral. Not fit either for heaven or hell, Jordan’s soul was destined for purgatory, until he became the newest host for the spirit of God’s vengeance known as The Spectre, at the end of the Day of Judgment limited series.

During the events of Green Lantern: Rebirth. Hal Jordan's murderous actions were revealed to be the result of being under the influence of the fear entity Parallax. Parallax chose Hal at the behest of Sinestro (who was puppeteering a hard-light duplicate of himself in the battery during their battle on Oa.) Jordan is eventually resurrected and returns as a Green Lantern once more as well as resuming his career as a captain within the United States Air Force. His and the Guardians return signify the rebirth of the Green Lantern Corps.


Green Lantern #48-50

Justin's Thoughts

This is one I have not read but am curious about, it sounds like an interesting. I love the idea of Hal Jordan, one of the universes ultimate good guys becomes one of it's ultimate bad guys, I assume Hal Jordan's villain turn to have the a similar shock value as when Hulk Hogan turned heel and joined nWo back in '96, I wasn't much of a Lantern fan back then and have only recently attempted to really start reading some of the GL stuff, I'm currently reading Green Lantern: No Fear, which I can't help but find boring as all hell so far, and have been collecting the War of the Green Lantern arc as it hits the shelves, and have been enjoying the hell out of that. This arc however is something I will defiantly have to look for next time I'm looking to pick up a tpb to keep my occupied on my breaks at work

Discussion Questions

-Is there anything about this arc you would have changed?, if so what?

Seeing as I have not actually read the arc I can't really say there is anything I would change, from the sounds of it it's a very interesting story idea, and one I want to get around to reading some day

-If you were in a similar position where you had the power to re-create an entire city and the lives of those who had previously inhabited that city, as well as loved ones you lost, would you do what Jordan did, even knowing that by doing so you are in violation of the rules?

I would most certainly do so, even if it was temporary, and knowing full well I'm going to land in a world of shit for doing so, just having the ability to see people I cared about who have died one last time would be worth that world of shit, it would be incredibly difficult to pass up on that, knowing I had the power to make it happen

-Where would you rank this among "major events" that have taken place in in the GL series?

Again this is a question I really don't think I can answer as there is a lot of GL stuff I have never read and tons of stuff I don't know about, this is more a question I ask out of shear curiosity, I know of Zero Hour, Rebirth, Blackest night, Brightest Day, Day of Judgment, & Sinestro Corps War, I just want someone who is more educated in the GL series to tell me where this ranks among those or if there is another GL "event" that I didn't mention that i should know about which is better
Not much to say that hasn't been covered but this was a pretty huge thing for comics, not just GL. You had Hal turn heel to save Coast City, you had the corps all but wiped out and you have Kyle coming in and Hal becoming Parralax. This was pretty big as Hal had been the main stay in GL since the 50s, of course nothing lasts and Hal's back to being the GL but I very much enjoyed this arc.
I for one have read the comics and have red rebirth aswell, the turn was extremely dramatic, Hal literally destroyed the universes police force, he literally was responsible for the laterns demise and as parrallax was capable of killing anyone with a slight hand.

Hal jordan did attempt to redeem himself prior to becoming the specture (Dc's version of ghost rider), its an interesting read and makes Hal one of those characters inwhich i enjoyed following his decent to madness and his prominent rise back to being one of DC'S best.

if you love wrestling storylines, or love to read entire stories as they progress you'll love this, this is the prelude to blackest night, sinistro wars and brightest day, its a must read.

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