David Otunga: Still Signed?

Wrestling Mind 300

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WWE's spring cleaning saw 8 superstars wwe career come to an end including big names such as Sandow and this leads to the follwing question, how is David Otunga still signed?
I know many people may not have any interest in him so it might not be a big deal as to whether he still has a contract or not however it still baffles me when guys like Sandow gets released when guys like Otunga still have a job.

This Reminds me of when JTG spent years doing nothing of relevance yet still managed to still be employed. They must have forgotten about him as i dont see any reason as to why he hasnt been released yet.
I don't think Otunga is technically in a wrestling position anymore. He's wrestled one match in the last 2 or 3 years, he was in the first Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal, I believe, and that's the last time I've even heard of him wrestling. I think he mostly works with Stephanie McMahon as part of promoting the WWE brand and possibly as a legal advisor given that he's a graduate of Harvard Law School.
He is not released for two reasons: 1) He is banging Jennifer Hudson, so he has major league ties to Hollywood. 2) Harvard-trained lawyers do not drop into VKM's lap every day. He is going nowhere for the foreseeable future.
I think he's mostly around for legal/promotional reasons as stated above.

Some people don't know that he also hosts the Raw Pre-Show on the WWE Network with Scott Stanford, Corey Graves, and sometimes Booker T.
Some people don't know that he also hosts the Raw Pre-Show on the WWE Network with Scott Stanford, Corey Graves, and sometimes Booker T.

Wait...Scott Stanford is still with WWE? I thought he left ages ago. I used to love him on Zack Ryder's YouTube show.

Anyways, Otunga is valuable for his legal prowess, plus his marriage to a legit Hollywood star doesn't hurt either. Having a Harvard lawyer on the payroll makes the company look good.

As far as I'm concerned, he's not allowed to leave WWE until he finally explains why he and the Nexus helped bury Undertaker alive.
He is married to Jennifer Hudson, and he went to Harvard. He hasn't done anything on TV in ages, but I assume he's a decent promoter/legal advisor.

Assuming he doesn't make much, I see no reason to release him.
I actually enjoy him as an on screen personality. I'd love to see him used as a manager or some sort of authority figure. In-ring, not so much. But I would like to see him back on television.
I thought he and Hudson split some time ago?

Reality is that his lower level WWE contract would run about the same amount as a Harvard Grad Lawyer would, so it's worth paying him for the Legal advice he can give...
I thought he's always been one of there lawyers which is his trained profession. Occasionaly he performs on tour.
Just to clarify a misconception, he has absolutely nothing to do with WWE's legal team.

As for how he's still there/what his value is, that I have no idea of. My guess is that he is basically signed to a Legends deal. He has the ability to appear sporadically, do PR for the company, but isn't considered an active wrestler. Because I don't care how smart he is, or who he's married to it would never justify keeping him on a full time full pay salary.

Jennifer Hudson, while a known celebrity isn't any bigger or any more important than the slew of celebrities that say, The Rock, Jericho, or Austin, are friendly with and could bring to WWE, so there is simply no way he's under a regular contract. This isn't a JTG situation, he just has a deal in place with WWE that allows him to come and go.
How can he be signed to a Legends deal. He's only been around for a few years, and never really wrestled all that much? I'm not asking to be a douche just curious, and wouldn't think he would be lumped in with the rest of the legends.

Last time I looked he and Hudson were still engaged after about 7 years or so. Doubt after all this time a marriage is in the cards, despite having a child together. They seem to like it the way it is and aren't willing to change it.

Truthfully I thought he was just being kept around for his legal expertise as well. He's okay in the ring, nothing really outstanding, and even though he's with a Hollywood A-lister it hasn't really raised his worth. The WWE still has the Rock. He is one of the biggest stars in Hollywood today, and puts Hudson in the shade when it comes to star power. Jennifer Hudson wouldn't put asses in the seats like the Rock can and that's what's most important to Vince and company.
How can he be signed to a Legends deal. He's only been around for a few years, and never really wrestled all that much? I'm not asking to be a douche just curious, and wouldn't think he would be lumped in with the rest of the legends.

Well on paper it may not be called a Legends deal, but that's essentially what it is. Just a deal that allows them to market his name and likeness, and calls for him to make the occasional one off appearance.

Although, if you look at some of the names signed to Legends deals, I would say even WWE themselves use the term legend rather loosely haha. Is the Boogeyman really a "legend" in the WWE?
Not sure why people are surprised Sandow was released.. He's done absolutely nothing for well over a year now... He barely made house show appearances, when he did he was jobbing in 30 seconds... Sandow's head was clearly on the chopping block and WWE released him.

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