Dave Bautista


WZCW's Brent Blaze
I was on twitter today and i noticed that Dive Bautista, or simply Batista, is trying to get 100,000 twitter followers. If he does get these followers before New Years he will make some crazy announcements that will answer a lot of our questions.

Here is the tweet:
"Ok tweeters! After I get over 100k followers by #newyears I'm gonna make some CRAZY announcements that will answer a lot of your questions!"

He currently has 76,882 followers.

I have noticed a few wrestling names have asked on their twitter if we can follow Batista. MVP and CM Punk both tweeted that in the last hour or so.

Punk said "Y'all need to follow my bud @DaveBautista That is all. Carry on."

MVP: "My good friend @DaveBautista "The Animal" is on twitter! Follow him & RT!"

So I have a few questions.

What could this announcement be?
Would you like to see him return to wrestling?

I say the tweets will deal with his return. Maybe it has something to do with itbegins2012? Just a thought. I personally would like to see "The Animal" return in the ring.

Tbh, I dont want to make this into a "hate Batista" thread but I do hope not. I mean...the guy isnt getting any younger and could do with refraining from the heavy tour schedule, he'd end up being an on/off star and truth is...he's not THAT great. I mean he's had his epic moments but in truth, he's really nothing more than an over hyped big guy.

There was nothing in Batista for my liking and I'd prefer the big surprise to be someone...who I can stand to watch.
dude when your a big guy getting older does not matter your still strong. Even though Batista was born in 1966/1969 does not mean with his size and build he cant be a force in wrestling or mma. Look at Shamrock..
What could this announcement be? -It could just be a lot of hype over nothing, really. I learned that when something is hyped up, even mildly, it usually ends up disappointing.

Would you like to see him return to wrestling? - Only because the WWE lacks star power, and only if he was there mainly to put talent over. He DID say he wanted to retire by creating a star out of another superstar, but I don't think he will. He doesn't like the current direction the WWE is heading, so don't look forward to it.
I never cared for Batista when he was in the WWE and have no personal interest in seeing him ever come back. Even though I was never a fan I probably would have been happier with him returning early last year(not too long after he left) where my faith in the WWE producing new interesting main eventers was not very high... now I see plenty of potential main event up and comers who are developing and turning into the future of the WWE before our very eyes. On top of these we also have a few old timers who still have enough left on the clock to bulk out the main event scene until the new generation are fully ready to take over so I don't feel Batista is needed in that sense. He would probably bring money into the WWE and I know he had a decent amount of fans so yeah, personally not for me but it would work no doubt.

It would be a pretty big moment if he did come back during the Royal Rumble and the WWE managed to keep it quiet.
I'd be cool with it.

I missed out on the Batista era in the WWE. When I quit watching he had just started his first push and was in evolution, and I still though of him as The Deacon. When I came back he was in a wheel chair throwing a temper tantrum because he didn't get a rematch with John Cena and quit.

He seemed like a guy I would like, aside from that stupid temper tantrum that marked his final appearance.

In either case though it doesn't matter too much to me.
I personally do not really want to see Batista return. He already main evented both brands of WWE, winning multiple world titles, and even became a streak victim for the Undertaker. There's nothing else he can really do in the WWE. I don't see him joining TNA either. His announcement might very well be that he wants to come back to WWE. While I'm against the idea, he had a lot of fans who might be happy to see him back in WWE. He could always assist in putting new guys over, although I think we would get stuck with him in the world title scene again for a bit if he came back. Using Twitter followers to help generate interest is a decent way to go about making this announcement, whatever it may be. I think it could be his return to WWE because he has guys like Punk putting it over. I hope not, they don't really need him anymore unless he's going to help put people over. Then again, he's a WAY better choice for World Champion than Mark Henry....
I could see this as being either hints of his return, or something having to do with his MMA career, he's never going to be more than a freakshow if he actually start his professional career as a fighter but I still would rather see that than his return. It's not that I don't like Batista or I didn't enjoy his time in the WWE, quite the contrary but I just feel like he ended his wrestling career well and there's no need for him to return. I would think that a feud with him and Mark Henry would be entertaining and intriguing but after that I don't think he'd have much of a place, they would get him into something decent but I really just feel that he did a great job in the WWE but that time is over. Maybe it's going to be an announcement that he's signed for his professional MMA debut, but who knows.
I honestly wouldn't mind if Batista would indeed return to the WWE. I enjoyed his work as a heel and with that, I expect and hope for him to be a heel if ever he returns.

The guy is a big name from the Cena era and could help put some young talent(Particularly those who are being pushed by the WWE right now) over. Personally, I'd like to see (face) Sheamus feud and win over Batista. That could be a defining feud for this face version of Sheamus.
Honestly, Batista is one of my all time favourites in the WWE. I do think he's better than Cena, and i would love to see Batista return to the WWE. No, not for five years and be put in fueds with people like Miz, but to have that finishing touch to his career. His fued with Cena on his way out was great, I loved Batista as a heel. Though I don't think that's enough. Have Batista in a long, meaningful fued with someone as good as he is. Someone from the attitude era for 4 or so months, give us one more thing to remember Batista for. I honestly think he's under-rated, and he needs one more long, personal, meaningful fued to go out on.

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