Dave’s Gaming Diary (Beta)


Staff member
So lately, I have been attempting to get back into gaming and regularly posting in this section. I don’t think it will last long so I have called it a beta. You see, over the last few months, I have literally found no inspiration for gaming and although I have purchased games that I wanted to play at the time, nothing has stuck and as such, my 360 and Wii have basically gathered dust for a couple of months. However, as I said, I have been trying to get pack into gaming and for those of you who remember my posting spree in here a couple of months ago, please think of that as the level of which I aspire to get back to. I created this thread to chronicle my struggle to begin gaming again and although I likely wont do an entry every day, I will try and keep it as up to date as possible.

So without further ado, I give you my gaming diary.

July 14th 2010

So, I decided that I wanted to finish Arkham Asylum today. Yes, I haven’t finished that game yet. However, I guess you could put it down to the fact that I only bought it a couple of weeks ago and haven’t felt the urge to complete it yet. However, in the spirit of this thread, I thought I would go at it today and really try and get it over with. The story is actually brilliant and I have been really enjoying that aspect of the game. I knew I was close to finishing the game but I was just bored of playing. Anyway, after I came back from the gym, I decided posting was going on hold until I finished this game.

I am proud to say that at 02:10 AM, I finished this game after a very fucking annoying final boss battle with the Joker. I thought that although the game seemed a little short, I was pleasantly surprised by how satisfied I felt after completing it. It truly is a great game and my appetite is currently whetted for Arkham Asylum 2. I would assume it is going to centre around Two Face and the Joker this time around and I for one cannot wait to see what it produces. For me, it is no wonder that the original was in the running for so many awards because it is very, very addictive. The challenge modes and riddles make for some really compulsive and intriguing gaming. Needless to say, I spent a lot of time trying to finish them and although I haven’t quite managed it yet, I am working on it.

Anyway, tomorrow, I am going to try and continue to solve these riddles and perhaps do some gaming on the Wii. I probably wont because I despise the thing but I will try. I also want to try and complete Prototype. I tried to complete it the other day but I had forgotten how to play it so I gave up. Tomorrow, FIFA, NBA and Prototype are going to be tackled and I may also have a swing of Tiger Woods if I can be arsed.
Dave, do you have live, if so, what is your gamertag? Also, I also have a love for Arkham Asylum, although Bane is hard as fuck. I'm looking around for some Arkham Asylum two ads, but I just can't find any. I love the quality of it though, very good graphics and perks you can use, although I wish it had the Multiplayer feature...maybe it would be a clusterfuck, who knows.
Dave, do you have live, if so, what is your gamertag? Also, I also have a love for Arkham Asylum, although Bane is hard as fuck. I'm looking around for some Arkham Asylum two ads, but I just can't find any. I love the quality of it though, very good graphics and perks you can use, although I wish it had the Multiplayer feature...maybe it would be a clusterfuck, who knows.

I do indeed have Xbox Live. My Gamertag is Super Chelios but you should know that I am rarely ever on Xbox Live anymore. I find it far too annoying now and although I have had fun with it in the past, the pre-pubescent assholes that now call it home are too much for me to bear and I generally just steer clear of it.

As for Arkham Asylum two, nothing exists outside of the preview trailer and that is sad right now. It has been confirmed that Two-Face will be in the game and he will be supported by Mr. Free and I would imagine Killer Croc will be in the game too. If you have finished the first one, you see his hand come out of the water and onto the box of Titan formula that is floating in the ocean. I think this game has pretty much written itself but it will be interesting to see how it goes.

You can almost guarantee that the Titan formula will have been released on Gotham but surely that takes away from it being called Arham Asylum if it is not going to be set there anymore? Either way, everyone will be super pissed off in the city and it will be Batman’s job to kill everything that breathes… Or something. For me, it is the villains that make this game and I will be looking forward to seeing who is in this one as it was nice seeing the likes of Ivy, Bane and Croc in the last game.

One good piece of news for one bad though. Mark Hamill is not going to do anymore games after this one which is a bit shit because his Joker was pretty damn impressive. However, Te Riddler will be back in the game this time around although it is not confirmed if we will get to see him this time or not.
14th of July 2010

So today, I had a lot of plans for the gaming calendar but I didn’t manage to get a lot of things done with going to the gym and just getting other random things done. However, I thought that I would attempt to get some of the riddles on Arkham Asylum done and actually managed to get another hundred or so done. Right now, I have about 30 left to get and I suppose that I will try and get the rest of them done within the next couple of days if I manage to get some time.

I also managed to get some missions done on Prototype and although I didn’t get a lot of things accomplished, I did try and manage a couple of new missions. Nevertheless. I found it to be completely boring and I am turned off of the idea now. I might try and get another go in tomorrow but it was pretty fun gliding around the city. To me, the game is just too repetitive and I am pretty sure that I wasted my money on it. It is fun but I don’t feel the urge to play it anymore.

I also managed to get a couple of games of FIFA 10 in and I was happy with that. I actually just like playing against the computer and playing it on the highest difficulty, just to see hoe close I can run them. I managed to pull off one win before going down twice to Barcelona. Either way, it was pretty fun and I am really looking forward to the new FIFA instalment, which is going to be vastly improved.

It was a busy day for gaming and although I didn’t get any NBA or Tiger Woods in, I did get some accomplishments that I wanted to in.

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