Darren Young Suspended


Getting Noticed By Management
From the main page:

Corporate.WWE.com is reporting that former Nexus member Darren Young, real name Fred Rosser, has been suspended for 30 days for his first violation of WWE's Wellness Policy. The suspension went into effect yesterday, October 5th.

No information has been revealed behind what the suspension was for.

Seems that a lot of superstars(and a referee) are being suspended in the recent few months by the WWE.

Your thoughts?
Future endeavor him immediately. No suspension, no de-push (if that's even possible for him), just terminate him right now. No upside, plenty of downside, no loss to the company whatsoever. Some guys may get cut some slack due to circumstances, but not him. Good bye.
Setting the over/under of number of posts saying, "I didn't even know who he was still with WWE" or "Who's Darren Young?" at 14.

Probably less now that I made this post.
He's had a ton of TV time recently, he was ring side on Monday, he was backstage when Miz and Truth were fired. Just when his stock was rising, this happens...

Its a shame Bizzaro Cena hasn't gotten a real push yet
I guess now he'll call himself Mr. 30 days off.

Damn you dude. Before this thread opened my mind was spinning about how to insert a witty remark about his lame as nickname - and you took it! :banghead:


I'm hoping NXT finishes and a winner is chosen before his 30 days are up. I would lol. And he would've learned a lesson.

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