Dark Horse


Getting Noticed By Management

It's the new Nickelback album. I downloaded it last night and listened to it because i enjoyed their last 4 albums. Typicaly Nickelback has a slower Rock sound and love like lyrics. (Which girls love.) But the new album doesnt have that sound. They tried to make themselves sound more heavy but it just didnt work for them. I found only a few songs out of the entire album to be enjoyable. Their new producer has realy screwed them. The ladies wont like the new album because it's too hard. The guys wont like the new album because it isnt hard enough and the lyrics are ignorant. (Seriously , Who want's to listen to a song about oral sex ?) This album was supposed to be more heavy and have more adult themes in it , It is both of those. But Nickelback just dont work unless they're singing ballads. overall i'd give the album a 4/10.
With only hearing three of the song off of this album its not looking good once again for Nickelback. Burn it to the ground is a high paced catchy song that is the best song IMO ever from nickelback. this song is what they need to get me to become a fan again. but just one isnt going to cut it.

they need to go back to their original stlye of singing instead of the style they have at the moment. but "if today was your last day", "gotta be somebody" is just like far away, Saving me etc.

I guess i cant review it properly until i hear the rest of the album Im just hoping that its better then the three i have heard.
The reviews have been mediocre but Nickelback has never been very critically acclaimed. I have only heard 5 songs but from what I heard I'm not liking it as much as their last album. I find the songs(and the single Gotta be somebody)to be even more generic than their last songs. It is expected to sell around 280-310 k, which is around the same that their last album sold on the first week, but that album went 7x platinum where I just don't know if this album will. But like I said there songs seem bland which adult stations love and that demographic sells albums, so who know's. I'd give the album a "C" and that's it.
Ok, so i have listened to the rest of the album after buying it and..... Wow, I know remember why i liked nickelback before. Songs like shaking hands and S.e.x are Awesome. the lyrics actually tell a story. this is better then the last album they have released. since buying the CD i have not listend to any other music. This CD is the best CD i own. All i have to do now is wait patenetly till they come back to Australia for a concert, becouse with the songs on this album, I. Will. Be. Going.
I've had the chance to hear it all now and I must say I like it. People may bash Nickelback, but I honestly don't see why. Yeah, they're not your standard rock, but they sell cds, and their songs make sense. They may sound alike at times, but that's not always a bad thing. When you find something you like, it makes sense to stay with it. The new stuff is getting further away from what they started with, but isn't that what bands are supposed to do? I can't wait to go see them live in 2 months, which is what the cd is supposed to do.
I'm definitely not a Nickelback fan. Although, I will say they can write some catchy songs that cater to radio listeners. Anyways, if I were to review Dark Horse, it would probably sound something like this person wrote for some mag review;

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