Daniels: most underated wrestler


Championship Contender
For years now, i always wonder why is Daniels isn't a main event star yet. He's as talented as A.J. Styles, he better then A.J. with a Mic. So why is A.J. Styles a multi time World Champion and Daniels is stuck jobbing to Kurt Angle.

I first saw Daniels wrestles way back in 2002 on a WWA PPV and i thought that he had the potential to be a big star one day, he had the wrestling abilities and the charisma to make it so when i sign with TNA, i was happy for him because i thought that he would finally get his shot at becoming a big star and he had some moment during is TNA tenure were he was in the main event of a PPV. But he never was able to really get out of the X-division. Before Hogan and Bischoff arrived in TNA, Daniels was finally able to get out of the X-Division and fight in the main event of a PPV with his program with A.J. Styles but yet nothing happenned even if the match he had at final resolution was one of the best in TNA history and the promos leading into it were really good. Then Hogan and Bischoff arrived and he got put in a program with Sean Morely. His promo's were so good then the fan wanted to cheer for him instead of morely but at Genesis he had to job to Morely in a pretty decent match, Since Genesis, he wrestle only twice in matches that Daniels didn'T get that much offense especially last night match against Angle which he was pretty much just use as a prop.

So why is it that Daniels is stuck in the bottom of the roster. He's as Talented as A.J. Styles and his able to cut really good promos, so i don'T understand why he never got his chance of being a big time guy.

Also do you thing that Daniels would be better off in the WWE or going back to japan then staying in TNA? I think that he's would be better going back to Japan, at less he wouldn'T have to be wasted like he is right now in TNA.
Daniels is a wrestler I had to see in person to become impressed with his skills. I had never paid much attention to his matches and never listened to his promos. He was in town working on an independent card with a few other TNA stars when I became a fan. Daniels filled the match with action and mat wrestling. In the small building he was even able to heckle some ringsiders as he was a heel back then. Even the heckling was creative. I have watched every match and listened to every promo since.

So why is he in a match getting squashed by Kurt Angle? I wish I knew because he definitely deserves better. Maybe he just hasn't had the right feud or storyline. A trip back to Japan or some more time in Ring of Honor might be just the thing.
I agree. he may not be the most underrated wrestler, but in the top 5. When you think of underrated, you get two groups, the interesting big guys (ex: Kane, Abyss) and the interesting athletic guys (ex: Shelton Benjamin, Daniels). The problem is that Daniels may be too much in shape. He looks as small as Cody Rhodes, and I don't believe he is anywhere near 224 or 232 lb.

Daniels really should be in AJ's place right now. For those who say that he is too old now, he's 38. Kevin Nash and Mick Foley recently had a main event match. Foley is in his late 40's I think and Nash is around 50. Hogan and Bischoff are well over 40.

I do not like how he was squashed by Angle recently. But that seems to be the case with major talent recently. Samoa Joe and The Pope both recently lost to Orlando Jordan. So, the best thing he can hope for is winning the Ultimate X match at Destination X and getting the X Div. title, because that's all he can do with Hogan (or even before him) around.
When I watched Impact this thursday and I saw Christopher Daniels against Kurt Angle, I knew that the match would last about 2 minutes with Angle squashing Daniels and that's exactly what happenned...and even though I knew it was coming, it always dissapoints me so much to see daniels get mistreated like this.
I purchased a TNA best of christopher daniels DVD and gained so much respect for him as a wrestler(his matches with styles are simply amazing). having seen his many "evolutions" now... One thing I can't understand is why they felt the need to modify the fallen angle nickname from him by simply naming him "daniels" and why the hell did they remove his badass hoodie costume?...

He had a great entrance and all the guy really needed, according to me, was just a slight ring entrance music switch and I feel like TNA had a really strong character.
...imagine if TNA actually pushed this guy to the moon, a big budget entrance for "fallen angel" christopher Daniels..don't tell me it wouldn't look awesome! just use the slightest use of your imagination and you can come up with something decent,...

But for some reason he is getting completely buried right now and he completely doesn't deserve this.
Daniels might be underrated, but when everyone on the internet thinks so, does that not make him rated. Personally, I think he's alright.

For years now, i always wonder why is Daniels isn't a main event star yet.

Because he's not good enough. He's had his chances and he's just not been good enough
He's as talented as A.J. Styles,

No, no he isn't. AJ is better than him in every way in the ring. Daniels might have an advantage in technical wrestling, but other than that, he isn't as good as AJ

he better then A.J. with a Mic.

:lmao: Seriously? He's pretty bad on the mic. He's gotten better since his return, but he's still as bland as an ice cream cone minus the ice cream. Just a cone

So why is A.J. Styles a multi time World Champion and Daniels is stuck jobbing to Kurt Angle.

Because AJ is the much better wrestler.
I first saw Daniels wrestles way back in 2002 on a WWA PPV and i thought that he had the potential to be a big star one day, he had the wrestling abilities and the charisma to make it so when i sign with TNA, i was happy for him because i thought that he would finally get his shot at becoming a big star and he had some moment during is TNA tenure were he was in the main event of a PPV. But he never was able to really get out of the X-division.

I wouldn't really call that such a bad thing in early TNA. That's what made TNA, the X division. And Daniels was a huge part, no doubt. Just Joe and AJ were better
Before Hogan and Bischoff arrived in TNA, Daniels was finally able to get out of the X-Division and fight in the main event of a PPV with his program with A.J. Styles but yet nothing happenned even if the match he had at final resolution was one of the best in TNA history and the promos leading into it were really good.

They were very good for a once off match that was great to watch, but he just wouldn't have been able to sustain it once he lost. He claimed he was better, and he lost. He couldn't do anymore

Then Hogan and Bischoff arrived and he got put in a program with Sean Morely. His promo's were so good then the fan wanted to cheer for him instead of morely but at Genesis he had to job to Morely in a pretty decent match,

I will agree, that was a bad choice. Daniels is much better, but they did need to push a new star

Since Genesis, he wrestle only twice in matches that Daniels didn'T get that much offense especially last night match against Angle which he was pretty much just use as a prop.

I am yet to see last night's impact, but I wouldn't be at all surprised with that.
So why is it that Daniels is stuck in the bottom of the roster. He's as Talented as A.J. Styles and his able to cut really good promos, so i don'T understand why he never got his chance of being a big time guy.

Bottom of the roster? That's a bit steep. You said so yourself, he just main evented a PPV a few months ago. That's quite far from the bottom of the roster

Also do you thing that Daniels would be better off in the WWE

No way. That would be terrible. He's no charismatic or big enough to be successful.

or going back to japan then staying in TNA? I think that he's would be better going back to Japan, at less he wouldn'T have to be wasted like he is right now in TNA.

He should stay in TNA. Japan wouldn't be a bad choice for him, but TNA is where he belongs
IMO, Daniels is very underrated. I feel he deserves better treatment than what he has been getting recently. He came off a great feud with AJ only to lose all his momentum and job to Sean Morley who we haven't seen in weeks. Now after watching him get completely buried by Kurt Angle, I learned that it was official: Daniels is now a certified jobber which is a shame. Maybe TNA will incorporate the "losing streak" angle like WWE did with MVP. If TNA goes down that route, they better not screw it up.
Daniels is my favorite wrestler in any company.He can put on great,exciting matches anywhere at any time.A.J is higher than him for one reason...He like a better wrestler than Daniels.He looks like the young kid with the full head of hair looking for success.Chris is better than A.J but because he's older and doesn't have the look of a champion so he is force being stuck were he is.I think he should turn face and Aline himself with angle and hogan.This could give him the push he needs to become great.Take every good thing said about Daniels on this thread and you will have what i think of him.
He's probably underrated to some degree. Daniels is someone that's been shown to put on good matches with just about anyone and TNA has misused him at times. However, when I look at Daniels, I don't see a main eventer and I don't think TNA management does either.

Daniels has been with TNA since the beginning, he's a real workhorse that TNA knows can be counted on to perform well and do pretty much whatever the company asks of him. Wrestlers like Daniels are valuable to have. However, I think I've pretty much come to accept Daniels' ultimate fate in TNA. He's almost 39 years old and if he were going to be a legit main eventer for TNA, it would have happened by now. Daniels has gone from wrestling for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship for the span of two ppvs to jobber status in the blink of an eye.
Daniels isn't underrated. He's very good in the ring but has the personality of a wet burlap sack. There's just nothing to latch onto as a fan. He has no charisma. He would have gotten a title run if he had any charisma outside of his ring work. He just can't get over.
I don't think underrated is the right word. Currently misused, yes. Plain and Simple Daniels doesn't have the right look or enough charisma to be the face of a company. Can he be a solid worker occasionally mix in with the Main Eventers? Yes. I think Daniels is really, really good in the ring. I think is above average on the mic. I just don't think he is a main stream face for a company. This may sound weird, but his look just isn't quite right to believable as the best in the company. At least not a major company looking to be number one. I think its the fact that not only is he is small, but also that his chest is just so small too. AJ isn't a big guy, but he is built. Daniels just isn't built enough to be a champ.

I think Daniels should be moved into the tag division. I have posted this on several threads. I think he should be partnered with Tomko. They have a similar look and feel to them. I think they would go really well together. Neither really has what it takes to be the #1 guy. Put them together though, and I think they could be a dominant force in the tag team division.

Imagine Daniels/Tomko in a feud with Beer Money. Great things would come of it.

Daniels is a great wrestler but to say he's been misused in TNA is not the proper way to put it. TNA gave Daniels the platform for him to be on the map. TNA isn't misusing him. Should he be jobbing, no. But TNA has given him the opportunity that no other major promotion would give him.

Daniels is unfortunate. He's just too old to invest in and to give a serious push. He's about 7-9 yrs older than AJ & Joe. Granted, he maybe young in terms of how he's been built up but he's very seasoned. Also another problem with Daniels is the lack of inconsistency in his character. I think it's hard to push a guy that doesn't put over his character. Part of the reason Pope is where he is, is because he invests so much and puts so much time into his character that you have to love it. It's nothing there about Daniels you can really latch onto despite his great wrestling and charisma that he needs to show more of.
I think he is very good talent who has been given big pushes in the past, and he just didn't quite deliver to his full potential. He should be in the upper midcard for quite a while, but most likely be a main event star. To me Shelton Benjamin is the most underrated star for quite sometime in all of wrestling.
Daniels has done plenty over his TNA career, and I don't think he's been underused or is underrated in the least. He's one of those wrestlers who can believably be placed anywhere on the card, without any justification, and provide a solid match & a good rub to his opponent. If I could dream-book, I'd find a way to reunite him and Elix Skipper for Triple X, as I think that Daniels really shines as a tag-team wrestler, but a feud right now with him and Doug Williams for the X strap would be excellent.

He shouldn't be anywhere near the World title, unless it's in a Ricky Steamboat sense, where he only placeholds for a couple of months to add drama to a great feud. But he's definitely a top-notch, world-class talent and TNA definitely recognizes that. A gimmick tweak wouldn't hurt, as they can't seem to commit to exactly what he's supposed to be or why, but that's not his fault. If he had CM Punk's SES gimmick right now, I think he'd be extremely over and could play the part well.

So if he's 38, as someone said, give him a couple more years to develop. For his size and his fitness, he's a Jerry Lynn-esque character who will be physically great up to 50, and he will always have something to offer. But just because he didn't mow down Ric Flair with a spear and a jackhammer on 1/4 doesn't mean he's underrated. He's just a very slow-but-steady burn.
Daniels USED to be a main eventer. Back when he actually USED the Fallen Angel gimmick. I've always been a fan of his, ever since one of his first feuds with AJ back when the X-Division was what the main draw to TNA was. I miss those days.
I really liked his matches with AJ Styles and Samoa Joe. He doesn't have charisma and he doesn't have the look for a world champion.

That being said, I think he is a solid contender for the title for the weekly show. I wouldn't put much on him GETTING it, but he puts great matches on, so why not have him job in world title matches on impact?

People compare him to Jerry Lynn, but I think that's a bad comparison. Lynn was a better ring worker by far. The only thing that Lynn and Daniels have in common is that the average fan couldn't care less about either of them.
when i think of the most underated wrestlers, the names Matt Hardy, Kane, Shelton Benjemin AND CHRISTOPHER DANIELS come to mind.

I've been watchin him for a while now putting on some of the best matches in tna and he continues to do so today. This guy has so much potential it should be him not aj as the face of the company, i would actually believe him to be a ric flair protoge and a man that lost himself for the glory of tna championship (fallen angel), but with aj styles its like ric flair is micheal jackson and aj is tito.and for the people who say he has no charisma check out his fallen angel gimmick!!!!Christopher Daniels is amongst the best talent tna has and they need to realise this before its too late!!!!!!
Daniels is fine, but he's not brilliant, and he certainly isn't as good as AJ Styles. Daniels is pretty entertaining in the ring, but I don't think I've ever seen him have a good match with someone who doesn't usually have good matches, in the way that you see with people like Angle and Styles. Daniels was quietly making his way up the TNA roster, but then his character got boringand we got Curry Man for a year. Curry Man went nowhere, and Daniels had to start again when he came back. As a result, he found himself being pushed towards the end of last year. The problem is now, he still isn't truly established, and he's almost 39 years old, which is far too late for a big push. Daniels will forever be one of those guys that never made it to the top, but to be honest, I'm not sure he should have.

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