Daniels As World Champ?


Pre-Show Stalwart
A recent thread made me think of posting this one... Now that TNA seems to be giving wrestlers that DERSERVE the world title (example Aries) a shot.. if Daniels was given a run with the gold, would it be a success or a flop?

I think it'd be a success IF, they made Daniels a fighting champion. Have him have great match after great match (like he can) with many of the top stars, like Aries, Roode, Hardy, RVD etc.. his mic skills have definitley gotten better too, so that'd be a plus.

The only way I'd see his reign being a flop would be if they made him a Roode type of champ, where he gets cheap wins. It works with Roode, but with Daniels it wouldn't make sense, given that we've all see Daniels be a defending and fighting champ (when he was X division champ and in ROH with the tv title).

I think it would flop.

I personally love Daniels hes a great talent but as has that cowardly role ala Roode at the moment I wouldn't see it changing once he got the gold.

Plus for whatever reason in TNA Daniels just doesn't seem over to me. He cuts great promos, puts on 5 star matches and feuds with Mr TNA AJ Styles but people just don't seem to care about him. Point in case that when Mr Anderson mentioned him rather than booing him for being the character he is people cheered and it wasn't the kind of cheering for Ziggler cos you like him it was a "I dont know who that is so just cheer"

Bottom line as much as i would LIKE to see it I don't think it ever will.
It all depends on booking. I think Daniels gets great old school heat and he has the potential to be a top guy. I would love to see heel Daniels form a stable with a dark ministry feel to it. Have guys like Kaz, Abyss, and maybe one or two other guys with new gimmicks join in.

About a year from now have Daniels's stable help him win the X-Division title just to get the world title match. Have Daniels disrespect the X-division title while he has it, calling it a stepping stone, saying he's too good to be an X-division wrestler.

Let Daniels cash in on a popular guy like Storm, Aries, Sting (my choice), or Styles and his group helps him cheat to win. From here on out it would be up to Daniels to get himself all the way over.
^^^ I like that idea about getting the X belt before Destination X, it rally fits his current character.

I'd mark out for Daniels as Champ, the guy is way overdue. And it wouldn't really matter what type of heel he would be he would make it work, he always does. When he was X Champ he used to wear the suits and the sunglasses. Now I know he wasn't the first champion to wear a suit back in 2005, but Kurt Angle seemed to have taken over Daniels' persona when he became heel champ in 2007. Which I always felt sucked for Daniels.

In any case Daniels was a totally different heel back in 2005 than he is today. He can make this new evolution of his character work as a World Champ if he sneaks a victory over Austin Aries perhaps.
I don't think hes as over with the crowd as he use to be, say when he tagged with elix skipper or aj. I feel like hes never really been in any feud besides with aj or over the x-division belt and the crowd has really gone stale with it, all his 5 star matches are against aj, so I would like to see him feud with a storm, angle, or hardy. I think he has the persona to make a good champion but just needs a breakout feud away from aj before giving him the title.
I love Daniels; he's one of my favorite wrestlers, but it would be a flop. This would be a case of too little too late. I think TNA missed out on using him in that position long ago. People aren't into him like they used to be. Most fans love his matches, but not his character. I really would like to see him with the title but I don't think it will be a good title reign. I think he would be a great TV shapmion though.
If you go back through the work of Christopher Daniels in TNA, you'll see a vastly talented worker who has been overlooked for years. He was detrimental in helping to establish the X-Division with guys like AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Jerry Lynn, Amazing Red, and others. His matches as X Champion were simply great and he had great tag teams with Low Ki/Elix Skipper and also with AJ Styles. That tag title run with Styles really showed how well Daniels works with other great talents. And the stable Daniels had with Low Ki and Skipper showed he is believeable as a leader.

Look at what Daniels has done since his return to TNA in 2010. He was a member of Fourtune and he has had a great feud with AJ Styles. Daniels has been the only saving grace of the current AJ Styles/Dixie Carter/Claire Lynch storyline and this alone shows ability to be more than he has been in the past. He makes you interested in what's going on, no matter how bad the storyline actually is. That's the mark of a great worker and I believe Daniels has everything needed to become a World Champ. Alot of it would be in how TNA booked Daniels as champion. If he's booked as a great in-ring competitor who can earn his victories by his talent, it would work. But, if he is booked as a fluke he'll be a flop because people won't buy him as a serious contender. I'm hoping TNA will realize how valueable Daniels could be and make him champion. It wouldn't surprize me though if he never won the big one. That'd be a real shame.
If you go back through the work of Christopher Daniels in TNA, you'll see a vastly talented worker who has been overlooked for years. He was detrimental in helping to establish the X-Division with guys like AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Jerry Lynn, Amazing Red, and others.

I think you mean vital (or something like that) rather than detrimental. But, uh... anyway... yeah, I don't see any particular reason why Daniels as TNA Champion would fail. He's one of the most talented all-around performers in all of wrestling, if you ask me, the rare heel that has the in-ring talent, the look, and the ability to speak and command a character. As with most anyone else as talented as he is, the big variable is booking. If his rise to the top and championship reign were booked correctly, it would almost assuredly be successful. If it's booked poorly, it might be a flop. But even still, I don't think it'd ever be an out and out failure. At worse, even if you book things horribly, you're at least pleasing a fairly large, vocal fanbase that have supported the guy for years.
I have always been a big fan of Christopher Daniels, he is definitely one of the best in-ring talents in the world, and has been for a long time.

That being said, I don't think we will ever see him becoming TNA World Champion. As good as he is, I just don't see him staying as a main event level player, and its hard to put my finger on why. I just don't get that vibe from him. And at 41 years of age, I think TNA are probably better going with a younger guy. TNA tried to push Daniels in the past in a fued with Sting, and that didn't work.

Even if he never becomes World Champ, he has a good character and gimmick, decent mic skills and the ability to get heat...Daniels is a really good all around talent and I think he should be the one to dethrone Devon and take the TV title. With that belt being defended on TV every week, give it someone who will guarantee you a good match every time, that man is The Fallen Angel. He could work against pretty much anyone and produce.

I would also like to see him become a darker character, more evil. He could control a faction much like The Undertaker's Ministry in WWE, that would definitely work. it is something I have always thought would be a big success with Daniels as the leader.
This is an excellent topic and I think all TNA fans think it is quite possible that he is the guy with the X-Division Championship heading into Destination X next year ... so, how could they do it?

Daniels definitely is not at his peak right now, so they missed on that. And he definitely lacks some of the qualities of a top flight world champion, BUT ... he does put on an amazing show in the ring on a regular basis and could continue to do that.

I think the idea of making him a "fighting" champion is a pretty solid one and he would obviously have to be a short term champ (maybe three or four months) before passing it on, but they definitely could do it if booked right.

Unfortunately, I think his best matches are against AJ and I don't think a heel champ Daniels would work that well, even in a solid feud with Styles. They would almost have to do the waited forever to get his shot angle and make Daniels a face to make it work right.

Definitely going to be an interesting year for Daniels, because with the advent of the X-Division Champion getting a title shot, it would be easy for them to storyline him into the main event.
I like the ide of him continuing being a heel till next year and then picking up the x division title just before destination x, they could even make a storyline out of it that he wins it 1 or 2 months before it and he is forced to defend it constanty and then until the last seconds but luckily pulls through and then wins the title at destination x. although wouldnt it devalue the x division title because youre just using as a way to get the title shot to another title just to vacate it later?

Anyways, i havent followed tna very long but ive always appreciated the fallen angel´s work. and why not 1 reign but not everyone needs to be world champion at some point, remember some of the best wrestlers in history never got that world title from a major production but still were considered to be one of the best

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