Daniel Bryan's new "YES MOVEMENT" Apparel


Pre-Show Stalwart
Question #1:What do you guys think of the new stream of Merchandise Bryan has been getting these past two weeks:

The Che Guevara influenced YES shirt:


The Standard Red YES shirt:


The Grey and Red YES Hoodies:


The Reason I ask question number one is because reportedly Daniel Bryan's ALREADY 4th highest Merch seller prior to this stuff being made and the common criticism is the stuff made for him prior to this is what is holding him back from being potentially #1 in sales because the beardhats and Goat shits many feel look like Grade A SHIT...Something you wont hear any disagreements from me about.

Which brings me to....

Question #2:
Do you think that "Yes Movement" stuff will take his Merch sales to the next level?

It's common knowledge that "cheeseball" merchandise only can sell so much especially since Goats have never been seen all and One good indication that seem to argue in the case of it being better for Bryan to have less cornball Merchandise is the sales of his Red shirt, so far:


If you try to buy this shirt on WWE.com right now, the only sizes available right now are Small, 4XL, and 5XL and these shirts have only really been out for about 2 weeks maybe.

So overall, Think this will be a smart move in the longrun regarding the marketing of Daniel Bryan or not?
Any new merch is a good thing & them designing less childish bullshit for him is a nice change. I thought it was strange they didnt include an exclamation point on the YES logos though.
I feel like this will improve his merch sales greatly. I expect Bryan to replace Punk as the #2 merch seller in WWE soon. If he can begin to rival Cena sales, then we're in business.
Speaking about merch, today I saw a kid using an original "Obey" T-Shirt with Andre The Giant and I thought to myself: "do this idiot even know the legacy he's sporting?" but to be back on topic, I think that the red hoodie looks great, specially if it doesn't say "Daniel Bryan" on the back, because wearing wrestling clothes IRL is not "good for business", however I went to the gym sometimes with a Randy Orton shirt.
I think that the red hoodie looks great, specially if it doesn't say "Daniel Bryan" on the back, because wearing wrestling clothes IRL is not "good for business", however I went to the gym sometimes with a Randy Orton shirt.

IDK. Used to just see the occasional Stone Cold or ECW shirts scattered about & many many rednecks wearing Goldberg or Wolfpac shirts.

Things are different now. More people watch wrestling than you think. I see many more wrestling shirts now than ever. Even saw a kid last month at Best Buy sporting a Chikara shirt & last week at the bar I had a conversation with a friend (a lawyer) who said there are alot of people at the courthouse who talk about RAW all the time. So from kids to professionals- the fans are out there in force.
I don't know what the price of those hoodies are but I imagine the Punk ones must have sold well and WWE feel the same fanbase will buy a version sported by Bryan as well.

The two new shirts are good and the hoodies are cool, it gives fans more options, all are pretty wearable in every day life and they are leaps and bounds better than the stupid goat shirt.

I still think a simple black shirt with #Yesmovement (#yes in red, movement in white) on it would be a good seller.

I think if they keep going Bryan will certainly become the number 2 merch mover behind Cena, and who knows he may even reach number 1 if he has a successful title run as he probably has more appeal to the kids than Punk did.
I don't know what the price of those hoodies are but I imagine the Punk ones must have sold well and WWE feel the same fanbase will buy a version sported by Bryan as well.

The two new shirts are good and the hoodies are cool, it gives fans more options, all are pretty wearable in every day life and they are leaps and bounds better than the stupid goat shirt.

I still think a simple black shirt with #Yesmovement (#yes in red, movement in white) on it would be a good seller.

I think if they keep going Bryan will certainly become the number 2 merch mover behind Cena, and who knows he may even reach number 1 if he has a successful title run as he probably has more appeal to the kids than Punk did.

Something like this right?:


Also I'd welcome something like this as well:


or this:

When I started supporting Bryan I didn't know that I was signing up to be part of a Marxist revolution.

That's just WWE making a shirt that will appeal to the "Hipster" types that like to buy "Obey" shirts but hey atleast it aint tacky shit like this...That I dont even think avid SPENCER'S shoppers would even buy:


Smart of them to play off of the Obey/Che logo that's so popular now.

Although personally, I would have debuted the red one first and then at or the RAW after Wrestlemania, when he (presumably) won the title, I would debut the White/Grey Obey/Che inspired tee. That has more potential to be an "iconic" (3:16, nWo, DX logo) tee. Simple and doesn't scream pro wrestling unless you get the reference.
Smart of them to play off of the Obey/Che logo that's so popular now.

Although personally, I would have debuted the red one first and then at or the RAW after Wrestlemania, when he (presumably) won the title, I would debut the White/Grey Obey/Che inspired tee. That has more potential to be an "iconic" (3:16, nWo, DX logo) tee. Simple and doesn't scream pro wrestling unless you get the reference.

I have a feeling the Hoodies will also sell well for that Reason alone. They are simple looking hoodies that say YES on the front and back...nothing else. Much like 3:16, you'd have to get the reference in order to realize that it's wrestling related apparel.
I have a feeling the Hoodies will also sell well for that Reason alone. They are simple looking hoodies that say YES on the front and back...nothing else. Much like 3:16, you'd have to get the reference in order to realize that it's wrestling related apparel.
i am agree with you
Email as a username, huh? Well if having to deal with random idiots here wasnt enough, you can now have them flood your inbox with their limited vocabulary & elementary school wit.
May not be totally relevant to the topic,but...
Did anyone else notice that Daniel Bryan has put on some fat in his belly, his biceps have lost most of their shape. and his chest also looks loose compared to last year... He will have to really work hard, on maintaining a tight and attractive physique, if he wants to be a top card wrestler in the long run. He already looks like a goof thanks to the long beard, hairs, pink girly lips and a stupid smile; lately The Shield and Wyatt Family members have been delivering more cool moves, exciting matches and intriguing promos than him on a regular basis; and now his body too is dropping muscles in favour of fat... Not good signs for D-Bryan.

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