Daniel Bryan vs Vince? (Not in the ring)

The Eighties

Forward Thinking Nostalgist
I was going to sensationalize the title with " = Austin vs Vince II?" but thought better of it.

Obviously nothing is likely to reach those heights and Bryan will never be the star Austin was, but over the last 2 weeks we have seen Vince openly disparage Bryan for his look and size, I wonder if he were to win the WWE title could this became a featured angle with Vince desperate to get the belt off him as he's not suitable to represent WWE as it's Champion?

This whole McMahon power struggle will come more to the fore sooner rather than later in my view and they are likely to attach it to a main event angle. Now if Bryan does become champion it seems like a perfect divisive point for the Triple H and Vince struggle as Vince wants a traditional WWE looking guy and Triple H's motto the last couple of weeks has been "Listen to the WWE Universe" when advising Vickie.

Would this be a good angle for Bryan or would he just get lost amidst the two giant egos?

My personal view is that he'd excel if given enough focus in the angle and sticking up for himself against the overbearing presence of Vince, with Triple H trying to give Bryan a level playing field as opposed to speaking for him.
I was going to sensationalize the title with " = Austin vs Vince II?" but thought better of it.

Obviously nothing is likely to reach those heights and Bryan will never be the star Austin was, but over the last 2 weeks we have seen Vince openly disparage Bryan for his look and size, I wonder if he were to win the WWE title could this became a featured angle with Vince desperate to get the belt off him as he's not suitable to represent WWE as it's Champion?

This whole McMahon power struggle will come more to the fore sooner rather than later in my view and they are likely to attach it to a main event angle. Now if Bryan does become champion it seems like a perfect divisive point for the Triple H and Vince struggle as Vince wants a traditional WWE looking guy and Triple H's motto the last couple of weeks has been "Listen to the WWE Universe" when advising Vickie.

Would this be a good angle for Bryan or would he just get lost amidst the two giant egos?

My personal view is that he'd excel if given enough focus in the angle and sticking up for himself against the overbearing presence of Vince, with Triple H trying to give Bryan a level playing field as opposed to speaking for him.

Even though i see the writing on the wall, I hope to god that this doesn't happen. They will just steal the momentum from daniel bryan, like they did from cm punk in the summer of punk. Punk was white hot and then he ran into triple h that stole his momentum and his opponents, just so triple h can have another small run as the focal point of raw. The same thing will happen to daniel bryan if he gets involved.
I think this would be really interesting. Vince keeps voicing how Bryan is too small and shit, the logical culmination would be if they got in the ring with Vince boasting that even He could beat Daniel Bryan.

I would find this angle to be interesting and somewhat entertaining. A month's culmination going into Survivor Series would be fine.
I've honestly thought that WWE MIGHT be gearing up for something along those lines. The past few weeks, Vince has purposely "singled out" Daniel Bryan as someone that's an "embarrassment" to WWE because he's "small" and he has "issues". He did it last week on Raw and he did it again on last night's episode.

Last week, there were all sorts of stories going around that Vince wasn't high on Daniel Bryan, at least according to some sources. HBK cleared the air by stating that Vince is really high on Bryan and that the person Vince didn't "see money" in is a big guy. Regardless of what the long run might hold for Bryan, Vince would have to be both blind and deaf to not see the money in Bryan right now.

Right now, Daniel Bryan is the favorite to win the WWE Championship MITB ladder match. According to reports, the current plan is for Bryan to face Cena at SummerSlam for the title. I haven't read anything concerning the WWE Championship after that, so there's no word on whether Cena retains or he drops it to Bryan. I'm guessing WWE is either trying to keep it very hush hush or they're just not certain of where they want to go yet.

The fact that Vince has specifically mentioned Bryan, in kayfabe, is an indicator that something might happen with them. Bryan is someone who doesn't come off as the stereotypical star that the IWC likes to claim Vince always goes after. After all, to listen to a lot of internet propaganda, you'd get the impression that every wrestler who gets a push in WWE looks exactly like Batista. However, Bryan also doesn't come off like the classic superhero babyface and there are enough differences in Bryan and the "formula" to have a foundation for Vince being against him in a storyline.

Even though it kinda sorta maybe looks like WWE MIGHT be flirting with some heel turn for Bryan, I don't think it'll happen anytime soon. Right now, people WANT to cheer for Daniel Bryan. They WANT to root for him whenever he's in there against someone else. So an angle where Vince is sort of singling him out as an example of something that's "wrong" with WWE could be a great way to build sympathy for Bryan. After all, the "Mr. McMahon" character is generally an asshole and who doesn't like to see someone stand up to an asshole? Especially if that someone is a passionate, scrappy underdog that's standing up to a tyrannical wrestling promoter.

If it's something that they take seriously and not try to turn it into something that's about 50% serious and 50% comedy, then it could be a lot of fun. People know that Bryan can be funny and even downright charming really, but a feud against "Mr. McMahon" is when that fire that Bryan shows really needs to come out and burn brightly.
Seems like they could be going that direction. I would like to see an angle where Vince picks someone massive to try to destroy Bryan and stop him from ever getting to the WWE title. It would awesome to see the culmination of the feud being Bryan making some huge muscle head hand picked by Vince tap out.
Vince has a nice way of trolling IWC with whole "I dont like Bryan" these last couple of weeks. Because thats what I see, that he just goes with all those reports. Otherwise, if he thinks that way he would have never pushed him in the first place...

Idea is nice, but I think Bryan would just be lost in that. Mcmahons power strugle doesnt need anyone but them and focal point is themselves. Shitty angle if you ask me and one of the worst angles on RAW. Bryan has MiTB and by the reports then Cena at Summerslamm and Mcmahons angle would hopefully be done by then. Dont think then any wrestler needs to be associated with that and that it would be HHH vs Vince in some power strugle match but we will see...
In fairness, HBK's comments about Vince were just attributed to Bryan with NO evidence. When I saw the message boards and "news" sites buzzing with that one I honestly laughed hysterically.

"Oh, Vince doesn't like someone.......it HAS to be my favourite wrestler!!!!!!"

Would Bryan benefit from involvement with Vince and/or HHH? Tremendously. Verbally sparring with either of those two would likely teach Daniel Bryan an awful lot about a show opening verbal exchange and facial expressions, etc. Fanboys will always say "HE'S ALREADY GREAT ON THE MIC!!!!1!!!!!111ONE!!!!!" Yes, he is quite good. Working with two of the best talkers of all time is the best way of improving his skills in that regard.

Do I, as a fairly casual WWE fan at this stage, feel like I'd start tuning in to see such a feud/program between them? Honestly? No. I'm not saying it wouldn't be a good feud, I just don't feel it'd pull me in as a fan.

I don't think it will, or even should, culminate in a match. There's a lot of guys here talking about Triple-H/Vince at WM XXX.........but lads, Vince is nearly 70 years old. A lot of you seem to forget that. One awkward bump, or even a PERFECTLY taken bump, could break a hip, cause a dislocation, anything. A 70 year old man's body is not designed to have a wrestling match, even a Vince style brawling match.

Hypothetical situation. A huge match is planned with Bryan or HHH, there's a huge level of momentum and the match is the focal point of a big PPV. Vince and Bryan lock-up, headlock takeover and Vince is injured. What happens? You've just ruined weeks of build and lose a massive piece of your PPV. Disaster.

It's not worth the risk.

Vince wrestled much longer than he should or had to but he's not of an age where it's appropriate for him to be in that ring. I think the Jerry Lawler situation thought the WWE a lot about taking precautions to prevent similar events to Over the Edge.

I don't watch the product regularly but was the Bret match Vince's last match? In a way, I think that should be his final in-ring showdown. The charater was born out of that conflict and it was the perfect final match for the character.

Whatever about taking the occasional finisher/beatdown I don't think we'll see a Vince match again.

If they work together I think it'll be a program wherein Bryan either aligns with Vince against someone, perhaps HHH.

Again, I haven't followed the product regularly in about three years but from what I've seen recently doesn't Cena have very few people to work with these days? Who is he going to work with after Henry? Ryback/Cena is done and Punk/Cena is going the way of Orton/Cena at this stage. Who else is big enough for him to work with?

It seems to me that the logical thing to do is create an over enough heel to feud with Cena going into Summerslam or Survivor Series. Bryan fits the bill and a swerve involving Bryan getting involved with Vince is probably the best way to achieve that.

It's not something I want to see as a fan, 'nor is it something that'll make me tune in regularly again but it makes sense for the WWE to go that route.
I don't watch the product regularly but was the Bret match Vince's last match? In a way, I think that should be his final in-ring showdown. The charater was born out of that conflict and it was the perfect final match for the character.

Vince took on CM Punk on a raw not to long ago and took an F5 from Brock a little before WM this year.

On topic I don't think HHH taking Bryan under his wing would be a bad thing and both of them taking on Vince. HHH is looking for what the fans want, and right now Bryan is what the fans want so logically it's a perfect pairing to take on Vince in a power struggle, but I think Bryan would have to be the WWE champ in order for it to work though.
I don't see Bryan winning MITB; I think this underdog angle will run itself til Mania. Orton will win the briefcase, Brian will face and defeat Cena at Summerslam; Orton will cash in and take the belt immediately. His rematch is a triple threat that Brian loses. Build up the injustice until the Rumble which Brian could win to go onto WM 30 to finally beat the odds. But then again, logic and pacing is usually not quite there with the WWE, and at best we'll get Brian vs HHH at WM 30.
Once is just meh twice is coincidence but any more than that the WWE might be heading towards something. In this case the wwe might actually be heading towards something here. Look,week after week it seems Vince has been telling us one way or the other that Daniel Bryan is not his type of guy. That DB is small,has mental issues,not really tough etc.

We all know DB is the favorite to win MITB and maybe even defeat Cena for teh WWE title at SummerSlam. Me thinks,this whole idea is to set up a potential feud between Vince and Daniel. We all talk about how unrealistic its going to be for Punk vs Lesnar given Lesnars incredible size difference. But really would it be any different between Daniel Bryan and Vince.

Vince is not the same guy anymore and Daniel could literally kill Vince in the ring. SO if this mini encounter does happen,how are we supposed to believe Vince can defeat Daniel without help
Team HHH v Team McMahon

My guess is that Daniel Bryan is going to be one of HHH's first recruits
Once is just meh twice is coincidence but any more than that the WWE might be heading towards something. In this case the wwe might actually be heading towards something here. Look,week after week it seems Vince has been telling us one way or the other that Daniel Bryan is not his type of guy. That DB is small,has mental issues,not really tough etc.

We all know DB is the favorite to win MITB and maybe even defeat Cena for teh WWE title at SummerSlam. Me thinks,this whole idea is to set up a potential feud between Vince and Daniel. We all talk about how unrealistic its going to be for Punk vs Lesnar given Lesnars incredible size difference. But really would it be any different between Daniel Bryan and Vince.

Vince is not the same guy anymore and Daniel could literally kill Vince in the ring. SO if this mini encounter does happen,how are we supposed to believe Vince can defeat Daniel without help

As I said in the title I don't think there will be a match between the 2, but Vince could certainly end up in the Yes-Lock.

The thread about the McMahon Family angle made me come back to this as the question was posed; how to keep that angle going from now until Mania? Well a WWE Champion that is repugnant to Vince but who Triple H sides with because the WWE fans love him would certainly use up a few months as they the scheme against each other over the destination of the title.

Who knows, it could even involve a Triple H vs Bryan match as Bryan finds out Triple H doesn't really see him as ideal either and is backing him purely out of business reasons, as Triple H did say he agreed with some of the things Vince said about Bryan. A match between the two where Bryan is fighting for respect could work

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