Daniel Bryan vs. Mark Henry - Steel Cage Match on Live Smackdown

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Dark Match Winner
So we found out on smackdown that daniel bryan will be facing the world heavyweight champion mark henry inside a steel cage with the title on the line.. What i want to know is what do you think will happen? Who will win? What do they do after this match?
I see Henry going over clean as he needs to regain his credibility after his DQ at Survivor Series and getting ko'd by Big Show on SD last Friday. The idea is to build Bryan as a credible challenger to the world title as well as keeping Henry on top so I guess Bryan will look good in defeat. Interesting to note that Bryan isn't 'cashing in' so he really has nothing to lose which means he is more likely to lose.

Bryan will most likely be given a decent push until Mania now which is what he needs now in my opinion. Henry will finish his feud with Big Show and is likely to win that one probably in a chairs match TLC.

One thing to note is the awful logic of FOUR men getting a title opportunity over the Big Show. It's good booking to put Bryan in the picture, but anyone with the smallest bit of sense will know that Henry won't lose the title next week given his feud with Show is still hot.
I'd bet my last dollar on Bryan losing this Tuesday. However, I don't believe the point of this match is for Bryan to win the title, but it'll be part of an ongoing series of events that will culminate with Bryan looking like a true threat to Henry by the time WrestleMania comes around.

I expect Bryan to have a good showing against Henry with at least one believable instance in which he looks like he's going to win. Henry will come out ahead and, on the surface, it might look like Bryan had his shot and just can't get the job done. After this Tuesday, what I think will happen are instances of Bryan having extremely strong ppv performances as part of his build up. For example, I have a feeling that he'll have a strong showing in the Royal Rumble and I think he'll also be part of the SD! Elimination Chamber match at the EC ppv in 2012. I look for Bryan to come extremely close to winning those matches. He falls a bit short but each time he's out there, he looks a little stronger than the time before. I think he'll also have something of a winning streak in matches he'll have on SD! and maybe Raw sometimes. I'd say he'll also wind up getting some good mic time during the build as well. By the time WM comes around, I think they'll build it at Bryan's one big last chance to grab the brass ring and what will probably be a huge WrestleMania. As much as Bryan will have improved, it'll still have something of a David vs. Goliath feel to it with Bryan having failed to fell the angry giant in the past and having only one more chance to do it.

The match this Tuesday could be part of a great story and can tell a great story, but Henry ultimately wins and goes to TLC to ultimately finish his feud against Big Show.
I can't see past Henry for this one. Bryan is trapped in a cage with the "monster heel" of WWE right now. Henry has failed to win clean in his last two title defenses so him beating Bryan is a good way of gaining credibility again. When you look at the roster i don't see how Bryan is going to be able to succeed where Orton, Sheamus and The Big Show have all failed. Besides when Henry's title reign ends it should be at a PPV not a live Smackdown taping

I was amazed at Bryan cashing in on smackdown last Friday and i still think he is going to wait until Wrestlemania before he cashes in again. Therefore him winning the number 1 contenders match and facing Henry next Tuesday is a good way of putting him in the main event and making him look like a credible challenger for the title after this.

So to answer your questions i think Henry will win clean hopefully playing up the psychology that Bryan is trapped in there with him. After the match continue to push Bryan as main event material while having Henry feud with either Show, Sheamus or Orton. If they handle Bryan's build right he will be in a perfect position to challenge whoever the champ is at Wrestlemania. This match is just the start of the Bryan barrage.
I feel Henry is going to destroy Bryan by the end. Bryan will get some good shots in during the match and a few times he will get close to escaping. I would like to see it end one of two ways. One would be to make Bryan look strong losing by possibly having Henry take the door out while Bryan is just about to drop down after climbing over the cage. The other would be a final spot with Bryan getting thrown from the top of the cage back into the ring and Henry giving him a WSS or two for good measure before casually walking out of the cage.

That said I think they've handled this all wrong. First he shouldn't have tried to cash in the MITB on Smackdown but then after doing so WWE contradicts exactly what the MITB is supposed to be. The golden ticket with no restrictions just got an asterisk attached to the bottom.
That said I think they've handled this all wrong. First he shouldn't have tried to cash in the MITB on Smackdown but then after doing so WWE contradicts exactly what the MITB is supposed to be. The golden ticket with no restrictions just got an asterisk attached to the bottom.

You had a problem with that? Mark Henry wasn't cleared to compete in a match, the money in the bank contract allows you to have a title match whenever you wan't however if the guy isn't cleared to compete in a match then the match cannot start. The were no TNA style logic blackholes or rewriting of the rules going on there :)
It all depends on if Henrys still selling the leg. If hes in fine form by Tuesday he'll crush Bryan. On the other hand though if he's still waddling around i can see DB working on his leg for a majority of the match then Henry having a comeback and winning. Either way Henry will retain.
I'd bet my last dollar on Bryan losing this Tuesday. However, I don't believe the point of this match is for Bryan to win the title, but it'll be part of an ongoing series of events that will culminate with Bryan looking like a true threat to Henry by the time WrestleMania comes around.

I expect Bryan to have a good showing against Henry with at least one believable instance in which he looks like he's going to win. Henry will come out ahead and, on the surface, it might look like Bryan had his shot and just can't get the job done. After this Tuesday, what I think will happen are instances of Bryan having extremely strong ppv performances as part of his build up. For example, I have a feeling that he'll have a strong showing in the Royal Rumble and I think he'll also be part of the SD! Elimination Chamber match at the EC ppv in 2012. I look for Bryan to come extremely close to winning those matches. He falls a bit short but each time he's out there, he looks a little stronger than the time before. I think he'll also have something of a winning streak in matches he'll have on SD! and maybe Raw sometimes. I'd say he'll also wind up getting some good mic time during the build as well. By the time WM comes around, I think they'll build it at Bryan's one big last chance to grab the brass ring and what will probably be a huge WrestleMania. As much as Bryan will have improved, it'll still have something of a David vs. Goliath feel to it with Bryan having failed to fell the angry giant in the past and having only one more chance to do it.

The match this Tuesday could be part of a great story and can tell a great story, but Henry ultimately wins and goes to TLC to ultimately finish his feud against Big Show.

Great post man i hope this is what happens and im not a daniel bryan mark at all. but here is what im worried about, on this other wrestling news site called wrestlenewz they had a post stating officials are seriously considering turning mark henry face again. here is the link i hope this doesnt break any rules on this forum. http://www.wrestlenewz.com/wrestlin...rning-babyface-soon-big-show-on-his-nickname/
Henry will retain somehow. They'll fight eachother 37 times on free TV for the next 4 months and we'll still be expected to pay for number 38 at Wrestlemania.
I'd bet my last dollar on Bryan losing this Tuesday. However, I don't believe the point of this match is for Bryan to win the title, but it'll be part of an ongoing series of events that will culminate with Bryan looking like a true threat to Henry by the time WrestleMania comes around.

Exactly. Bryan will continue to show that he's the smallest guy with the biggest heart, just what he needs to beat a monster like Henry. He'll lose, but I'm certain he'll come oh-so-close to winning a few times throughout. My only real concern is that, if Big Show does get involved, they may have him help Bryan a little too much. This needs to be Bryan's fight, and he needs to lose nobly.

As for Henry, he should get a clean victory here, but not without contention. I see him underestimating Bryan early on, giving him an opening he should have never gotten. After barely keeping Bryan from a victory, probably through escape, he'll get serious and destroy the young man. This match should tell the story of an underdog who just came up short with this opportunity, but will make the most of the next one he gets. I expect that to be at Wrestlmania. That's what this mini-feud should be building towards: making a star out of Bryan.
Henry has to retain cleanly. I initially thought that Henry would get a cheap win, Show comes out and knocks Henry out and then Bryan cashes in. But when I actually think about it that would kill the Henry/Show feud. At the moment its just too unrealistic for Bryan to win.

Is the match a pinfalls/submission or just an escape to win?
I am thinking Henry wins clean, but Daniel looks good througout the match, maybe even have it be a close finish with Daniel going over the cage, while Henry goes out the door and just touches before Daniels.

Then I would have Big show come out and attack Henry, and once Henry is hurt have Daniel cash in his Money in the Bank and win the championship.

As much as I like Daniels, I just don't see him headlining Wrestlemania, so this is a way to let him cash in his MITB, but then he can lose the title back to Henry at the next PPV.
The only eventuality which would lead to Bryan winning, which I can envision, would involve The Big Show. Aside from that I would probably echo the sentiments of Mr. Hammer, he's probably not going to win but he'll put on a good showing once again, but even better than his last outing with Henry. He'll lose clean because Henry can beat anybody clean right now, but it won't be as clear cut as it may look on paper, or if you put the two of them shoulder to shoulder.

By the time April 1st has dawned, I expect Bryan to be a man who can defeat Henry and not have people gasp.

However, they could drive things the other way. They could dig Bryan even deeper into the ground, make him invisible to the title scene by having him simply mega-crushed by Henry and having him go off the radar going into Mania. I like both paths. I think it would be cool to see Bryan rush in at Wrestlemania when everyone has just about forgotten about him, but I'd also think it's cool if they build him and build him and really turn him into that submission machine image that could fit him so well. There's a lot fo scope and not much wrong with how they can go about that, it's a nice situation all round.
Henry has to retain cleanly. I initially thought that Henry would get a cheap win, Show comes out and knocks Henry out and then Bryan cashes in. But when I actually think about it that would kill the Henry/Show feud. At the moment its just too unrealistic for Bryan to win.

Is the match a pinfalls/submission or just an escape to win?

A superstar wins a steel cage match by pinfall, submission or escaping the cage unless stated otherwise.

As far as Bryan winning I don't see it, nor do I want to. Will he make a good world champion? Maybe. The WWE seemed to be testing the waters and observing the reception he received when he did. Unless they were using canned audience noise for their broadcast on Friday night, it seems like the crowd would like it. That, or they were happy to see Henry taken down.

But personally, I think the Show/Henry feud needs to end, but with a decisive conclusion. The only reason I could see Bryan winning it is if Henry is legitimately injured, which I don't believe he is. It was also reported here on wrestlezone that whoever is the World Heavyweight Champion walking out of SmackDown on Tuesday faced The Big Show at TLC. Bryan vs Big Show doesn't seem to spark interest because both are face, and they can't do much with that match. I wouldn't want to see it.
Henry has an injured leg doesnt he. If he does, I imagined Bryan climbing and winning straight away, but it would be the biggest waste of a money in the bank Ive seen, ever. Henry should win this match by beating Bryan down and making him look weak as if hes got no chance in hell. Then Bryan can comeback one day and look good and win the title.
I am wholeheartedly against the move but I have this niggling doubt at the back of my head that Daniel Bryan is going to turn heel. Not on Tuesday, though. I expect a dominant victory for Mark Henry on Tuesday with Bryan coming real close on a few occasions, maybe even making use of Henry's injury to his advantage only to fail ultimately. The heel turn that I am getting all pissy about will happen at TLC in my opinion when Daniel Bryan cashes in on Big Show who will win the championship at TLC.

However, I do hope that none of this happens. I want Daniel to have a series of matches with Henry with him getting better with every match and coming closer to victory till it actually happens at WM 28. I just think that WWE are losing their patience with Bryan but I hope that I am wrong.
Henry has an injured leg doesnt he. If he does, I imagined Bryan climbing and winning straight away, but it would be the biggest waste of a money in the bank Ive seen, ever. Henry should win this match by beating Bryan down and making him look weak as if hes got no chance in hell. Then Bryan can comeback one day and look good and win the title.

It's not a MITB cash in. He still has that. He earned the title shot on Smackdown.

I do think that its a bit rushed. Bryan was on Superstars and not getting squashed by Henry recently, now he's in a title match. WWE definitely has something planned, why else would it be in a cage match.

On another note, does Henry have a different World Title belt, I've never noticed the inside being red before.
It's not a MITB cash in. He still has that. He earned the title shot on Smackdown.

I do think that its a bit rushed. Bryan was on Superstars and not getting squashed by Henry recently, now he's in a title match. WWE definitely has something planned, why else would it be in a cage match.

On another note, does Henry have a different World Title belt, I've never noticed the inside being red before.
This feud is just a tv feud to help Daniel Bryan get over IMO. Bryan cashing in the briefcase and getting screwed out of the title was just a way the audience could feel sympathy for him.

Two ways this match turns out.. DB either comes really close to beating Henry (who has a bad knee) or Henry just destroys him but Bryan keeps getting up and doesnt want to quit.

I think their is no way Henry is still champion at Wrestlemania, atleast I hope not. I dont want to see fucking Mark Henry wrestling Daniel Bryan at WM in a title match.
It's not a MITB cash in. He still has that. He earned the title shot on Smackdown.

I do think that its a bit rushed. Bryan was on Superstars and not getting squashed by Henry recently, now he's in a title match. WWE definitely has something planned, why else would it be in a cage match.

On another note, does Henry have a different World Title belt, I've never noticed the inside being red before.

Nope. It was red when Christian had it.


Tbh theres an outcome I WANT to see...but I know we wont have, and an outcome I...don't want to but we will and that's because I am a HUGE D-bryan mark.

Outcome I want: Bryan loses the match. Now he CAN lose cleanly...but not through a direct smashing like 2 WSS's. Maybe the one, cus he CAN get up from that. Big show comes out and replicates what Henry did in the cage match months ago when he first turns - pulling it off the hinges and DESTROYING Henry with it. Bryan then cashes in and wins.
- Why this could happen - people are saying it would "Kill" the feud with Show and Henry but the feud isnt even over the title. It's over Show being injured by Henry. Show just wants to replicate it which is WHY he's telling Bryan to cash in. He wants Bryan as champ cus then Henry isn't, if Show wins the title when he's on his way to beating the hell out of Henry, then good for him.
- Why it WON'T happen - The briefcase. If Bryan holds it and the world title...then what? Maybe Bryan will lose the title just before mania and the only way for him to get it back is to use the briefcase, but I doubt it.

Outcome I don't want: Henry destroying Bryan. If only because it'll ruin all the work they've done. A part of me hopes Cody comes out though and manages to get in the cage somehow, or comes out once Henry has left the ring. I would LOVE to see Cody vs Bryan as a feud for a while.
Mark Henry will win clean, but in a good match where D. Bryan has some near misses, making him look like a credible opponent. Meanwhile Big Show will come down and keep their feud going. It would not make any sense to put the tilte on the MITB winner unless he's cashing in his title opp.
What if...Mark Henry beats Daniel Bryan. He hits the Worlds Strongest Slam on him and pins him to win the match. Big Shows music plays. He comes down and distracts Henry. Henry is facing the entrance ramp focused on Big Show, not wanting to leave the cage. Daniel Bryan comes to and sees his opportunity. He grabs his briefcase and has the ref restart the match. While Henry is still focused on the Big Show, Bryan climbs the opposite side of the cage and drops to the floor to win the WHC.

There's no better time to cash in than on the live episode of Smackdown.
What if...Mark Henry beats Daniel Bryan. He hits the Worlds Strongest Slam on him and pins him to win the match. Big Shows music plays. He comes down and distracts Henry. Henry is facing the entrance ramp focused on Big Show, not wanting to leave the cage. Daniel Bryan comes to and sees his opportunity. He grabs his briefcase and has the ref restart the match. While Henry is still focused on the Big Show, Bryan climbs the opposite side of the cage and drops to the floor to win the WHC.

There's no better time to cash in than on the live episode of Smackdown.

It sounds okay. I think it would be cool to see, but it would make Mark Henry look stupid. Not only that, but do we really want to see Bryan vs. The Big Show? Well if Show beats the crap out of Bryan I'd love to see it.

Another thing: if he cashes in, I'm thinking it would have to be a singles bout. Of course, the cage is conveniently still there for Bryan to sneak out of. ORRR he could hit Henry with the briefcase and win that way. Then lose to Big Show at TLC.
I think Henry's gonna win via Mikey C interference. Seriously. It could be a filler feud for mah man D Bry. But it would be nice seeing someone be WHC and Mr. MITB at the same too. And what better man to do it than Bryan Forking Danielson?
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