Daniel Bryan isn't over - the Yes chant is. Royal Rumble crowd chanting.


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Daniel Bryan wouldn't be so over without the yes chant. The yes-chant most be one of the stupidest thing in wrestling.

Fans screaming "no" or "yes" is like what are the iq of the audience?

Daniel Bryan would be a nobody, a midcareder without the chant, and you all know it.

All he does is punch and kick, and look like a typical indie wrestler that IWC with no pretty faces can realte to, because they were also a nobody.

Let's face it, Daniel Bryan would never be a huge star without the chant, that's what made him over. He may be good in some areas, but he would never be a huge star without the chant.

Todays fans also like to scream catchphrases, and then they stop screaming and it becomes silent...

Back in they day fans chanted wrestlers name because they LOVED them. They loved the wrestlers,

But todays fans just want to scream catchphrases to be seen or heard...

The yes-chant is ruining wrestling, and Bryan with it. All we got it "yes" and "no" and kick and punch. That's entertainment yeah right.
Daniel Bryan wouldn't be so over without the yes chant. The yes-chant most be one of the stupidest thing in wrestling.

Fans screaming "no" or "yes" is like what are the iq of the audience?

Daniel Bryan would be a nobody, a midcareder without the chant, and you all know it.

All he does is punch and kick, and look like a typical indie wrestler that IWC with no pretty faces can realte to, because they were also a nobody.

Let's face it, Daniel Bryan would never be a huge star without the chant, that's what made him over. He may be good in some areas, but he would never be a huge star without the chant.

Todays fans also like to scream catchphrases, and then they stop screaming and it becomes silent...

Back in they day fans chanted wrestlers name because they LOVED them. They loved the wrestlers,

But todays fans just want to scream catchphrases to be seen or heard...

The yes-chant is ruining wrestling, and Bryan with it. All we got it "yes" and "no" and kick and punch. That's entertainment yeah right.

What? Give me a hell yeah! Austin 3:16 says I just whooped your ass. And that's the bottom line.
So their are no daniel bryan chants.......like ones that happend during a good part of the royal rumble.
About 70-80% of Steve Austin's offence involved punches and kicks. So yeah that point doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Look I'm sorry that Daniel Bryan isn't bald and doesn't smack his wife about, you'll just have to get over that.

In regards to the crowd not chanting wrestlers names and only catchphrases? Well... *cough* WHAT! *cough*. Additionally it should be noted that I almost certainly heard very loud 'Daniel Bryan' chants as well as 'Let's go Ambrose'. And the 'YES' chant is ruining wrestling? Not at all, I would argue that your beloved Austin's 'WHAT?' chant has been more of a detriment.

But whatever, I'm pretty sure you're just trolling us all at this point. No one can be this blind and idiotic.
There are far more "Daniel Bryan" chants than "yes" chants now.

Fans were chanting Bryan's name long before "Yes" became a thing.

No one ever shortchanged the Rock, despite the fact that catch phrases were the only thing that got him over initially.

On the post-Mania Raw last year fans weren't just chanting "yes", they were chanting "you deserve it" for so long and so loudly Bryan couldn't even cut his promo.

Diego Sanchez invented saying "yes" repeatedly on the way to the ring, it didn't make him the biggest star in the UFC.

Fans can chant "yes" anytime they want(and they often do) even when Bryan isn't around, so he's not the only vehicle to give them the chance to chant that one syllable, meaning his appeal is clearly wider than providing the "yes" opportunity.

The crowd at the last two Rumbles weren't booing because they didn't get to chant "yes".

Should I go on???
Listen to the pop he got at the rumble. That's definitely because of the yes chants :suspic:
I'm also loving the irony of someone who was a fan of the late career of Steve Austin calling out another wrestler, especially one with as big of a "trick bag" as Bryan possesses, for only punching and kicking.
I'm also loving the irony of someone who was a fan of the late career of Steve Austin calling out another wrestler, especially one with as big of a "trick bag" as Bryan possesses, for only punching and kicking.

Stone Cold had like 4 moves...

1.) Punching
2.) Stomp a mudhole
3.) Lou Thesz press
4.) Breaking a neck

And he was 100% a catchphrase machine, tailored to the lowest common denominator of fans. I'm not saying that only rednecks like Bryan, but have you seen his new look? He could be one of those guys from Duck Dynasty.
I'm not saying that only rednecks like Bryan, but have you seen his new look? He could be one of those guys from Duck Dynasty.
Wow, what an offensive comparison to me.

Bryan and Duck Dynasty are so far on the opposite ends of my love/loathe scale that you might as well be comparing blowjobs and genocide.
Austin used the middle finger enough to warrant calling it a move instead of a taunt. May as well add drinking beer to his list of moves while we are at it. Yet despite his simplistic set of chosen ass kicking maneuvers, he was still pretty cool in my book.

But we are getting off topic. The OP was talking about Bryan being just a mid card guy if not for his "Yes!" chant\catchphrase. I would like to remind him that a big factor in Stone Cold catching fire the way he did was because of a catchphrase that started at KOTR. Before that, Austin was really just a mid card guy. *ahem* (cough) Ringmaster.

So clearly you fail to see the irony in statements you make faulting Bryan when similar things apply to Austin.
I don't know why you all keep talking about Stone Cold. He wasn't even mentioned. There's no need to constantly bring him up in threads that aren't even about him.
Responding to this seems pointless as it's a clear troll fest, but Bryan's fucking over. You can be as irritated as you want with the pointless shit fans are taking on Roman Reigns, but the YES chant means absolutely nothing. If WWE has convinced themselves the chant is what's over and not Bryan, logical thinking has left the building.
Responding to this seems pointless as it's a clear troll fest, but Bryan's fucking over. You can be as irritated as you want with the pointless shit fans are taking on Roman Reigns, but the YES chant means absolutely nothing. If WWE has convinced themselves the chant is what's over and not Bryan, logical thinking has left the building.

It left way before the Yes chants.
Seriously guys, why are you comparing Daniel Bryan to Steve Austin? I mean, yeah, Daniel Bryan is great, but Steve Austin is fucking Steve Austin. You pop out a 1998 Raw and you really feel that Austin is larger than life. Bryan is cool though. However, in-ring ability means shit. Austin is a better entertainer, bottom line.

Also, OF COURSE Daniel Bryan is fucking over. The "Yes" Chant is sort of dying and that's cool. That just means we'll get to see Bryan inventing himself again.

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