Dancing! Dancing!! Dancing!!! I'm a Dancing Machiiiine!!!

The Roid Rage

Getting Noticed By Management
So I AM a dancing machine! I just spent the last few hours learning some new moves and practicing some older ones. By the time I was done I was drenched in sweat. I was learning some new slides, pops, taps, and a few new Michael Jackson moves. I've been picking it all up pretty well. The hardest move I am in the process of getting down is Michael Jackson's spin, you know the one, it's actually 2 or 3 once you get to doing it really good. I can get the momentum to get around it's just hard to keep the balance and not spin out, loose control and fly off into a random direction landing my face in whatever might be there.

You're spinning on the ball of one foot with the other swinging out and becoming tucked into the arch of your heel. In conjunction with the speed of the spin, your own momentum, and trying to make sure your arms are close to your body it is actually a little harder to do than it looks. I can get one spin really good, but I start to lose balance at about 1 1/2 turns. I'll get it with some time. I really love to sing and dance and I can already sing really good, and I can dance really good too but the dancing needs to catch up to the singing which is what I am doing.

I am also in the process of learning a whole dance routine, one of my absolute favorites from my favorite performer Michael Jackson, Beat It. I have about half of it down as is, the rest will come it's all just a process of practice, trial, and error until you get it right which I am well on the way to doing.

If anyone else is at all into dancing and singing feel free to tell me about some of what you have going on or what you do. For instance I am learning to dance like Michael Jackson and learning some hip-hop dance moves, and I sing a wide range of music, what do you do? Do you have a specific genre of music you like to sing? Is there a specific type of dance you have learned or are learning? So on and so forth.
Why is the initial post in this thread a King James Bible? Dude, it's about DANCING for cryin' out loud.
The only dancing i do,is in a dark nightclub when pissed,and even then i wouldnt class it as dancing.
Why is the initial post in this thread a King James Bible? Dude, it's about DANCING for cryin' out loud.

King James Bible??? That was nothing, especially considering what I am capable of. I thought I kept it pretty short but long enough to give you something to actually READ. Yeah, it's about dancing. I could lecture on dancing for hours. With that also in mind I thought I shortened it up rather nicely.

DOC, Good to hear that you share the love of the dance. There are few things that serve as the form of expression that dancing is.

The only dancing i do,is in a dark nightclub when pissed,and even then i wouldnt class it as dancing.

Moshing doesn't count, that's not dancing and none of the head-banging or other body motions captured in that scene are dancing either. I've been to my share of dark nightclubs that catered to the rock/metal/punk/etc...crowd. That music scene is pretty huge here.
I dont mosh nor will i ever,i mean like a normal nightclub.I throw mad shapes when inebriated!
I dont mosh nor will i ever,i mean like a normal nightclub.I throw mad shapes when inebriated!

Oh ok, normal nightclub. The way you said it sounded like you were talking about a metal bar or something. I like to tear up the club every now and then as well. By throwing shapes are you referring to liquid dancing with glow sticks or something, more along the rave scene? I've been down that avenue. Used to be pretty good with some glow sticks and string.
I feel like this has to be said: Does Game Rage truly deserve to be confined this sub-forum any longer? Clearly some reprimand deserved to be handed down for his thread in the bar room, but personally I think enough time has passed. This is becoming sad and cringe worthy to see him make these threads, which I believe are just attempts to create some sort of discussion. If you truly wanted to make these threads Game I apologize sincerely, but this reeks of an individual who has simply run out of ideas (I don't blame you) of what to do now.

I'm not the biggest fan of Game Rage, in all honesty, the only negative interaction I have had with any forum member at this point was him during some of my very first posts, but I think some consideration really has to be made about what the nature of the crime was, and whether this is just a waste of time for him at this point.
I feel like this has to be said: Does Game Rage truly deserve to be confined this sub-forum any longer? Clearly some reprimand deserved to be handed down for his thread in the bar room, but personally I think enough time has passed. T

Wow, you just earned the "Not Jerk of the Year" award, that's probably belongs to me anyways. I'm sorry if the threads are horrible, just doing what I was told. The upsetting part is that I thought some of them were really good ideas, and had the potential to really take off if they were elsewhere. I tried to get people involved a bit but it is very hard to get anyone to take a look in here, let alone post responses. Thank you to those of you who have.

This is becoming sad and cringe worthy to see him make these threads, which I believe are just attempts to create some sort of discussion. If you truly wanted to make these threads Game I apologize sincerely, but this reeks of an individual who has simply run out of ideas (I don't blame you) of what to do now.

Would you mind explaining to me why this is becoming sad and cringe worthy? I thought I was getting what I deserved, I did the crime and I'm doing the time,not that I want to continue it but oh well. If it proves anything about me to anyone or improves my standing in some way, or helps me regain some respect than it is well worth it.

These have been attempts to just create some kind of conversation, see above for reaffirmation. Some of the threads I did want to make, some of them WERE just me trying to capitalize on the opportunity I had to either A. attract more people to the prison or B. make the best of the situation making it my own.

Your assesment is also correct in that I plain ran out of ideas for the most part. I asked what I had to do, got numerous instruction, followed them to no avail thus far, and am not sure what else to do.

I'm not the biggest fan of Game Rage

Rightfully so.

in all honesty, the only negative interaction I have had with any forum member at this point was him during some of my very first posts

I red repped him on one of his first 5 or 6 posts.

but I think some consideration really has to be made about what the nature of the crime was, and whether this is just a waste of time for him at this point.

If it restores any respect or improves anyones opinion of me than the time is well spent. It kind of feels like whoever is the governing bodie(s) just basically forgot about me being in here, or has just been enjoying it and doesn't want to let me out. I have had little to no input on anything which really sucks too. I wouldn't necessarily call it a waste of time, I look at it as "paying my dues" in a way which is fine by me. What matters overall is that despite this happening my point was made, my message clear, and since then I haven't seen any occurences of the things I lashed out against. That is what matters. I feel like Nelson Mandela, LOL.
I suppose I didn't elaborate enough. Some of your threads had the potential to be legitimate elsewhere, I agree with this, however there simply isn't many people to genuinely discuss topics with, and that's what you need to do to get out of prison. You're creating these topics to get some sort of discussion moving, but that really isn't possible here in the Prison. You cannot self-bump your own threads, so if some thread doesn't net any responses, you just have to try again; eventually you're going to run out of steam.
I suppose I didn't elaborate enough. Some of your threads had the potential to be legitimate elsewhere, I agree with this, however there simply isn't many people to genuinely discuss topics with, and that's what you need to do to get out of prison. You're creating these topics to get some sort of discussion moving, but that really isn't possible here in the Prison. You cannot self-bump your own threads, so if some thread doesn't net any responses, you just have to try again; eventually you're going to run out of steam.

Yeah you hit the nail right on the head there. I've been trying that is for certain, but as you said it's almost impossible to get anything going in here. It's like a sick joke saying "Here, play nice in this sandbox with the other kids and you can go on the jungle gym after that" only there's no one in the sandbox and no one intends on letting you on the jungle gym regardless. I am better than this, and I am wasted in here.

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