Dana White Running Mouth Again.


Pre-Show Stalwart
So Dana White is at it again this time he's running his mouth about Herschel Walker and the coverage he has been getting here is what he had to say

"Herschel Walker is like 50 years old and it’s a cool little fun hobby," White told Gridlock on ESPNRadio1100 (0:10 mark) in Las Vegas."You know what makes me crazy is the media attention it got. ESPN will cover Herschel Walker fighting when you got guys like George St. Pierre, Anderson Silva, Brock Lesnar, and B.J. Penn. All these great athletes that have been training for years and are the best in the sport and you are talking about Herschel Walker? Then you start talking about Walker possibly fighting Jose Canseco? Oh my god, give me a break."

I mean i agree with him that the UFC should get more mainstream coverage and be taken more seriously then it is but there is better ways to go about it.
I appreciate what Dana has done for the sport but dude just shut your fucking mouth and act like the face of the UFC should act instead of acting like a total douche. I mean all he does is run his fucking mouth and that may be part of the reason why MMA isn't taken more seriously because the spokesman for it act's like a *****.

Their was no reason for him to call out walker i mean he hasn't said shit about you and all that does is hurt the sport if some company wants to give Walker a chance to fight then why the hell is it any of Dana's business and Walker isn't talking about fighting Canseco i mean Canseco is just running his mouth trying to get publicity like his always trying to do that's not walkers fault. Then white went on to say this when asked why not bring Walker to UFC.

"Hell no. You know what would happen to Herschel Walker over here? It would be the first death in MMA," said White. "He wasn’t impressive in his first fight; he would have to turn it up for the next three or four."

I can agree that Walker isn't ready to be in the UFC but i mean come on Dana like you haven't signed shit fighters who have wasted our time and who weren't impressive. I guess you forgot that great signing of Rolles Gracie who gassed out in two minutes then quit in the second round to a guy who was a last minute replacement then cut four days later.

I bet if his last name wasn't Gracie he wouldn't of even got that shot so Dana obviously knows about signing people just for name value i seem to remember him saying Kimbo would never fight in the UFC but he backtracked on that. Just stop talking all the time Dana you just look like a stupid dick.
Dana is a brash guy. He's going to tell you what he thinks, whether you agree with it or not. He can be a douche a lot of the time but he has shown that he knows what he is talking about. So you have to try and remember that whenever he goes on his rants and runs his mouth. He's probably right.

Sure he is jealous of the coverage it's getting. He has worked his ass off to get the UFC to where it needs to be. He wants his contributions and the contributions of all of the fighters he has promoted to get their dues. But the American public loves stories like these. Stories in which old retired athletes have unexpected comebacks, it's like a real life Disney movie. These type of things don't last long usually. The story will die down eventually even if Walker continues to fight, which I can't see maybe more than one or two left for him. It's not a suprising that it pisses him off, he feels like there are more important fighters out there that should be getting the coverage for the things they do, and he's right. It's a cool story, but it has very little to do with mma honestly.

As far as the UFC signing fighters based on name alone, Dana has usually retracted statements he has made if a fighter proved him either right or wrong. He said Kimbo would never fight in the UFC, but he decided to let him fight for it and was impressed enough to admit he was wrong somewhat. He's not saying Kimbo is a future champion, but he retracted previous statements that bashed Slice. He can usually admit when he was wrong. With Rolles Gracie, he saw something of potential in him and he turned out to be shit. What's wrong with that? I never heard White saying that Gracie was going to be unstoppable. The fight game is incredibly unpredictable, nobody can ever positively identify who will be dominant and who won't. Things don't pan out like people thought they would.
I'm going to side with Dana as I can clearly see his point. He wants to have his guys get all the mainstream exposure they can get especially with ESPN and one guy comes in, has one match, and ESPN is all over it. If it was a former no-name player and not one of the all-time college greats, I don't think it would have gotten much press but it did and I know Dana had to be pissed at that. MMA is trying or has become one of the four major sports in America and White wants his main guys to be the forefront of that and when Herschel Walker gets more press, it irritates him.

His comments make me think how Walker would last with Lesnar or Penn in a MMA fight? If he could go back twenty years, then maybe he has a shot. I wouldn't agree with Dana saying that he would die in the ring but I don't think Walker would fare well if he regularly competed in MMA.
Dana White needs to understand that sports like football and baseball will ALWAYS be covered over anything MMA. And since Herschel Walker and Jose Canseco were stars in those sports... of course they're going to get a little more coverage than someone like Anderson Silva, since people who watch ESPN actually know who Herschel Walker and Jose Canseco are, as opposed to Anderson Silva.

The counter argument to that would be that ESPN should be educating their watchers on just how great fighters like Anderson and BJ Penn are... false. ESPN knows their audience and for the last two years they've been experimenting with what MMA would do for their network, and right now they believe there are still a good handful of people turned off by the sport than there are fans of it. It's the UFC's job to convert those people into fans; not ESPN.

Now, why Dana shouldn't be so butt hurt over this... MMA is getting publicity, end of story. For those who tuned in to see Herschel Walker fight, they also most likely saw Nick Diaz vs. Marius Zaromskis and a couple of other fights. People could have become new fans of MMA that night, and those new fans WILL start watching the UFC, too. That's guaranteed.

Dana White should be happy when any MMA gets covered by a network by ESPN, because it makes people pay attention to the sport and sometimes even tune into it. Does it make it look like a joke? Not really... because ESPN doesn't put it across that way. They don't treat MMA like Pro Wrestling; they do respect the sport over there.

I love Dana White, but he needs to shut his mouth on this one. He's looking like a whiny little bitch. Luckily for him though, that also won't be covered on ESPN.

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