Dan Henderson Signs With Strikeforce

Turd Ferguson


After months of speculation, Dan Henderson has finally agreed to sign with Strikeforce. FanHouse has learned that the 12-year veteran, who was last seen knocking out Michael Bisping at UFC 100 in July, recently came to terms with the San Jose-based organization on a multi-fight agreement.

At this time, it is unknown when and where Henderson will make his debut for Strikeforce.

Yahoo! Sports' Kevin Iole first reported the possibility of Henderson signing with Strikeforce in October, but at Strikeforce's CBS event in Chicago last month, the former PRIDE middleweight and light heavyweight champion told FanHouse that he had not come to terms with the organization yet.

Henderson returned to the UFC in September 2007 following Zuffa's purchase of PRIDE. He lost a light heavyweight title unification bout against Rampage Jackson at UFC 75 and then a middleweight unification match with Anderson Silva at UFC 82. Following those back-to-back losses, he would go on to win his next three UFC fights against Rousimar Palhares, Rich Franklin and Bisping.

Recently, Henderson had publicly talked about being frustrated with the fact that he didn't receive a middleweight title shot following his victory over Bisping and that he was hoping for a bump in salary.

"I'm just hoping to get out there and fight again and get paid what I would like the get paid. I'm not asking to be the top-paid guy at out there at all," he told FanHouse at the last Strikeforce event.

"It's a little step up from my last pay check, but a lot less than a lot of other guys are getting paid," Henderson added when asked what kind of salary he was seeking.

According to the Nevada State Athletic Commission, Henderson earned $100,00 to show for his UFC 100 fight and an extra $150,000 for the win. He also earned an extra $100,000 for winning the "knockout of the night" award.

The addition of Henderson to its roster beefs up Strikeforce's 185-pound and 205-pound division. The obvious money fight right off the bat would be against light heavyweight champion Gegard Mousasi, who is currently riding a 14-fight winning streak.

"He's a very tough opponent. Those are the type of guys I like to fight and the guys that it's going to be a big challenge for me," Henderson said.

In November, Henderson said that he was hoping to fight again around Super Bowl weekend (early February), which works out well for him because Strikeforce has a show scheduled for Jan. 30 in Florida.

Really bummed out about this. Hendo is probably my favorite fighter, and I was really hoping for his return to the UFC and see him get another fight against Anderson Silva, who I think he took the first round against in their first fight. Hendo deserved another shot at the title after beating Franklin and Bisping, and I think Ed Soares and Anderson Silva were really ducking Hendo.

He's in Strikeforce now though. At least he should pick up some wins there. Sherdog is already reporting that he might face Jake Shields in April for the Middleweight Title. It sucks, because after Shields, who's out there for him to take on? I don't think moving into the light heavyweight division would be a good move either. Once he beats Babalu, he'll inevitably have to take on Mousasi, who I think would probably beat Hendo. I'm hoping that this is only a three fight contract, and he picks up three wins and negotiates with Dana again. Hendo belongs in the UFC, working for the biggest MMA promotion in the world. He's a legend.
Yeah, this is a bit of a bummer. I to wanted to watch Hendo in the UFC, fight guys such as Marquardt, Belfort, and Anderson but lets look on the upside. Hendo has single handedly helped push Strikeforce and UFC closer to begining there own form of a "Monday Night War". I say let him do his thing in Strikeforce because in time he will return to the big leagues in the UFC just like Hogan did. I am not blantently trying to compare Hogan and Henderson but for the point of this thread I will. Plus lets look at the intriguing fights that Hendo has ahead of him now. Mousasi versus Henderson is somewhat of a dream fight. I would like to see Mousasi fight someone with some name value other then Rentao Sobral and this is the guy who could make or break his career. A win over a legend such as Dan Henderson would do wonders for his career. Lets not count out Hendo fights against guys such as Jason Miller, Robbie Lawler, Nick Diaz, and Jake Shields. All of these fights I would love to see or maybe even a battle with Matt Lindland? I don't know if these guys are still on the same team or not but I remember a couple of years ago Lindland was talking shit about Evan Tanner and I am sure that rubbed Hendo the wrong way.
I have to disagree with you guys. The more I think about it, the more I feel this is the better move for us, MMA fans.

Why? Simple, I think the better fights right now for Hendo are outside the UFC, for one, and for two... just like with WWE, the UFC needs competition. Strikeforce is now our biggest alternative to the UFC, and signing Dan Henderson adds a lot to that company. He's got name power, and the dude is a very good, exciting fighter.

Anyway, to my first point.... Hedo vs. Mousasi, Hendo vs. Shields, Hendo vs. Mayhem, Hendo vs. Nick Diaz, Hendo vs. Cung Le, and maybe even Hendo vs. Fedor sometime down the line are all now possible to witness, and those fights are better than ANYTHING he could have had in the UFC. What was there left for him to do in the UFC, guys? Beat Marquardt, and lose to Anderson Silva again? That's not very exciting, and besides... there's no guarantee Silva would have ever fought him again anyway.

Seriously, this is for the best. And I know I, for one, am very excited about it. I think all of you should be as well, when you look at the whole picture.
This is rather huge for Strikefore I'd suppose. The one thing that they're really lacking is big name guys. I'm a casual fan, and looking at their upcoming show, I have no reason to care about it at all. I don't really know who any of the guys are, so what's the point.

Henderson is a great addition to Strikeforce and there are a few new and potentially exciting fights for him there, looking forward to it.
I have to disagree with you guys. The more I think about it, the more I feel this is the better move for us, MMA fans.

I am actually in complete agreement with you JMT, I think this is great for mma as a whole, honest to god. But from a biased UFC fan perspective I will miss seeing him in a UFC octagon.

His best and most entertaining fights are ahead of him though and those fights will take place in STrikeforce. Other then Hendo/Belfort I was really uninterested in seeing Hendo fight anyone in the UFC. However, I will mark the fuck out when they announce Hendo/Shields or Hendo/Mousasi. Those fights will be fan-fucking-tastic, no doubt in my mind.

I made a very weak wrestling to mma comparison in my previous post so let me elaborate a bit on it. I think Hendo going to Strikeforce can be comparable to Hogan going to WWE. It will bring some interest with it and will help to make Strikeforce a better company as a whole. Not to mention the fights will put those good fights such as Shields and Mousasi on an even bigger playing field since they are fighting an mma legend. It is only a win win for us and Strikeforce, sucks for the UFC but I am sure they will be perfectly fine.
UFC President Dana White told Fanhouse on Monday that he pushed Dan Henderson into signing with Strikeforce.

Henderson, a multi-divisional champion in Pride who had won three straight in the UFC before finishing out his contract, signed a four-fight, 16-month deal with Strikeforce on Saturday rather than return to the UFC.

“He's happy, but the reality is that I pushed him into signing that deal,” White told FanHouse’s Mike Chiappetta. “I told people over the weekend that he'd sign within the next week.”

White said that after realizing he would not come to terms with Henderson following several meetings, he lowered his original offer to force Henderson out of a limbo.

“Here's the reality: If I wanted him, he'd be in the UFC,” White said. “It's not like, 'F---, Strikeforce beat me out.' He's been a free agent for a long time. If I wanted him, I would have signed him by now."

In response to White’s comments, Aaron Crecy, Henderson's business partner and manager, made the following statement to Sherdog.com:

“Dan has nothing but fond memories of his time with the UFC and appreciates the opportunities that were provided to him by Lorenzo, Frank and Dana. He enjoyed three of his five fights being headliners and being on the main card for his other two fights. He also appreciates being awarded 'Knockout of the Night' at the biggest show in UFC history, being a coach on 'The Ultimate Fighter 9' and was grateful that they continued to compete with Strikeforce for his services. Dan is really comfortable with his decision to move forward with Strikeforce and wishes the UFC continued success as well.”

Dana, is being a bitch once again. He is claiming that he forced Hendo out of the UFC because he didn't want him. May be true, but I still think it is shit for Dana to say. I don't understand why he always has to start talking shit when someone leaves. Why can't he just let it be and hope that things may cool over and Hendo returns after this contract ends? Oh well, this is just more proof that Dana is a super dousche.
Was bound to happen unless he lowered the price he was asking for. I agree with JMT the UFC needs some stiff competition. With Strikefore acquiring big names such as Jake Shields, Mayhem, Fedor and now Hendo this is great for them. I want some fucking challenge in MMA like WWE had WCW. There wasn't much for Hendo to do in the UFC anyway. He would beat Marquardt and get flat out destroyed by Silva. The first fight yea maybe he did win the first round, but he still did not do really any damage to Silva, and then lost in the second. Maybe he could beat him, but I very highly doubt Hendo can. This is a good move.

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