Dan Brown


You don't want it with me.
The new book is supposedly going to be called Soloman's Key. It is supposed to unlock the mystery of the first and second great Temples in Jerusalem. Now the Dome of the Rock is said to be built on that site, and that is the cause of much of the Middle Eastern Drama.

The release date has been pushed back several times, and now there isn't one. If anyone has an update that would be cool.

I guess discuss all things Dan Brown here. I'll give you a topic to start. Angels and Demons was actually a better book that the Da Vinci Code. DVC seemed to rely a lot on luck. Langdon looked more like the plucky American who got them to the right spot to have a miracle save them. Angel and Demons seemed to make Langdon look smarter and braver. DVC had him hiding in niches while AD had him leaping from helicopters and charging Illuminati terrorists in open fields. He also knew exactly where to go at most times. Plus, Vetra sounded like a much sexier woman, and we all know that that adds to intrigue.

Please tell me someone here reads.
I'm really excited at the prospect of this. I'm a huge fan of the Da Vinci Code, and think Brown is a terrific writer. I think it's great the DVC brought out a lot more fans of him, as he deserves it. It's niot the best book ever, but it's one I don't think I could get bored of reading.

Solomans Key will be good if you ask me. However I'm expecting a lot of reviews being negative. The problem is when you write a classic such as the DVC, rarely can any other book be up to those standards, and therefore as good as the book will be people will compare it to that and most likely find it isn't as good. Which I find unfair, as I'm sure this book will still be better than 90% of the stuff brought out today.
Dan brown is Overrated. I sat down to read five different books of his Including the Davinci Code. I couldnt even read the first page with out getting bored. The guys writing is to bland.

People go on and on about how great the Davinci Code is. I can sit and watch any movie but i couldnt watch five minutes of that. I know Movies are different then the book but the book was torture. Hell i would prefer to read the Golden book series rather then anything written by Dan Brown.

My friends who read go on and on about him as if he is the second Coming. This guy wouldnt even make it into the top ten Authors today. This guy had a lucky break with the Davinci code (Some people find it interesting not me) but if it wasnt for that he would not be as well know as what he is.
My friends who read go on and on about him as if he is the second Coming. This guy wouldnt even make it into the top ten Authors today. This guy had a lucky break with the Davinci code (Some people find it interesting not me) but if it wasnt for that he would not be as well know as what he is.

Silly argument. That's like saying if it wasn't for Harry Potter, Rowling wouldn't be as known as what she is. It's an obvious fact, but a silly one. Of course an author is going to be known for their best work, why else would they be?

The good thing about an author releasing a great book, is that then the rest of them get a good coverage too. I know a lot of people who after reading the DVC went out to find more written by him and are excited about his new book.
Read what i posted above that. I wrote how my friends are going on and on about it. I know what your saying but people are saying that becouse of the Davinci code everything he touches turns to gold. That is bull crap. the guy had what people say is one good book. everything else is worse then the davinci code. I will not be looking forward to anybbook written by him.
HBK-Aholic said:
The good thing about an author releasing a great book, is that then the rest of them get a good coverage too. I know a lot of people who after reading the DVC went out to find more written by him and are excited about his new book.
But thats my point his next book will be shit. He is like a one hit wonder. People will like his books other then the DVC but no where near as much as they did the DVC.
I think he's already proved he isn't a one hit wonder, as he has many other books which are also good. None will be as good as the DVC, just like Rowling will never have anything as good as Harry Potter. but does that automatically mean the rest are shit? No. You're just helping me prove my above point that the new book will have negative reviews due to being compared to the DVC.
I think he's already proved he isn't a one hit wonder, as he has many other books which are also good.
Good? His other books are worse then the DVC. They are far fetched shit that maybe some people are interested in but im not.
None will be as good as the DVC, just like Rowling will never have anything as good as Harry Potter.
I feel the same way, I dont think JK rowling will ever right anything good outside of harry potter.
but does that automatically mean the rest are shit?
Name one good well known book by Dan Brown other then the DVC.
:lmao: Yes.
You're just helping me prove my above point that the new book will have negative reviews due to being compared to the DVC.
Well im glad i will help you. Dan brown no matter how many books he writes he will only ever be known for the DVC. the guy is overrated and not the second coming.
Good? His other books are worse then the DVC. They are far fetched shit that maybe some people are interested in but im not.

So? I'm not interested in Hogan, does that mean he was a shit wrestler? You said earlier you couldn't even get past the first page of some of his books. So how can you tell me accurately that you think they're shit? You can't have a fair opinion on something you know nothing about.

I feel the same way, I dont think JK rowling will ever right anything good outside of harry potter.

I disagree. She will write other good things. But she will be remembered for Harry Potter.

Name one good well known book by Dan Brown other then the DVC.

Angels and Demons.

Dan brown no matter how many books he writes he will only ever be known for the DVC. the guy is overrated and not the second coming.

But as I keep saying, that doesn't mean the others won't be good. If he wrote a book but another person pretended to be the author, I bet a new book of his would get reviews a lot more positive than if he 'officially' wrote it.
So? I'm not interested in Hogan, does that mean he was a shit wrestler?
Not going to touch that one. not here.
You said earlier you couldn't even get past the first page of some of his books. So how can you tell me accurately that you think they're shit? You can't have a fair opinion on something you know nothing about.

I can read almost anything, but this guy I cant read anything by him. That means that i always find something better to read or do. The first two pages of a book is the most important section of the book. not the middle not the end the beggining if you dont like the start you wont like the rest of it. there for thats how i can give a fair opinion on it.

I disagree. She will write other good things. But she will be remembered for Harry Potter.
Do you really think that? Why would she need to? she is the richest female in the world. (or close to it whatever) She dont need to write anymore books and there wont be any demand for it. I dont think she will write another book again i might be wrong but she has no reason too.

Angels and Demons.
I rest my case I have never heard of it.

But as I keep saying, that doesn't mean the others won't be good. If he wrote a book but another person pretended to be the author, I bet a new book of his would get reviews a lot more positive than if he 'officially' wrote it.
If this guy wrote a book and pretended that it was written by Bryce Courtney (my favourite Author) I know i would still find the book shit. it aint the name its the material. and no matter what name he goes under it will be crap and dull.
Don't worry Sparky, they're making an Angels and Demon's movie too. That way you can get your literature. The book is better than DVC as I explained above, so I excpect the movie to be as well. I'm glad you sat down and tried to read five of his books, especially since he's written four. If you're not into the historical fiction, I can recommend Deception Point, political thriller with a lot of interesting science.

If you do like historical fiction and not Dan Brown, try Steve Berry or James Rollins. Rollins was commissioned to write the book version of the new Indiana Jones, and his action sequences are excellent.

And I love how you read two pages and make an opinion of his book. Hell I read the first two sentences of your posts, and I think they're going to be good, and then I am disappointed. LOL Try reading fifty pages and then stopping. I bet you can't. I also bet you're going to say you tried and it sucked, but that's ok.
Dan Brown is a really great writer. I dont think he's overated just because a person doesn't find his books interesting or such it just means he is overated to them. Of course if you dont like something really popular you will think its overated. Anyways Brown is not a "one hit wonder" since Angels & Demons was also a Huge seller. Brown's latest book is getting alot of heat about the subject matter but so did his other books. Brown is a controversial writer and will always have critics but that wont stop him from writing his opinions.
Don't worry Sparky, they're making an Angels and Demon's movie too. That way you can get your literature.
Oh great I know what im going to be every day thats at the movies.
The book is better than DVC as I explained above, so I excpect the movie to be as well.
The books however shit they are are always better then the movie.
I'm glad you sat down and tried to read five of his books, especially since he's written four.
Five, Four same shit different book.
If you're not into the historical fiction, I can recommend Deception Point, political thriller with a lot of interesting science.
No thanks.

If you do like historical fiction and not Dan Brown, try Steve Berry or James Rollins. Rollins was commissioned to write the book version of the new Indiana Jones, and his action sequences are excellent.
Umm I will be alright I will stick to decent writters, that "I" get entertained by.
And I love how you read two pages and make an opinion of his book.
Again?! If you cant read the first two pages of a book how the fuck are you going to read the next 48 pages.
Hell I read the first two sentences of your posts, and I think they're going to be good, and then I am disappointed. LOL
This is just getting discussion. Its working aint it?
Try reading fifty pages and then stopping. I bet you can't.
I bet you I couldnt even read four pages of his books.
I also bet you're going to say you tried and it sucked,
Well your wrong aint you. I didnt even bother wasting my time.
but that's ok.
Is it really? you really wanted me to say that didnt you.
Dan Brown is not respected in literary circles. We a had a list of books to read last year with DVC at the end; the idea was to use our new skills to criticize it. There was a lot about his style of writing and the conflicts within it, something about presenting factually, and then getting basic facts wrong. Very short chapters as well. Many reviewers who raved about DVC don't stand by their reviews today.
Sorry, he's just not that great of a writer. He was more of a right place right time when Da Vinci Code was released; many people connected with the book.
First thing, Angels and Demons was much better than the Da Vinci code in my opinion. That's not to say I didn't enjoy the DVC, which was a great read. I'm not big into reading fiction, I prefer biographies and true crime, but these two books just clicked with me in a good way. I haven't got around to reading the other Brown book "Deception Point" I read the back of it and it didn't pique my interest. Any opinions on it?

Dan Brown benefited loads from the huge media hype for the DVC and for a time it was the fashion to read the DVC on the bus or train. I for one bought the hype and don't regret it a damn bit. For those who criticize Brown's writing skills I'm pretty sure Rowling is often criticized for her writing skills and yet I enjoyed both author's books immensely.
Angels and Demons movie should be great.
Dan Brown is not respected in literary circles. We a had a list of books to read last year with DVC at the end; the idea was to use our new skills to criticize it. There was a lot about his style of writing and the conflicts within it, something about presenting factually, and then getting basic facts wrong. Very short chapters as well. Many reviewers who raved about DVC don't stand by their reviews today.
Sorry, he's just not that great of a writer. He was more of a right place right time when Da Vinci Code was released; many people connected with the book.

I think people connecting with the book is far more important to Dan Brown than reviews. Superbad wasn't up for any Oscars, but people connected to those characters. Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill wipe their ass with bigger bills than critics will ever see.

The connection to the audience is the single biggest goal any writer, musician, artist should have.

And as far as people not sticking to their original reviews....

That's idiotic. Someone tells you the chapters are too short so you say you don't like it? Did Dan Brown say he was writing a textbook? Exactly what parts of DVC are untrue? Sorry bro, but if you're a book critic, then maybe you should reevaluate what you're doing, because your post has seriously hurt your credibility on the subject. Chapters are too short? This is a wrestling website, so you must remember "crash TV". That was a big hit, and I always thought of Dan Brown books as similar. A short segment revealing a clue is a lot more entertaining than taking fourteen pages to do the same thing.

Someone else said:
First thing, Angels and Demons was much better than the Da Vinci code in my opinion. That's not to say I didn't enjoy the DVC, which was a great read. I'm not big into reading fiction, I prefer biographies and true crime, but these two books just clicked with me in a good way. I haven't got around to reading the other Brown book "Deception Point" I read the back of it and it didn't pique my interest. Any opinions on it?

Deception Point is a great read. The Robert Langdon character isn't featured in this book, so you will not be familiar with any characters. It focuses on the discovery of a possibly extra-planetary meteor being found, and it's effects on the political landscape during an election year. I enjoyed the book a great deal.

He also wrote Digital Fortress, you can skip that one.

It's cool if you don't like Dan Brown, but one guy saying he didn't like it because he read two pages and another sayng he doesn't like it because someone told him the chapters are too short is unfair criticism. If you like something you like, if you don't, then cool, but the reasoning is unsound.
Very short chapters as well.

There's just 2 points to your post I'd like to reply to.

Short chapters is an effect, in the same way using a short sentence is. Literary communities before have bashed writers for doing this. But as I said, it's simply used for effect. If you read his books you'll notice that. It's not just random babbling that he changed every page or so.

People dislike this part of his books because it's not Dickens style or Shakespeare style. Basically saying it's not often used but that doesn't mean it's bad.

Many reviewers who raved about DVC don't stand by their reviews today.

Because it became the cool thing to do. When they first read the book and there weren't critiscms of it everywhere they enjoyed it. They thought it was a great book, which it is. However 'important' people would say something bad about it, and now for them to look credible they have to say it's an awful book.

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