Damn Defacement


Testicles. That is all.
Something I'm really fucking tired of.

I work at a University. There are two types of bathrooms, student and faculty. You need a key to get into the faculty ones, but my floor only has a student bathroom. If I had Mexican for lunch, I might not make it upstairs, so I use the student.

Why do these mother fuckers have to ruin the bathroom? I've seen shit smeared on walls, toilet paper spewn everywhere, piss all over.

What pleasure do people get from doing things like this? I just don't understand it!

You go out and there's graffiti everywhere, garbage in the streets, windows broken, etc.

You go to the bathroom, take a dump, wipe, flush, wash your hands and leave. I just cannot, in any form of imagination or logic, CANNOT fathom what pleasure people get from creating a health hazard.

You're fucking college students! Isn't it time to grow up?

Damn, animals, I swear, just animals.
Yeah, I don't get it. I just attempt to explain it through the reasoning that most people are just inconsiderate *****. I wouldn't consider myself particularly considerate but I just do my business, keep it in the toilet and not on or around the toilet, wash my hands and leave.

So yeah, in summary, people are just ***** for a reason people will never understand.

Because they're *****.
Yeah, I guess trying to get into the minds of people like that is impossible. I can be a miserable person at times, but to just blatantly have the desire to ruin other people's days for no reason is something I've never thought of.

I tend to be analytical, and try to find a reason for everything.

Thanks for giving me a reason. Some people are *****. I guess there really is no other reason. :D

Trying to analyze a cunt isn't worth my time. :)
It's disgusting, but it's just the cycle.

Person A smears feces on the walls, person b cleans it up > person B is pissed off and loses respect for similar or inferior professions, turns into person A and goes into the McDonalds bathroom and pisses on the wall. Cycle repeated.

People are a nasty, evil creature.
^^ That is a reason why I'm the type of guy that places large amounts of toilet paper around the seat, I have walked into toilets, especially around my area..... people just don't give a fuck, people will do what they think is eiter funny or disgusting just for something to do.

they were brought up that way.
They do it to act "cool."Whatever cool is these days. They thing theyre all "gangster" because they rebel against people and property just to make friends. The fact of the matter is, about 98% of the people who do these things have problems at home or work or school. They can also be druggies and alcoholics. IMO these places need to put security cameras around vandalized property, these people should be put behind bars or they need to be put on house arrest. Also, if a parent allows their child to do this, they to should be put behind bars or probation.
^^ That is a reason why I'm the type of guy that places large amounts of toilet paper around the seat, I have walked into toilets, especially around my area..... people just don't give a fuck, people will do what they think is eiter funny or disgusting just for something to do.

they were brought up that way.
Toilet paper won't help. I've never understood that. Let's break it down.

The cheeks are the only part that touches the seat. Unless you have a cut or something on your cheeks, you're unlikely to pick up anything that way.

The, um, opening is hanging freely over the water. That's where you'd most likely pick up something.

I try not to use public toilets period. I'd rather soil myself.

One time, this is totally true, I had to go BAD. I had just gotten off the subway at Far Rockaway, a neighborhood that's, we shall say, "interesting."

Now, I had just taken a trip out there to clear my head, and was planning to head back home, which is a 2 and a half hour ride. So, I go in the bathroom and it looks like a prison bathroom. I actually just hovered over the seat. My flesh did not contact the toilet at all. After I'm done, I realize THERE'S NO TOILET PAPER! I ended up using a subway map. I swear. My ass was killing me for days!

They do it to act "cool."Whatever cool is these days. They thing theyre all "gangster" because they rebel against people and property just to make friends. The fact of the matter is, about 98% of the people who do these things have problems at home or work or school. They can also be druggies and alcoholics. IMO these places need to put security cameras around vandalized property, these people should be put behind bars or they need to be put on house arrest. Also, if a parent allows their child to do this, they to should be put behind bars or probation.

So you want cameras around vandalized property, bathrooms in this case, violating the most sacred avenues of privacy?

People get off with probation for raping innocent, defenseless children, but you should be jailed for smearing poop on the wall?

Parents should go to jail for their kid's actions?

I'd hope you aren't saying yes to any of those. Of course it's disgusting, but it's not murder. It just shows how evil and disgusting people can be. It's more of a shame than a jailable offense.
So you want cameras around vandalized property, bathrooms in this case, violating the most sacred avenues of privacy?

People get off with probation for raping innocent, defenseless children, but you should be jailed for smearing poop on the wall?

Parents should go to jail for their kid's actions?

I'd hope you aren't saying yes to any of those. Of course it's disgusting, but it's not murder. It just shows how evil and disgusting people can be. It's more of a shame than a jailable offense.

There should be cameras everywhere but bathrooms.

Yes they should be jailed, just not as long

If the parent is fully aware of whats going on and is letting them do it, then a parent should go to jail for their kids actions, but the kid should be placed on house arrest.

You're right its not murder, but it surely is a crime and these people should be held accountable.

I hope you are not saying that people shouldnt be punished by law because if you are, then you're saying that it is alright for kids to go around vandalizing property.
There should be cameras everywhere but bathrooms.

Yes they should be jailed, just not as long

If the parent is fully aware of whats going on and is letting them do it, then a parent should go to jail for their kids actions, but the kid should be placed on house arrest.

You're right its not murder, but it surely is a crime and these people should be held accountable.

I hope you are not saying that people shouldnt be punished by law because if you are, then you're saying that it is alright for kids to go around vandalizing property.

Seriously?? SERIOUSLY?!!

You would jail the parents for their kid's actions, but place the actual criminals on house arrest? There is an infinite list of things wrong about that incredibly dense logic.

Please, go back and read the entire thread. There's not even a single sentence leaning towards the support of this, you just have to think.
Seriously?? SERIOUSLY?!!

You would jail the parents for their kid's actions, but place the actual criminals on house arrest? There is an infinite list of things wrong about that incredibly dense logic.

Please, go back and read the entire thread. There's not even a single sentence leaning towards the support of this, you just have to think.

Yes I would jail the parents IF THEY WERE FULLY AWARE OF WHAT WAS GOING ON! re read my last post I said that. Yes the actual criminals should be put on house arrest if they are under the age of 16.
Sorry, but parents can't be holding their kid's hands everywhere. They have free will. When you are with your friends you are going to do stupid things, against what you've been taught.

Is it really logical to put the parents in jail- potentially ruining their careers, locking the kid in the house, maybe on his own, or better yet... punishing the siblings who did nothing wrong.

Gee golly whiz, you really thought this one through.
Sorry, but parents can't be holding their kid's hands everywhere. They have free will. When you are with your friends you are going to do stupid things, against what you've been taught.

Is it really logical to put the parents in jail- potentially ruining their careers, locking the kid in the house, maybe on his own, or better yet... punishing the siblings who did nothing wrong.

Gee golly whiz, you really thought this one through.

I can tell u were sarcastic on that last sentence.

Under the age of 16, kids are still not legal adults, so theyre parents should go to jail for a month or two if they are fully aware of what is going on. If they knew and let their kids do it, their careers should be ruined and the siblings should be safe with another relative until the parent gets out of jail.
Well let's play this out:

The kids go to their parents and tell them what happened- Not very likely

The kids do it, parents find out from authorities, tell kids to stop- FREE WILL ON THE KIDS PART, they make the decision in the end.

OR The kids do it, and the parents never find out.

Seriously, should parents just put a bracelet tracker on their kids? How will anyone mature under those conditions?

I could care less about your opinion, it's what you think. What I care about is truly ignorant logic leading to such a poor conclusion.
Well let's play this out:

The kids go to their parents and tell them what happened- Not very likely

The kids do it, parents find out from authorities, tell kids to stop- FREE WILL ON THE KIDS PART, they make the decision in the end.

OR The kids do it, and the parents never find out.

Seriously, should parents just put a bracelet tracker on their kids? How will anyone mature under those conditions?

I could care less about your opinion, it's what you think. What I care about is truly ignorant logic leading to such a poor conclusion.


Kids under 16 come home one night i the hands of authorities, police find out parents allowed kid to vandalize property. Parent is arrested, gets a fair trial, is proven guilty, goes to jail for a month


Kid under 16 gets a fair trial not being tried as adults just yet because they are not legal adults, proven guilty, placed on house arrest and damage charges, pays for charges, completes house arrest, parent let out of jail, kid matures knowing he wont get into a good college based on a criminal record.
So after one isolated incident you'd arrest the parents, who were not involved in any way, shape, or form? I'm really sure the parents would be like "Yeah, we told them they could."

Seriously, drop it. You look worse and worse every single post.
So after one isolated incident you'd arrest the parents, who were not involved in any way, shape, or form? I'm really sure the parents would be like "Yeah, we told them they could."

Seriously, drop it. You look worse and worse every single post.

No I will not drop it, I came here to win this argument

If the parents said, "yea we told them they could" then they should be arrested because in a way, they caused the whole incident. Also it should only be the parents fault if the kid is under 16 because a parent still has full control of their kids.

I see what youre saying(the parents would not tell them they allowed them to do it.) But how many kids do you know HATE getting in trouble? I know many of them and to avoid trouble, they would place the blame on their parents and the parents would be convicted and arrested on damage charges.
You aren't going to win it. You haven't won a single point yet.

Parents aren't going to say that (99.9% anyways), so it's completely irrelevant.

That's not going to happen. Police can be dumb sometimes, but they won't be that dumb. First off, this "law" only exists to you, they wouldn't be jailed in reality, and two police would usually punish the actual crime rather than the criminal's word and word only.

The only thing along these lines that could possibly occur is for the parents to be fined the price of damages.. usually poop on a wall isn't permanently damaging.
You aren't going to win it. You haven't won a single point yet.

Parents aren't going to say that (99.9% anyways), so it's completely irrelevant.

That's not going to happen. Police can be dumb sometimes, but they won't be that dumb. First off, this "law" only exists to you, they wouldn't be jailed in reality, and two police would usually punish the actual crime rather than the criminal's word and word only.

The only thing along these lines that could possibly occur is for the parents to be fined the price of damages.. usually poop on a wall isn't permanently damaging.

I dont think you understand what I'm saying. If a kid is UNDER 16 the parent should be held accountable and be charged with damage charges. If it is found that the parent allowed their kids to do it(and im not just talking about smearing poop here) they should be jailed because they allowed their kids to do it and they are setting a bad example for not only their kids, but for society. Not to mention, it makes the family look extremely bad! Not once have I talked about a law i have only said, "They should be punishable by law" there is a law on damage charges and that is what they should be punishable by. The parent should have their career ruined because their underage kids are freakin morons. Their career is also ruined because they allowed the underage child to vandalize property. The kid's future should be ruined because of vandalizing property and because of that they will not get a good job and in this economy, it is ESSENTIAL to have a well-paying job to support yourself and your family. It is time kids stopped acting so idiotic and it is about time they started to act like good people and mature the right way. You should give it up because you sure arent gonna win this because as far as Im concerned, your posts are worse then mine.
I dont think you understand what I'm saying. If a kid is UNDER 16 the parent should be held accountable and be charged with damage charges.

Are you fucking kidding me? On what planet does that even resemble logic?

Parents cannot control everything their children do, and to give punishment to INNOCENT people for something they had NOTHING to do with is not only ridiculious, it's borderline fascist.

If it is found that the parent allowed their kids to do it(and im not just talking about smearing poop here) they should be jailed because they allowed their kids to do it and they are setting a bad example for not only their kids, but for society.

What do you mean "allowed"? As in, said "Yeah, go out and destroy property"? Have you not ever heard of this crazy little thing called FREEDOM OF SPEECH?

You know what you're talking about here, jailing parents for how they raise their children, has already been done before, in China. It resulted in thousands upon thousands of deathes.

The parent should have their career ruined because their underage kids are freakin morons.

Just, just stop man. The bullshit you are spewing right now is simply insulting to everyone's intelligence here.

They should have their CAREER ruined? Really? For some graffitti? How is that in any way a justifiable punishment?

The kid's future should be ruined because of vandalizing property and because of that they will not get a good job and in this economy, it is ESSENTIAL to have a well-paying job to support yourself and your family.

My god, are you insane? Now you want to ruin a child's future for typical adolescent behavior? Ever heard the phrase "boys will be boys"? Quite frankly this post scares the shit out of me, because you're coming off as a militant fascist.

It is time kids stopped acting so idiotic and it is about time they started to act like good people and mature the right way.

THEY'RE FUCKING KIDS. They are physiologically not capable of making these mature decisions you want, petty crime (and this is about as petty as crime gets) is absolutely no big deal.

You should give it up because you sure arent gonna win this because as far as Im concerned, your posts are worse then mine.

Well, trust me, you're the one coming off as a fascist moron here, and not the other way around. I think I speak for the majority of posters here in saying your head is planted firmly up your ass on this issue.
HHH-Hogan effect, please, please shut the fuck up.

I would flame you a lot, but I can't here. But believe me, out of anyone, you deserve it. Your ideas are just God awful, I mean terrible. Seriously. Let's arrest the parents for their children's actions. What the fuck. Seriously, how does that teach the children a lesson? They learn that their actions won't affect them, so they'll do it again. Their parents will take the punishment, not them. What the fuck, really?
They do it to act "cool."Whatever cool is these days. They thing theyre all "gangster" because they rebel against people and property just to make friends. The fact of the matter is, about 98% of the people who do these things have problems at home or work or school. They can also be druggies and alcoholics. IMO these places need to put security cameras around vandalized property, these people should be put behind bars or they need to be put on house arrest. Also, if a parent allows their child to do this, they to should be put behind bars or probation.

Because parents always know exactly what their kids are doing in college. Parents have no control over what their kids do. If you tell them don't do this, that gives them more the reason to do it. All kids do it. Kids are in college it's their responsibility and in no way should affect the parents in ways you stated.

Maybe the kids should be fined, but the only real way to tell who did it would be to put security cameras in the bathrooms. In no way should a kid in college be put on house arrest, or fucking thrown in jail for it. That's ridiculous. Fine the kid, and let him go on with his life. It's making him learn his lesson, while not effecting his life in a negative way. Getting thrown in jail or put on house arrest gives the person a horrible record for a miner offense, and is a stupid way to punish them for something of this small magnitude.

Say the kid is under 16 and therefore the adult is responsible for them. Again what the fuck justifies putting the adult in jail? They know what's going on, but this crime is so fucking minor it should be a fair sized fine at fucking best. Throwing the parent in jail is WAY to fucking extreme and is fucking bullshit. Then the kid loses his parents and has to go live with say his grandparents for a month or two. Wow great way to feel as a kid knowing your actions got your parents fired from their job, and gave them a record. Imagine having that on your mind for the rest of your life. That won't cause the kid future problems or anything. Your ideas are ridiculous. Nothing good can come from any idea you named, only far worse things. Give me one benefit of throwing the parents in jail and putting the kid on house arrest, and don't say they learn their lesson because it will only cause worse things.

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