Damien Sandow, return of the Intellectual Savior?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Since Sandow is getting more screentime recently, do you think we could finally see the return of the Intellectual Savior? Maybe have Damien sub for Miz at NoC, win the title, and when Miz asks for him to hand it over Damien says that "you can't expect the Intellectual Savior of the Masses to be dumb enough to hand over a championship!"

And that does it! Damien returns the next night as the very first Intercontinental Intellectual, and a three-way feud for the title begins.

(Okay it's hopeful thinking, but I just really want Damien back on PPVs. He was one of my favorite parts of the show for over a year and it feels like he's been wasted since breaking up with Cody.)
I'd prefer for this to lead to a tag team between The Miz and Damien Sandow, but dropping the stunt double gimmick. They work well together and I could see them having a good run with the WWE Tag Team Championships. Maybe win the title at WrestleMania 31 so The Miz can finally have his WrestleMania moment.
I honestly don't know why Damien is still in WWE. When they did spring cleaning, they should've sent him packing and kept Drew McIntyre. Sandow is a complete hack job on the microphone and even worse in the ring. Even John Cena couldn't make him interesting.
He might be good, but the Lanny Poffo gimmick never got over. If he ever returns as the Intellectual, expect him to be future endeavored shortly afterwards.
I think the only way to save Sandow is to eventually turn him face against the Miz. He doesn't have to go fully back to his "intellectual savior" persona as I feel that's more of a heel character.

He could still have aspects of the "savior" but become more aggressive.

Also the guy NEEDS to do some serious cardio work and trim some flab if Vince wants to take notice.

I do like the idea of Sandow subbing for miz and getting a surprise win though...at least it's different and I think a triple threat between ziggler/Miz/Sandow would be Awesome
I honestly don't know why Damien is still in WWE. When they did spring cleaning, they should've sent him packing and kept Drew McIntyre. Sandow is a complete hack job on the microphone and even worse in the ring. Even John Cena couldn't make him interesting.

Oh I dunno about that. Sandow always interested me when he was on the mic. He is a pretty good wrestler, we know that. He also had a nice schtick going with his intellectual savior stuff. It was fun, and never got old. I think that John Cena beating him when he cashed in ruined him.

To the OP. Like the idea. A lot.
Once he breaks from Miz, he doesn't really need a gimmick. He's solid in the ring, he proved he could have championship caliber matches even though he lost his mitb title shot. He's very entertaining on the mic. I think just plain Damian Sandown himself can get over without a gimmick
I see a lot of people say things like "Push Sandow, he deserves it", or that he's getting buried. Believe me, I bitched more than anyone when Cena beat him during the MiTB cash-in. But at the end of the day, some guys are just happy with their role in the company. They get paid well to play a specific role in the WWE. Call him a jobber if you will, I see it more as someone they can rely to do whatever they need him to do. They've fed him some of the worst ideas this past year or so, but somehow he's made them work.

I remember an interview with Daniel Bryan sometime ago where he said about a bunch of guys on the roster who aren't particularly bothered about getting a push, and they're happy just being in a smaller scale role for their careers. Even to the point of hoping they don't have to wrestle and can have a night off. I'm not suggesting that Sandow is in that category as who am I to say? But maybe he's ok with being the comic relief guy now and in the future?

But going to the actual topic, I'd love to see it. :D He's still fairly popular, most of us enjoy his work both in the ring and on the mic. He's a reliable member of the roster who I think the WWE will be happy to hold onto for the foreseeable future.
I like Damien Sandow actually.. He is quite good on the mic actually i disagree with some of the people who say he isnt. You really dont think MizDow is a good idea? It is,it keeps him interesting and on TV. Yes he has turned into a comedy act but he good in the ring. Pretty big athletic guy,can talk circles around people on the mic.

It Could be that maybe he actually enjoys his spot.. Every company has all kinds of people some bitch and moan about their spot,some dont want it,and some are quite comfortable in their position.. Damien from what i understand a comfortable living,and maybe he is happy in his position.. He is quite enjoyable to see actually
I love Sandow, he is gold on the mic and even though he's been handed shit to work with, he's done well with it.

I keep hearing how the WWE hates him, or he's pissed someone off, but Jesus the guy gets a lot of TV time, every week. And when he did that Vince McMahon impression, one he did quite well, do you really think the WWE would let someone they hate make fun of the owner like that.

Was under the impression that if the McMahon's like you, then they aren't afraid to embarrass themselves to show it. Look what Stephanie did for Vicki the night she left. The same would apply to them letting Sandow dress, talk and walk like Vince. Stephanie came on and gave him shit later, and punished him, but they let him make fun of the guy signing his paycheck.

Sandow seems to be quite happy performing his little skits, it's getting him on TV unlike others, Fandango for one, who has completely disappeared of late. And maybe he has realized that not everyone in the company is going to get a title shot, and he is at best getting matches, and paid. I've spoken to a few wrestlers and they all tell me they love to perform for the crowds, it's like a drug they get addicted too. Nothing would be worse than being left to sit in the locker room watching everyone else get their fix, and you are left behind.
I like Damien Sandow actually.. He is quite good on the mic actually i disagree with some of the people who say he isnt. You really dont think MizDow is a good idea? It is,it keeps him interesting and on TV. Yes he has turned into a comedy act but he good in the ring. Pretty big athletic guy,can talk circles around people on the mic.

It Could be that maybe he actually enjoys his spot.. Every company has all kinds of people some bitch and moan about their spot,some dont want it,and some are quite comfortable in their position.. Damien from what i understand a comfortable living,and maybe he is happy in his position.. He is quite enjoyable to see actually

The copycat poster, Pedigree1 is here, oh joy. So many stolen points. At least he's stealing from someone other than Jack Hammer this time.

Also, pretty big athletic guy? PLEAAASE. I haven't seen a guy with this type of physique get that flabby since JBL... Sandow is jiggly and lacks muscle definition. His body just doesn't look that good. How do you expect a guy with this physique to be at the top? On top of that, he has not shown any significant form of "athleticism" that sets him apart from any other wrestler. He wrestles an old school aggressive style that includes zero/very few high spots. The fanciest move he does is the Elbow of Disdain, which anyone on that roster could do.

On the mic, he's hit or miss. The crowds reaction will usually tell someone if they're cutting a good promo or not (Though, the crowds used to be way more engaged in the actual product. Nowadays it seems like they mostly just want to be part of the spectacle). Sometimes Sandow gets a real reaction, sometimes he gets very little. He's gotta find that niche in order to create a consistent reaction, and get WWE booking on his side. Right now he's bouncing between roles as a Stunt Double and Live Event Jobber. I'm sure he'll get at least one more crack at a serious character. I'm just not sure of when. If Barrett can succeed after being repackaged several times, Sandow certainly can too.

See, Pedigree1? It is actually possible to have your own opinion about something. What a concept.
Since Sandow is getting more screentime recently, do you think we could finally see the return of the Intellectual Savior?

Much as I'd like to see this, the increased screen time could mean that the next step is out the door. (give him a sandwich and a road map).

Someone mentioned Drew McIntyre. Both he and Jinder Mahal had tons of TV time right before they were given their walking papers.....and both were forced to job cleanly to El Torito (El Pequeno Bullshit) right before their exits.

That's what I fear for Damien Sandow. He's been working the asshole circuit in recent months, dressing up in foolish costumes and losing quickly to whomever they put him in with. Now, he's stooging to the Miz, playing the idiot. Personally, I hate what they're doing to Sandow.

I can see the next step being out the door......but even if it's not, if WWE management saw his Intellectual Savior gimmick as successful, I figure Damien would still be doing it.

Too bad.
Why would you want him to return to a past gimmick? Isn't the point for individuals to move forward? Sandow has found a great spot on the roster and he has worked wonders with it. Not everyone can be working the main event or have a serious type character. I'm willing to bet there are a lot of boys in the locker room that would kill for the face time Sandow gets every week.

Moving forward I hope Sandow starts making his own movie trailers and lands a small role in a WWE film. His character evolving where he thinks he is a bigger star than Miz would be gold.
Why would you want him to return to a past gimmick? Isn't the point for individuals to move forward? Sandow has found a great spot on the roster and he has worked wonders with it. Not everyone can be working the main event or have a serious type character. I'm willing to bet there are a lot of boys in the locker room that would kill for the face time Sandow gets every week.

Moving forward I hope Sandow starts making his own movie trailers and lands a small role in a WWE film. His character evolving where he thinks he is a bigger star than Miz would be gold.

Then what about this. How about R-Truth turns heel and costs Ziggler the title at Night of Champions. Then Miz, Sandow and Truth form a stable!

The Miz is delusional and thinks he's a huge Hollywood star.
R-Truth is delusional and thinks he's a huge rap icon.

And Sandow is their agent! Have Sandow come out with a jacket and his big Hollywood glasses, and maybe talk on the phone Paul E style talking about how he gets both his clients some big gigs.

That would be a refreshing take on his character. And it allows for him to be paired with multiple wrestlers as a "talent agent".

I just want to see him taken seriously again. He's got too much potential to be wasted in a comedy role.
I could really get into this. Damien Sandow played the Intellectual Savior of the Masses gimmick really good and was entertaining.

Who am I kidding? John Cena buried him, and then creative forgot about him.

Besides, Vince will scrap any good ideas that creative comes up with.
Regardless of how it ends up happening, Sandow needs to return to the intellectual persona. The impressions gimmick has gone on for too long and being Miz's "stunt double" will do him no favors. I feel bad for Sandow. Someone as gifted as as he is in the ring and on the mic should be getting a better push. Why wasn't HE pushed to feud with Ziggler over the Intercontinental Championship instead of Miz? Sandow can actually work a decent match. Sure he might never make it to the World Heavyweight Championship now that there is only one world title, but he can definitely be a top contender in the midcard for either the US Championship or Intercontinental Championship if he returns to his intellectual gimmick. Being humiliated with the impressions gimmick and being Miz's "stunt double" will not get him anywhere. He needs to change back to his former gimmick and the sooner it happens the better off he will be.
I can see Sandow eventually returning to the gimmick, but not anytime soon. He should turn face by turning on Miz, and hopefully that will be enough to propel him into a mid-card face position. From there, he gives up his impersonator gimmick and starts having meaningful feuds and challenging for a mid card belt.

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