Damien Demento, Mantaur, The Bezerker....


Pre-Show Stalwart
The list could go on and on but which gimmick do you think was the worst idea ever to come from the mouth of vince mcmahon?

I mean think about walking into a meeting with vince and he sits you down and says " I've got the perfect idea for you. Your going to become a viking who storms the ring with a big sword. What do you think?". I would probably laugh in his face tbh.

Anyway the point is who was vinnie macs worst creation?

1: bastion booger
2: mantaur
3: damien demento
4: The Bezerker
5: Mordicai

Who is your worst vinnie mac gimmicks?
I'd say Mantaur was dumb. With the big Head on I'm not sure what the idea was outside of comedy relief.

I think Mordecai could of worked and don't think he should be listd as one of the worse gimmicks.

BAstion Booger was a little dumb to and I'd rate that one second. Dude, was strange.

Damien Demento was wierd and from reading De Mott's book he thought he was the man and came in to WWE with to big a head than he should have. I think if he didn't do that he might have made it longer.

I for one am a fan of The Berzerker and also wouldn't put him as a worst gimmick.
Jim Neidhart as Who. Perhaps this was done solely to embarrass Neidhart; but, the angle had no longevity. It wasn't even funny the first time. The Abbott and Costello angle was a fail out of the gate.
I’m not looking to ruin the good natured fun of this thread but there is one thing I want to point out. Not every idea is intended on being a million dollar idea or even a success. Plenty of characters have been created over the years to simply serve as filler. For example, I highly doubt Vince saw huge dollar signs with Damian Demento. He probably figured Demento was a passable character to fill time on his tv shows and work with some guys to fill the gap between bigger things.

That of course does not mean there haven’t been a number of bad ideas over the years. Off the top of my head I’d say the worst may have been the Red Rooster. I get how the idea came about. Bobby Heenan stated he could take someone with limited talent and ability and make him a star. Heenan could help Taylor overcome his shortcomings and even his ridiculous name because he was that good of a manager. From the beginning the angle was set up for Taylor to eventually stand up to Heenan and go on his own. He did just that, but he should have ditched the Red Rooster gimmick when he did it. Instead he embraced it and actually started acting like a rooster. He would walk like a rooster and crow like a rooster. He looked ridiculous doing it. I just can’t imagine someone suggesting having a professional wrestler act like a rooster.
i was a fan of Bezerker actually. I remember when he tried to stab undertaker with his sword but taker rolled out of the way and he wound up stabbing the ring. for me, i remember lots of crazy gimmicks like the original MVP baseball guy but the worst had to be the beaver cleavage!!! i hated the headbangers and even i'll say mosh didnt deserve that.
Wait wait wait....you listed those 5, but Saba Simba isn't involved? I mean...did you SEE Tony Atlas as Saba Simba? It bordered "mildly disturbing"...and that was just his ring gear.

Not to mention The Goon, TL Hopper (the wrestling plumber), Qwang (Savio Vega with a mask), the original MVP (dressed like a baseball player), and Repo Man. With all of the ones mentioned and the original 5, at gunpoint I'd have to go with TL Hopper, but I could easily be talked into Mantaur or Bastion Booger
Seems no one remembers Man Mountain Rock... how about The Goon or than Plumber guy? or even Al Snow's Avatar and Aldo Montoya.

Seen some great choices. Gonna go with Man Mountain Rock just because he seems to have completely fallen off the radar.

The goon has to be the stupidest idea to come from Vince Mcmahon. I mean for satan's sake, the guy was wrestling with skates as wrestling boots. Not even in TNA you would see something like that. WCW had Shockmaster ( worst wrestling gimmick ever).
The list could go on and on but which gimmick do you think was the worst idea ever to come from the mouth of vince mcmahon?

I mean think about walking into a meeting with vince and he sits you down and says " I've got the perfect idea for you. Your going to become a viking who storms the ring with a big sword. What do you think?". I would probably laugh in his face tbh.

Anyway the point is who was vinnie macs worst creation?

1: bastion booger
2: mantaur
3: damien demento
4: The Bezerker
5: Mordicai

Who is your worst vinnie mac gimmicks?

I don't think Mordecai, The Berserker or Damien Demento are at all bad. They weren't killer gimmicks, but they were definitely a bit more believable than characters like Max Moon (hopping up steps with visible gas blowing out of things attached to his arm to look like he was propelled upwards) and The Gobbledygooker (yeah I know it was just a seasonal thing but still).

How about the evil Santa Claus character, Xanta Claus? Or even just dumb names like The Red Rooster (not so much a gimmick since it's not like he was playing a guy who thought he was a chicken)?

Bastion Booger was bad, but his other character Friar Ferguson wasn't too bad.

And Damien Demento wasn't all Vince's idea... the guy played Mondo Kleen on the independent circuit before that and had the same exact look. Vince just gave him a new name and the "from the outer reaches of your mind" intro, but the character was pretty much the same.
I for one think Wayon mercy was dumb, he would come out shake his oppenents hand then beat the crap out of him. had a catch phrase of know what i mean. he was the wrestling ernest p worrel. Who also could forget the red rooster, dont know what terry taylor did to deserve this one. had to come out with a red mowhawk and strut his way to the ring, that was just bad. friar fergussen the wrestling monk, i think he lasted about 2 weeks before leaving. he never served a porpouse or did anything. akeem, was cool as the one man gang, then finds his roots and comes out in yellow and blue and dances around, not good there vince. Nailz was pretty bad, was a former prisoner of the big boss man, comes in beats up on people, then fights bossman loses and never seen again. Outback jack was horrible also, the only good thing was him theme song which was tie me down kangaroo sport. was from the outback in australia was hyped for several weeks, could not really wresltle, had probably the worst finsher in the history of the wwe, the boomerang he would clotheline the guy from the front then do it again from the back.These are a few i can think of as of right now
Out of your list I'd go with Mantaur. He was just horrible.

Personally, I don't think anything will ever be the dissapointment that the Gobbly Gooker was. They hyped a suprise at Survivor Series forever. And when that damn turkey came out of the egg everyone in the arena was disapointed. How could he be that stupid? Did he actually think people would want to see a wrestling chicken? What was in the egg was supposed to be a big deal. People thought it might be Andre coming back or a new superstar. Instead, it was the Gobbly Gooker. Remember the millinium countdown clock that Jericho had. Can you imagine how mad people would be if that countdown led to a man in a turkey costume. I think its hands down the biggest flop in the history of the WWE.
Though I understand that the OP is looking for specific wrestlers/gimmicks, a particular theme stands out the most in my mind to suggest that Vinnie Mac ate lead-based paint chips as a child.

Most of the "second job" gimmicks of the early 90's WWF were pretty attrocious. These included:

Man Mountain Rock: Rock star who couldn't play the guitar and didn't even believably pass it off like he could. Darryl Peterson could've came out doing air guitar and it would've only been slightly less believable.

TL Hopper: Wrestling Plumber. Did the old Caddyshack routine where he ate a Snickers bar out of a pool once. The same "spot" Bill Murray did about a decade prior might've made you laugh to tears. TL Hoppers antics made longtime fans simply want to cry in frustration.

Thurman "Sparky" Plugg - Holly was a race car driver. STP (sort of)... get it? Neither did the audience.

Abe "Knuckleball" Schwartz - Steve Lombardi's (Brooklyn Brawler) shot at the big time. He was a baseball player... ON STRIKE! He even carried signs in the crowd indicating so... to the delight of absolutely no one. I think this gimmick lasted a month, tops.

The Goon - Great name. Solid wrestler in "Wild" Bill Irwin who played the part. He wore fake ice skates to the ring and (literally) faced off with opponents before the match. It was scary bad.

Though there were some standouts in this era... IRS immediately springs to mind and I have a special place in my heart for Repo Man, most of the "second job" gimmicks were quite horrific.
When reading this I thought of a few guys.

A lot of them have already been named so let me leave those ones alone.

But I would like to add a few other names to this list.

Kizarny, I was originally excited to see this guy on the main roster, he is talented, but people really didn't 'get' his gimmick, and to be fair to the man, WWE didn't give him much of a shot.

I wanted to say Big Bully Busick. Remember him?, he had a mustache, a hat and would burst kids balloons with his cigar on the way to the ring, but the fact that I hated that he did that probably meant he was doing it right.

Kerwin White, Chavos alter ego, with Dolph Ziggler as his caddy! Ridiculous.

Road Warrior Heidenreich. Just no, don't mess with what was probably the best tag team ever. I dread the day we see Demolition 2000 or some crap.
May get flack for this one but I would have to say "King" Harley Race. Yes he was at the end of his run in the business but come on. This was Harley freakin Race and he was reduced to a gimick driven joke. The night he jobed to Hogan on SNME was just sad. How do u go from being the face of the NWA for as long as he was to jobbing on national T.V.? Never got it.
I’m not looking to ruin the good natured fun of this thread but there is one thing I want to point out. Not every idea is intended on being a million dollar idea or even a success. Plenty of characters have been created over the years to simply serve as filler. For example, I highly doubt Vince saw huge dollar signs with Damian Demento. He probably figured Demento was a passable character to fill time on his tv shows and work with some guys to fill the gap between bigger things.

Agreed. If you really dig into it, the 90's were chock full of horrific gimmicks. That's just part of the evolution of the pro-wrestling products, over the years. Every era had it's own category of what it produced and, unfortunately, the NewGen Era just might be the era that produced the absolute WORST gimmick wrestlers of all time.

That of course does not mean there haven’t been a number of bad ideas over the years. Off the top of my head I’d say the worst may have been the Red Rooster. I get how the idea came about. Bobby Heenan stated he could take someone with limited talent and ability and make him a star. Heenan could help Taylor overcome his shortcomings and even his ridiculous name because he was that good of a manager. From the beginning the angle was set up for Taylor to eventually stand up to Heenan and go on his own. He did just that, but he should have ditched the Red Rooster gimmick when he did it. Instead he embraced it and actually started acting like a rooster. He would walk like a rooster and crow like a rooster. He looked ridiculous doing it. I just can’t imagine someone suggesting having a professional wrestler act like a rooster.

Don't even get me started... Taylor was just GOD AWFUL with that gimmick. But he's not the only one to embody the dumbest of dumb character ideas...

Come on... who, as a professional athlete, makes tugboat horn sounds, is a big, fat guy, wears the pilsbury dough boy hat, and is supposed to be threatening??

Repo Man
Ok, he steals shit. And he's hunched over, he's only 5'3", and most people don't even realize he used to be in Demolition. WTF??

Johnny B Badd
From a gimmick perspective, regardless of how chiseled the guy was and regardless of his boxing background, he was named after a 1958 song by Chuck fucking Barry because Badd resembled Little Richard... LIPSTICK AND ALL. Just horrific.

And that's just the TIP of the iceberg... I can go on forever.
Kerwin White. The sad thing is Eddie died for that gimmick too die. If it's not white it's not right. If I was Chavo I would have quit on principal it was one of the most racist gimmicks in wrestling history.

I did like Mordicai. He had some good promos that had you believing he was going to feud with "the man who lies cheats and steals" and "the lord of darkness". He was the heel that was going to rid the WWE of fan favorites that did bad things. He only lasted 1 month that gimmick could have been the opposite to the Undertaker and it could have been a good feud.

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