Daft Punk's Random Access Memories

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
The enigmatic revolutionaries of the EMD scene are dropping their fourth album in a matter of weeks and it's high time we start discussing it. Unfortunately Daft Punk has kept Random Access Memories (RAM) shrouded in uber-secrecy since their last album, Human After All, was leaked months before its release date. While the track list for RAM has been released and there have been listening parties for music critics throughout the world, the only currently available song is Get Lucky, the album's debut single:


There are also substantiated rumors that RAM's last track, Contact, will be a more polished version of this song:


Is anyone else as excited about this album as I am? Have any of you outside of Europe heard of Daft Punk?
It has to be the best album of the year, right? This is going to be massive. Get Lucky is one of the best dance songs of the past couple of years and I am excited.

"Have any of you outside of Europe heard of Daft Punk?"

That's an odd thing to say.

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